Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Seven Days to the Grave

Dr Simon

Deathwail passes through the blurred outline of the ratman, Girrigz, and connects with something solid. The creature is jolted by an arc of lightning, but is still standing after the onslaught. It gives a manic laugh.

"I'm ready to be a martyr to the revolution!" it cries. "Soon my plague will have brought you stinking humans to your knees! My death will avail you naught!"

Edmond attack 15+13=28, hit. Miss chance 20% = 94, still hit. Damage 2d4+9+4d6=25.

Next, Dj'hân, the Girrigz.

Note, I've not updated the map this time for one 5 ft. step - I'm sure you can figure it out.

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The tiny hovering urchin rolls his overlarge eyes as the frost motes around him vaporize and disappear in the quickly warming air swirling around him. "Are you two done with your chat yet? Sheesh!..." With a dismissive wave of a tiny hand, Dj'hân unleashes a desiccating wind upon the three ratmen lined up before him.

OOC: 15-ft cone of fire; 2d6 damage; Ref DC 15 half.

Dr Simon

The ratman closest to Dj'hân finds it easiest to avoid the worst of the firewind, but the other two end up with smouldering fur. With a roar of rage, the leader steps inside Edmond's reach with a flurry of savage rapier strikes. His attempt to bite Edmond's hand on the shaft of Deathwail meets only armour.

Hey, talking is a free action! ;)

[sblock=What Girrigz could have said]
"We see then: the means of production and of exchange, on whose foundation the bourgeoisie built itself up, were generated in feudal society. At a certain stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, the conditions under which feudal society produced and exchanged ... the feudal relations of property became no longer compatible with the already developed productive forces; they became so many fetters. They had to be burst asunder; they were burst asunder. Into their place stepped free competition, accompanied by a social and political constitution adapted in it, and the economic and political sway of the bourgeois class. A similar movement is going on before our own eyes ... The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions, by which they are fettered, and so soon as they overcome these fetters, they bring order into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger the existence of bourgeois property"

Dj'hân line of fire 2d6=4. #2 makes his save, #4 and #5 don't.

Girrigz 5 ft. step towards Edmond, followed by full attack. Rapier attack hits for 10 damage, rapier second attack critical hits for 17 damage, bite attack misses.

Next, Majenko


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Dr Simon

Majenko's sting grazes the wererat, who jabs defensively with his shortswrd whilst stepping back towards an opening in the cave wall behind him, but doesn't succumb to the poison.

Meanwhile the other two wererats fight a holding action, one of them again grazing Dj'hân with his shortsword, the other attacking Manachan with sword and bite, but unable to get past his skillful blocks.

Majenko sting attack 13+6=19, hit. Ratman #1 makes Fort save.

Ratman #1, attacks Majenko, miss. 5 ft. step.
Ratman #2, shortsword attack on Dj'hân, hits for 3 damage.
Ratman #4, shortsword attack on Manachan, miss, bite attack on Manachan, miss.

No map update for this round as there were only slight movements on behalf of Majenko and wererat #1.

Next up:

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Manachan turns his attentions to the ratman moving south out of the room, confident that his friends can handle the leader.

[sblock=OOC]Attack #4 w/ Silver Dagger, +4 TH, 1d4-1 Damage[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Brindom knows he has to get back into this fight quickly the others need him to help. He reaches down to take a scroll from one of the cases at his belt and suddenly a sharp pain goes through his shoulder.

The young cleric looks around to see what hit him and sees nothing. Nothing but the large rat-man striking Edmond and he remembers. "The spell! I need..." He doesn't get the sentence out the rat-man leader strikes Edmond again and Brindom collaspes from the pain of the additional wounds.

[sblock=OOC] Well good news Edmond only took 14 pts damage from the ratman - Bad news Brindom took the other 13 (assuming you round down) and that dropped the cleric. Check to stabilize is 1d20-2 DC 10. Also the bonus AC and saves is lost sorry, :( [/sblock]

HP: -3/48
AC: 20
Fort: +5
Reflex: +4
Will: +6
BAB: +3
CMD: 16

longbow +8, 1d8 (arrows 20/20)
short sword +3, 1d6

channel energy(2d6) 2/5
Touch of Good 6/6
Calming Touch 6/6

holy water: 2/2
potions(2) clw-1d8+1
scrolls(2) cmw- 2d8+3
wand of remove disease 50/50

0- create water, guidance, purify food&drink, stabilize
1- protection from evil, deathwatch, cure light wounds, shield of faith, d- bless
2- status, lesser restoration, cure mod. wounds, d- shield other

Dr Simon

OOC: Dr. Simon did forget about the AC bonus, but by my reckoning this puts Edmond's AC at 19, so all attacks do still hit.

Manachan darts and slashes with the silver dagger, opening up a gash on the wererat's forearm. It gives a squeak of surprise at having been damaged.

Manachan dagger attack 15+4=19, hits for 1d4=4 damage.

The good news is that silver weapons don't have a damage penalty in PF.

Next up, Edmond, then Dj'hân. Time to avenge Brindom!


Thy wounds are healed!
OOC: I'm not dead yet Doc, don't forget to roll my stabilize check for the round. please roll high, please roll high...

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