Upward from Land's End


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Dana McCoy
Antapkos takes a deep breath for effect. "Yes and yes. He hit the skiff with Cormorant, there, and the squad leader, first. Capsized it. Throwing at it would have been useless. Fishbone, my partner, and I rolled out of our skiff. That thing was fast. He spun and nearly took off the arm of Fishbone. He was bleeding out. Our javelins couldn't cut the thing."

"When it grabbed ahold of grumpy... I guess I really shouldn't call him that now that he's dead.. Cormorant managed to hit it in the head with a skiff pole. We think it only stunned it, but he rolled the thing over, and I stuck it in the belly. Even dying that thing thrashed around like mad. When it stopped moving Fishbone had already drifted with the tide."
OOC: 44
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Thank you for your patience. The computer that holds the original data for the construction of this campaign crashed. It has now been taken to a professional for data recovery and subsequent replacement.

Dana McCoy said:
Antapkos takes a deep breath for effect....
Posting for @Eitan Olevsky
Cormorant gestures for the cleaners to go ahead and take the animal for butchering.


The guard, who is likely the one in charge of the four who protect the clerk, stands silent for a moment, his eyes having widened at the wealth of information conveyed. He opens and closes his mouth twice before continuing to speak. "By the Burning Sun, you two may get a promotion from this event. I see the waiting fertilizer, a derogatory term for the elderly of the Flats, are cleaning the thing. Just curious, what are you going to do with it?"

Since the use of the reptile had already been discussed between the two friends, the response given satisfies the guard. The hide and claws are kept while the meat is given to the "mud grubbers."

The clerk motions for Antapkos and Cormorant. When the two young men walk over, he addresses them. "After such a tremendous event, you should be allowed to end your shift early. You will want to take your squad leader back to the training station, anyway. He may have earned a formal disposal. Tell me his name and I will look back in the record and have you sign out as a full shift."
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
2 clams: currency

Lizard Claws: 2 sets of 5: ??
Lizard Hide: 50% cover: ??
Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State responses, mystical actions (if any), and intentions and provide a random roll for each.
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Meanwhile, far to the East, Sprthnt, has the anomalous Spiofthest calls himself, never questions his instant kinship to the Rheini girls, who is named Kuwaia. He had spent the journey back to his own village trying to communicate with her, as best he could. He does not linger long in the village. Feeling some machinations of powers far greater than mortals, after visiting with his mother and introducing the girl, he leaves with her to follow the river, upstream into the mountains.
OOC: 73

Kuwaia had no idea why she was instantly enamored to the Spiofthest, but the tug was far stronger than any tide she had felt in the ocean. She knew he was much older, though he did not look it, and that he would age more slowly than she, but none of that mattered. She suddenly felt completed with him next to her. She would willingly follow him to the ends of the Land.
OOC: 78


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Eitan Olevsky
The query immediately put Cormorant on edge. He opens his mouth, making some sort of noise, but can not formulate words. He is really hoping, Antapkos, who has a much better gift of gab, will jump in to respond. He does not want to fight for his life, right here at the Pavilion, especially with the burn of his scratches still fresh.
OOC: 103


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
posting for @Dana McCoy

That implied question causes an immediate surge of adrenaline for Antapkos, though he shows no sign of distress. Hearing his friends halted attempt at speech, he hopes his talent fo talking will alleviate the situation before it turns dangerous. "Sorry... to be perfectly honest, I cannot even think of his real name. We never used it when speaking to him, and we always called him Grumpy, behind his back."
OOC: 92


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Cormorant... opens... is really hoping...
... Antapkos... hopes...
Antapkos: 21(coerce) + 24(befriend) + 92(d100) = 137
The Clerk, a young Ansylin not much older than either of the two young men, actually laughs. "Grumpy, huh!? Give me second. Here it is. With a nickname such as that, I immediately knew who he was. Is that terrible of me? Anyway, you commander's name is Altoni. I have you signed out. Thank you for your time. I hope those wounds heal soon. The Guard can always use brave men like yourselves."
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
2 clams: currency

Lizard Claws: 2 sets of 5: ??
Lizard Hide: 50% cover: ??
Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide a random roll.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Sprthnt... leaves...

