Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Seven Days to the Grave

Dr Simon

"We don't use that area, it's just a remnant from when this building was a warehouse," says Davaulus. He gestures to one of the Physicians who moves to open the tall functional doors behind the screen. Sure enough, beyond is a disused looking warehouse with a scattering of crates and empty cage, and a smell of old and exotic wood.
"But of course you're welcome to look. May I ask what
this new information is upon which you are acting?"

OOC: Ah, right, didn't see that on the map. I don't know if it's meant to be a curtain or doors, but we'll go with a curtain in front of doors!


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
@Kaodi, it's EdmOnd not EdmUnd :) At first I thought it's a typo, but you're constantly writing it wrong

Edmond shrugs noncommittally.
"It would be better if they don't know what we're looking for so there is no chance of hidden ears going forward and hiding or removing it. But other than that, by all means. I'm sure good doctor has nothing to hide and we're here just to cover all the bases. You're in charge."


" Well, Dr. Davaulus, during our investigations we recovered a suspicious package that we believe may be connected to the origin of this plague " says Ignatius. " This package was on board a ship that had had ownership transferred to one 'R. Davaulus' . Now, I am sure this is just a sad coincidence, and that you had nothing to do this package, but it would be negligent of us to not follow up every lead. " The ifrit hopes he has not said too much. His judgement can sometimes be a little, well, spotty in these matters.

Dr Simon

Davalus knits his heavy brows togetherin a frown of concern.

"Can't say I remember ever owning a ship," he says. "Most strange. Please, tell me more."

Red points to the dark bulk of Castle Korvosa, spires of black stone rising from a pyramidal structure that towers over the city.

"Well, they says everything in Varisia has a Runelord under it," he says, "but what I hears is, Chelaxians builds the castle on top of Shoanti ruins, and Shoanti's builds pyramid on top of Runelord ruins. Or so rumour says. They says Shoantis were tryings to contain some ancient evil." He shrugs under his cloak. "Rubbish, I says."
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" Once we have completed our search, " says Ignatius, " I would be more than happy to apprise you of all the details. But not until then. "


First Post

"Hmmm...is that so?" Mhairi says, pensively, while running two fingers across her lips. "It does have a certain common sense about it...but then with no proof you could say there is a black dragon under the palace too. And that would also make sense."

The half-elf beckoned Red closer. As he approached she leaned forward and whispered in his ear "Are there tunnels under the palace that we could visit later, to check?" As Mhairi drew back she glanced down into the warehouse, checking no drama was taking place before turning back to Red and smiling coyly. "Well, that might be useful information, and I always pay for good tip offs." She reached forward under his coat and began wandering her hand around, looking for his laces in a deliberately clumsy fashion. Have you got anything else that would be good to know?"

Dr Simon

Davaulus gives a small, enigmatic, smile and opens his hands expansively.

"As you wish," he says. "Would you mind if inspected my patients, as long as I'm down here? Let me know when you have searched to your satisfaction."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As soon as the door closes Edmond whispers
"This could be a trap. Even if he really wants to check on the patients, he could have sent one of his physicians or Maidens with us.

Get you shield up, I'll be right behind you. Manachan, can you tumble over us if there is need?"

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