Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Seven Days to the Grave


Thy wounds are healed!
"Thanks Edmond," Brindom says letting out the breath he was holding as Edmond tried his magics. "Better toknow now that it isn't something like that than to be always wondering."

He turms back to Mamusia Lela. "You said you knew someone good with cards, um Zellara? You don't know where she is or has she pasted on?"

[sblock=OOC] Making sure I mention the harrow reader in the presence of Edmond he should remember her. ;) [/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Zellara is dead. Dj'ahn got her blessing to use her cards and he uses them occasionaly. Probably could use few lessons, but he gets distracted easily. I can find him if you want true Harrow deck to try a reading, venerable mother. That matter with Lamm, if you remember we talked about, she pointed us in right direction.

We delivered her body to her people here."

Dr Simon

"Ah yes," says Mamusia Lela. "So you're the ones who inherited her Harrow deck. Well." She puts a hand on Brienna's forehead. The girl stirs but doesn't wake up. "She seems better," she says to Brindom. "Maybe there is something to be said for fancy city learning after all," she adds with a smile. She straightens (as much as her old back will allow) and adjusts her shawls. "We will have to wait until tomorrow to see if you have given her the strength to shake of the sickness. If the young gentleman allows, I would like to meet you here again in the morning, and maybe you could bring Zellara's successor?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Of course. If not tomorrow then the day after, it may take a day to find him."

OOC: Fast forward 12 hours, Edmond looks for Dj'ahn and explains everything to him and asks him to come.


Although a search of Edmond's house fails to turn up the tiny urchin lurking around, Edmond unexpectedly finds Dj'hân's liripoop tucked into a side pouch of his backpack before he turns in for the night. On a hunch he peeks inside the cap and so finds the boy and his pseudodragon companion happily munching away on cookies while playing some sort of game with dice. Surprised, both Majenko and Dj'hân turn to regard Edmond's large face as it looms outside the cap's brim. Both tiny occupants faces are covered in cookie crumbs. "Oh! Hi Edmond. Wanna play? We have cookies..."

OOC: I'm back, and so is Dj'hân! :)


Thy wounds are healed!
Brindom nods to the suggestion. "I could be a little better prepared tomorrow as well." he says thinking that maybe a quick stop to the temple might be in order.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Dj'ahn! Were you here all this time? There is an old healer that knows Zellara and would like to meet the one who inherited her deck. Would you come tomorrow?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I'm not comfortable entering your little hat and I don't have any cookies, but I'll get you two milk so you can enjoy. Just please notify me when you get out so I don't loose you again, alright?"

OOC: once holyman posts his new spell selection we can continue with morning visit


Thy wounds are healed!
Bridom wakes in the morning with a sense of purpose he wshes his face and changs into his vestments and knells on the rug in his room. Praying the young cleric asks for Erastil to help guide him so he may help the little girl Brienna.

[sblock=spells] Actually not much I can do with the spells, now if I were 5th lvl then I;d have some helpful things.

0 LVL- Resistance, Guidance, Detect Poison, Stabilize
1 LVL- Deathwatch, Bless Water, Detect Evil, Cure Light Wounds(1d8+4) + Bless
2 LVL- Restorstion(lesser), Augury, Cure Moderate Wounds(2d8+4) + Shield Other [/sblock]

HP: 48/48
AC: 20 T:13 FF:17
Init: +3
Speed: 20'
Fort: +5
Ref: +4
Will: +6

Channel Energy (2d6) - 5/5
Calming Touch - 6/6
Touch of Good - 6/6

potions of clw (1d8+1) 2/2
scrolls of cmw (2d8+3) 2/2[/sblock][/QUOTE]

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