Kuwaia... would willingly follow...
From the Spiofthest village to the high falls, where the water spills from the mountain lake, known as the Lunaedriac, is 9 days of walking, as travel through the forest cannot be done in a straight line, nor is a river ever prone to flow as such. The two become more familiar with one another and the language of one another as they journey, pointing to and naming things with a deliberate attempt to improve communication.

Game is plentiful, including fish, and water is at ready supply, following the river. Both have made part of this journey in the past, traveling with hunting parties from each respective village. With just the two of them, making less noise and displaying much less of a presence, more animals are seen than have ever been previously noticed.

On the fourth day of the trip, the two notice a tall thin boy standing in the shallows of the river, holding a sharpened stick poised over his head, evidently hoping to spear a fish. The boy does not see the two, as he is intent on fishing. Momentarily three others ease into the water to join his efforts.

Having never before seen people with such inky black skin, the young man and woman, stand by the edge of the river and watch them for a while, wondering whether or not they are friendly. Shortly one of the four happens to notice the two and all wondering stops. The other youth makes some awful slathering noise with his mouth, forsakes any idea of fishing, and charges at the two travelers, raising a bone-headed javelin with intent to launch.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide two random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Shocked by such aggression, Sprthnt will wade into the water's edge, draw, and fire an arrow at the charging youth.
OOC: 49

Kuwaia will not throw her only javelin. She will enter the river and move toward the left flank of Sprthnt. She will engage the enemies in melee if they continue to charge. If they do not, she will attempt to avoid being hit but will not throw back.
OOC: 42


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
posting for @Eitan Olevsky

Cormorant takes in a deep breath and looks over toward the elders cleaning the lizard to slowly release it, hoping to hide his expression of relief. He walks over to give specific instructions on what he wishes to keep and permission for them to take the meat.

"Ho, Top, let's wait for them to finish before heading across."
OOC: 43

posting for @Dana McCoy

Antapkos replies to Cormorant in agreement, then asks the clerk if he needs to sign anything, too, in the absence of Altoni. Having looked at the ledger, he figures that he can fake a signature, only being able to recognize a few numbers.
OOC: 86


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cormorant takes...

Antapkos replies...
Cormorant: 22(coerce) + 23(muddle) + 43(d100) = 88
Antapkos: 21(coerce) + 24(befriend) + 86(d100) = 131
The elders seem less grateful to Cormorant than he feels they aught to be with such a generous offer of meat, but they do fulfill his request in a timely fashion. The clerk shakes his head at Antapkos informing him that it will not be necessary, making a comment about not knowing that all the guards were taught to read and write.
2 clams: currency

Lizard Claws: 2 sets of 5: ??
Lizard Hide: 50% cover: ??
Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
... Sprthnt will wade... fire an arrow...

Kuwaia will... enter the river... left flank of Sprthnt... melee...
Sprthnt: 19(readiness) + 23(speed) + 20(clarity) + 49(d100) = 111
Kuwaia: 24 + 22 + 18 + 42 = 106

Kaalatalae: 10 + 12 + 8 + 56 = 86
Sprthnt: 300 - 111 = 189
Kuwaia: delay

Kaalatalae: 200 - 86 = 114
Sprthnt: 19(launch) + 23(accuracy) + 20(clarity) + 49(d100) = 111 + 50(range) = 161
Kaalatalae: 10 + 12 + 8 + 56 = 86 + 50(range) = 136

Sprthnt: 23(avoidance) + 22(analysis) + 49(d100) = 94
136 - 94 = 42% * 6 = 3 - 2(tunic) = 1
Kuwaia: 22 + 17 + 42 = 81
136 - 81 = 55% * 6 = 3 - 2(tunic) = 1
Kaalatala: 12 + 8 + 56 = 76
161 - 76 = 85% * 8 = 7
The hostile youths act faster, two of them, who close to range, launch javelins. Sprthnt and Kuwais are both struck but the young Spiofthest takes the worst of it. Despite his minor injury, Sprthnt fires back, making a critical shot on the closest enemy. He drops to one knee with an arrow in his gut. The others press forward. Holding a defensive posture, Kuwaia has yet to act.
K1: 8 - 7 = 1, severely injured
Antapkos: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Sprthnt:: Body: 8 - 1 = 7, hurt.
Tunic: 50 - 1 = 49
Kuwaia: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide two random rolls.
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