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Far too often, genres outside of Dungeons & Dragons style fantasy get pigeonholed into one game. There are hundreds of riffs on swords, sorcerers and elves on shelves at gaming stories around the world, but put out a Weird Western game and there’s always at least one person who thinks all we need is Deadlands. Space horror is breaking that mold thanks to games like Alien and Mothership both...
In my in-depth review for Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos I noted that while there was a lot to like in the D&D adaptation of the Magic the Gathering set focused on a magical school, it didn't quite measure up to the high standards set by Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft or The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. But what did other reviewers think? Let's take a look.
The popularity of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition is obvious. Many publishers are doing their best to try and take advantage. So far, most publishers have avoided the pitfalls of the Third Edition era in making a play for that 5e customer dollar.. Some of my first design work was on Swashbuckling Adventures for 7th Sea and converting my design work to satisfy the dual stat mandate was the...
In my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition) review of the Enemy Within Campaign – Volume 4: The Horned Rat (PDF only), Middenheim the city was well covered as was a great enemy, the Skaven. While The Horned Rat Companion (PDF only) contains 64 pages of excellent supplementary ratmen material, I’m going to focus on the Middle Mountains in this review.
The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game isn't the first (or second, etc.) Marvel universe RPG or even the first one designed in-house. Yet reading the playtest rulebook I can't help feeling like the expectations for this version is higher.
Vampires and vampire hunters go together like peanut butter and chocolate. What is Dracula without Van Helsing? Blade without Deacon Frost? One of the most warmly remembered books from the early days of Vampire: The Masquerade was The Hunters Hunted which did a lot of great work in showing fans how regular people survived the World of Darkness and how an elite few fought back. While ad hoc...
Hello my friends and welcome to another PAIZO REVIEW! Today we’re taking on a monster of a setting guide and sinking our teeth into Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens. The devs were really let off the leash for this one, so let’s quit mucking about and get into it!
Good RPG advice can be hard to find. There are often some nuggets in the GM section of the core book, but those are usually too busy running through the rules for broader topics like theme and feel. Star Trek stories play out in a certain way, usually with a moral quandary in the center, with characters we know and love debating the pros and cons of the issue. Modiphius recently released the...
Redacted Records (PDF only) for Wrath & Glory – Warhammer 40K (PDF only) offers several new options for both players and GMs. This review is going to focus on space hulks, Adeptus Mechanicus Frameworks, and touch on new Talents. This book can be used to create Adeptus Mechanicus agents who scour space hulks for salvage which would make for an incredible campaign.
One of the coolest powers of the vampire is their immortality. Living forever is one of the reasons most people would sign up for unending bloodthirst and elbowing their way into a web of immortal intrigue. This aspect of the vampire myth is one of the more challenging aspects to play with for RPGs that feature these nobles of the night. Undying, by Paul Riddle, puts their long lives at the...
It’s hard to believe nearly ten years since the last official Marvel RPG was released. In that time. Marvel has gone from a comic book company to a cultural behemoth. It’s brought home its favorite neighborhood webslinger, made a star out of a talking space raccoon and keeps the water cooler bubbling with weekly streaming shows. This time the company is releasing Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying...
Worldbuilding is generally considered to be the responsibility of the Game Master. Either they’ve labored away at hand crafting a world for the campaign or they’ve done all the research and read as many setting sourcebooks as they could. Many modern games have moved toward shared creation at the table, whether it’s the small tidbits of Blades In The Dark fleshed out in play to Powered By The...
Source books can be tricky to produce. At their best they provide a solid setting full of potential situations; at their worst they can be impenetrable text that doesn’t give up any of the setting's real secrets. A Rough Guide to Glamour lands among the former examples by providing a look into the heart of the Lunar Empire and some of those who shape the empire over the short and long term.
This Storyteller’s Vault offering comes with a very experienced pedigree. Not only is there a lot of experience on the writing team, but one of them also worked on the official Sabbat book.
Role-playing magazines or zines are a fundamental means of communicating content throughout the history of the art. They touch the underground roots of the art and provide a discrete package of content. In itself, the content can range from pure aesthetics to something subversive and inspirational. A great many zines, big and small, try and recapture those early days of hit-or-miss articles...
In screenwriting, the “elevator pitch” boils down an idea to the barest essentials. The practical idea is to focus a story on its strongest concept. It gets its name from the idea that if a creator is ever riding in an elevator with a Hollywood executive, they can turn to the executive, give the one line pitch, and intrigue the power broker long enough to get a meeting. Elevator pitches can be...

This Week in TTRPG


Play a vampire and kill nazis in WW2!
You won't survive this tragedy of doomed heroes!
A new spin on a retro form of text adventure games.
A one-shot adventure which evokes the generational horror of Stephen King.

Dungeons & Dragons

Alternate Player's Handbook cover art by Wylie Beckert.
Get in, nerds—we’re going to Curdello.
Here are a few more tidbits from Game Informer's magazine coverage of the new edition's rulebooks.
Art by Dmitry Burmak.
Dungeon Master’s Guide contains a sample setting—and that setting is, indeed, Greyhawk.
Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

Industry News

D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Developer tool released under Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.
SRD 5.2 will be released under Creative Commons next year.
One of only two TTRPG creators with four separate million dollar Kickstarters!
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