Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Seven Days to the Grave

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: Zombies and skeletons are subject to sneak attack in Pathfinder. Almost all undead are, actually. With a few exceptions, the only things now immune are those with no discernable separate body parts (oozes, slimes, etc), constructs, and elementals.

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Dr Simon

The last remaining zombie swings clumsily at Manachan, who is easily able to block as he backs away to allow Edmond or Ignatius to deal with it.

Zombie #4 attacks Manachan, miss.

I checked the initiative again, Ignatius is up next, then back round to Manachan and Edmond. I hope Kaodi is with us again post-hack.


Seeing Manachan has backed off and said something to Edmond, Ignatius guesses that the situation is well under control and that the duskblade will deal with it at range. The ifrit also backs off.

OOC: It's all you now I think, [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] .
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Dr Simon

The last zombie bursts in an explosion of pustulence, but the tactics of tackling it with a reach wepaon means that no-one gets splattered. All that remains is the disturbing rustling and scraping from the animated corpse parts trapped behind the glass walls and floor.

There are four smaller doors - two on the left, two on the right-hand wall, and double doors leading forwards. Unlike the previous room, none of these are decorated in any way.

Ignatius recalls tales that he's heard about Urgathoa, that her temples often feature what is known as the Princess's Bacchanal, a sort of momento mori except that the message is "One day you will be undead". Until now it had sounded like an exaggeration.


"If I may go out on a limb, I bet those double doors lead right into their temple," say Ignatius as he invokes his sensory magic to detect what energies reside in this new area. "Shall we announce ourselves with fire and steel?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Let's try this one."

Duskblade focuses and the sound of revelry bursts around them, but barely above whisper volume.

"I can make it much louder. Or change the sound to that of trooping soldiers or anything else you like, as long as it's fairly indistinct. I cannot re-create the speech for example."

OOC: Ghost sound magic attunement power :)


"I was kind of thinking we would just bust in and take them by surprise," says Ignatius. "But I suppose we could just lure them out... Troops would probably be best."


First Post

Gulping in anticipation at heading down the corridor filled with crawling...things, Mhairi offers an opinion. "They'll have more than one way in and out down here. You'd be pretty dumb to build an underground place with only one tunnel in and out - what if it collapses?"

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