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IG's "Those Left Behind" Chapter 2

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"hey, arnt we missing a couple of people?" asks caerwyn. "if we are to do something, we may need to act fast. What we need is a diversion..." for one who does not seem to be a great thinker, he sure seems to be putting great effort into thinking, or is it that thinking just requires great effort...?

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Shazi flies up to the rooftops while Talashia and company make towards the square. The others, meanwhile, get into a safe position well behind, and out of reach of the man in the white plumed hat. Hiding isn't necessary, as he is completely preoccupied with the goings-on of the carnival.

The magistrate paces across the stage in a dramatic fashion. Despite any shortcoming he may have, his ability to work a crowd is more than impressive.

he shouts, but there is no response. The crowd shuffles a bit and the group can make out the horses, each facing an opposite point on the compass. They're straining, pulling against something, and then stayed by their handlers. The magistrate looks down from the stage, a curved dagger in hand.

"Still no confession?"


"It will come quickly only if you confess!"

Still nothing. The man in the white plumed hat stands up. A nasty grin slashes across his face, and his teeth gleam in the sunlight. Finally the whip cracks, and the horses strain again.

The crowd grimaces and cheers as tendons pop and joints burst. The south and west horses break free first, and Rokelsh's legless torso dangles between the other two before his left arm is torn free and the northern horse bounds away, dragging the remainder of the barbarian's torso with it.

The man in the white plumed hat chuckles as Rokelsh finally manages to loose a feeble wail with what will be his last breath.


First Post
Oh hells Talashia thinks. Grief for a fallen comrade is there, but overwhelmed by sudden gripping fear of how her more impulsive comrades might react. Raising arms against the magistrate or white-plume here and now would only result in another messy execution.

She reaches out both hands, grabbing both Caerwyn's and Rogash's shoulders.

"Steady," she says through clenched teeth. "Both of you, stay steady. We were too late. Reckoning will come, but at a time of our choosing. Do either of you see Uulark or Buurt?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Caerwyn's eyes are bloodshot with anger as he turns to his sister, great beads of sweat tinged with red. he is shaking amd cp;d as her hand grabs his sholder.... rage is just under the surface.

"I must leave . now." he whispers horsely. the smell of bile is on his breath as he speaks.



Gnashing his teeth in frustration, Rogash backs away. "That one will die. I swear by all the gods, that one will die by my hand. His days are numbered."


Uulark Simental, Cleric7, AC18,FF15,T13, HP28?/35

Horrified by the spectacle of his friend's grisly death, Uulark bows his head in prayer for Rokelsh. His body trembles went pent-up rage, but he says nothing, only trembles and grips Buurt's shoulder.


Horrified by the spectacle of his friend's grisly death, Uulark bows his head in prayer for Rokelsh. His body trembles went pent-up rage, but he says nothing, only trembles and grips Buurt's shoulder.

"You knew him," asks Buurt in a question that is more a statement, a barely controlled anger on his own face, although it pales compared to those who knew Rokelsh. "Let's find the others, then we'll work on revenge."


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Shaimon Hu'u, barbaric human druid

Dyspeer whines at something as his ears perk up. Agitated with his own inability to decide on his own, Shai stands. "Let's at least find one set of 'em, yeah? Can't get the pack together if they're all off wandering."

He and his wolf walk out of the Inn, and he realizes then what Dyspeer was responding to. He hears it now, too, the strain of horses, the pop of muscle, and as a break in the crowd occurs, he realizes he knows this man.

No: knew this man.

Shai trembles, hair on the back of his neck rising as Dyspeer issues a low growl. He feels the pack predators within him clamboring to take over, to down the beast who has killed one of their own, and he nearly gives in, but not yet. The man overcomes the beast, and he can almost hear Talashia's venomous chastisement if he were to charge into a crowd and attack an official of the city.

He quiets Dyspeer with a quick pat on the head, and instead of running on instinct, Shaimon Hu'u decides he'll try thinking with his head for once instead of his heart. He decides the best course is the one he had already been on, and begins looking for his companions. Whatever chaos lies below the streets, he decides, might be a far lesser threat than what Law seems to be doing above them.



Turning from the spectacle, Rogash starts to walk away from the crowd unsure of his next move, but positive that he will not be able to watch any more without acting. If any of his companions accompany him he says, "Give me a course of action before I do something rash. Do we return to the sewers or set about waiting for that white-plumed fop in a dark alley somewhere?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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