Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Seven Days to the Grave


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Would you turn to human, please? I will remove the weapon from your neck."

If the rat obeys, Edmond asks further
"Why did you take mamusia Lela? And what plan was Girgizz talking about? Is anyone paying you to do it?"

After he hears the answer...
"How long are you wererat? Did Girgizz 'create' you? And did he control you or just was leader of the pack? What are you planning to do now if we let you go?"

The questions come here as a barrage, but Edmond actually waits for the answer before continuing.

Also add this if the ratman says he lives here more then about 5 years:
"Do you remember a pair of humans with a child that lived in sewers for some time. Parents turned to ghouls. Do you know of it? And do you know what happened to them?"

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Dj'hân finishes off the rat before rejoining his companions in the other room.


Majenko's scales shift to a comforting blue tone when he sees Mamusia Lela alive. A stray though crosses the elderly woman's mind as the tiny dragon pads towards her. It's alright; you'll be safe now. I'm going to unbind you. The pseudodragon uses his sharp fangs to chew through her bindings, allowing her to remove her own gag once her hands are free.

Dr Simon

The wererat does as Edmond asks, and transforms to his human self. He doesn't look much better, nor much less rat-like. Yellow prominent incisors, lank hair, eyes darting to and fro.

"It was Girrigz idea to take the old woman, said she was somebody important amongst the Varisians. He had big plans to take back the city. How would you like it, human, to be despised for what you are? To be made to live in the worst places of the city, and then hated for living there? Girrigz wanted the wererats to claim our place up above."

"I was born this way, hated for the way I was. Girrigz didn't create me, but yes, yes, I think he did have some hold over me. I promise not to hurt anyone if you let me go. All I wanted was some respect for a change."

"Don't know of humans living in the sewers. I thought that was just us rats and the otyughs who got forced down here. Guess your kind is more cruel that I thought."

Meanwhile, Majenko unties Mamusia Lela, and she massages her limbs as she climbs to her feet.

"My thanks, noble dragon," she says. "Have you come with the young gentlemen?"


"My thanks, noble dragon," she says. "Have you come with the young gentlemen?"
Majenko dips his saurian head in acknowledgement of the matron's thanks as a though crosses her mind. I did; he and his human companions are in the next room interrogating a surviving wererat. Are you injured?


Indeed. Follow me. The pseudodragon's scales brighten to a nearly lustrous ochre as he proudly leads the elderly woman into the adjoining chamber.


Alighting. Dj'hân pulls out the Harrow deck from his liripoop, studying a card as he walks from chamber to chamber in search of anything magical amongst the ratmen's things.
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Dr Simon

Edmond has reached the end of his current round of questions for the wererat, when Majenko appears from the adjacent cave followed by Mamusia Lela. She seems unharmed.

"Ah, then Deyanira managed to find you, good. I knew the young gentlemen would be able to help." She sees Brindom lying on the floor. "The young man is hurt," she says as she slowly bends down to check on him, "but I see he will live. We must get him somewhere with better air than this rathole. And I have something to tell you, I think I have learned something about this plague." She tugs her shawl about her shoulders. "But this rathole, again, is not the best place for such tales."

Girrigz must have hoarded all the magical gear for himself. His chainmail armour and his silver rapier are both magical, and in the nest in the room where Mamusia Lela was held Dj'hân also finds four potion bottle and a metal flask that register as magic. There is also a dagger with these, but although well-made and silvered, it is not magical.


"First things first." Dj'hân pulls off his liripoop, draws a carved wooden stick as tall as he is, walks over to Brindom and, closing his eyes, mutters under his breath as he pokes the man's prone body.

OOC: Repeatedly attempting Use Magic Device rolls to activate the wand of cure light wounds to heal Brindom and everyone else who was injured in the fight till they're fully healed. Please let me know how many charges that takes.


OOC: There's no chance of wasting charges when activating a wand and no penalty for trying again. The worst that can happen is to roll a 1 on the skill check, which will just result in Dj'hân being unable to use the wand for the rest of the day.

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