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(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 2


A suffusion of yellow
Waythe - you understand me?” The northman was of course surprised to hear the greatsword speaking, even more so that it seemed to fit so perfectly into his hands. Still he had heard legends of such enchanted weapons, and this was certainly possessed of such a spirit “I am Kahru Karavetra the Storm Bear, I would be honoured to carry you in to battle - but tell me where is the one who wielded you before me?”

Stepping back to get some space, the Barbarian zealot, swung the blade in a wide arc, testing its balance and speed, attuning himself to its feel, becoming one with the parties newest companion …

OOC: anyone object if I claim this treasure?
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Morkus from Orkus
Waythe - you understand me?” The northman was of course surprised to hear the greatsword speaking, even more so that it seemed to fit so perfectly into his hands. Still he had heard legends of such enchanted weapons, and this was certainly possessed of such a spirit “I am Kahru Karavetra the Storm Bear, I would be honoured to carry you in to battle - but tell me where is the one who wielded you before me?”

Stepping back to get some space, the Barbarian zealot, swung the blade in a wide arc, testing its balance and speed, attuning himself to its feel, becoming one with the parties newest companion …

OOC: anyone object if I claim this treasure?
OOC: I do not object. This is the Waythe.


Waythe seemed pleased to bond with Kahru. She spoke out loud, in a voice that sounded both feminine and metallic, but Kahru quickly found that if he directed his thoughts to her while holding her, that they could communicate silently. "Thyffon of the Skyejotun left me hidden on the mantle, while he slipped off to the west. I do not know his purpose, but it was not to slay his enemies, or he would surely have taken me along! He must be involved in subterfuge."

She said the word as if she thought of it as a curse.

"Oh!" she remarked as Kahru took a moment to wave her about, "I seem to have missed your battle! What a terrible shame."

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Doc looked at Kahru waving about his new toy, and purses his lips in a what passes for a grin. Reckon you're welcome to it, friend, but if you see any likker or smoke, pass 'em my way.

Then, seeing that Kahru's expressions betrayed a conversation Doc was not privy to, he added ... Not all voices keep ya company. Some keep ya up all night. Every spirit has wants. But some have .... needs.

Now, we goin' to get goin' before they come and get us?

I know we have some injuries, etc. Looks like we have a few options-
a) Hole up for a short rest. Allow for a brief recharge and hit dice heal (Knowing that they will regroup and muster)
b) Keep moving

If we keep moving, we might want to seek some high and defensible ground. Um, higher than the giants.


A suffusion of yellow
I’m sure there will be battle enough to come friend” the Barbarian Zealot thought in reply and knew that Waythe had heard him even without the spoken words.

yes I say we head back through the courtyard and return back to Lord Faldur, we have the Hill Giant Kings head - but I am no longer certain that was our true goal.

This sword is Waythe
“ Kahru raised the great sword for all to see “she speaks with the voice of a warrior and says that a Sky giant named Thyffon was also here, before it snuck away - no doubt the bad ally the giant kid spoke of. There is powerful magic here, too powerful for just ogres and Hill Giants.

We need to rest, regroup and come back better prepared for whatever truely lurks here

OOC: I also have a staff to recover - hopefully

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Doc listens to the words of Kahru, extolling the virtues of this sword that speaks to him and promises him power. He is about to say something to Kahru, but stops. I made my bargain, and I didn't listen to me. People got to get their own learnin', I reckon.

Instead, Doc wrestles the rising voices in his head with another quick slug, takes a puff of his ever-present cheroot, and speaks out of the side of his mouth. Let's get movin' then. Ya lollygag, you end up dead.

He laughs.

Well, deader.

Doc begins the walk to the courtyard.

Let's do it. We got a little money, a little info, a little magic, and... a severed head or two. Onward!

Steve Gorak

After the young giant answers, Gimlak says to the others: “He has answered me, do with him what you will”.

Regarding the choice of what to do next, Gimlak says: “My brethren are in the cellars. We should rescue them before we leave.
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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
As Doc begins to walk toward the courtyard, he hears Gimlak speak. Doc stops and turns to Gimlak.

Listen up, Pilgrim. Don't you leave that Black hat to my justice.

Doc pulls out his playing cards and casually shuffles them back and forth in his hands, before pulling out several cards with a flourish. Each card, in the flickering light, displaying pictures of the giants Doc had just killed screaming in agony.

These here are just the pictures. Their souls ... the souls are with the Sheriff. The Sheriff's justice is eternal, and without mercy.

Doc pauses for a second, and puts the cards away.

Now, let's deal with your kin, Pilgrim. I once brought justice to a rabbitman, you call 'em Hare And Gones, whose next-to-last words were, "Why are you closing the cellar, Doc? Did you know that cellar door are the most beautiful words I've ever heard?"

Doc looks at Gimlak again. The rabbit's last words were, "Why'd you kill me? I'm with you, but still dyin' alone."

Now, let's go to that cellar. You lead the way, and peacemaker will provide cover. Not the high ground we wanna defend.


Let's do this. CELLAR TIME!
@Kobold Stew @Tonguez @Maxperson @JustinCase



With the young giant in tow, the group headed back toward the courtyard. Kahru carefully opened to door, and saw, to his dismay, that two ogres were standing under his tree. One tried pulling at the tree, but the roots were too strong. The other was holding an axe, and slowly calculating (with his ogrish brain) where to start chopping without felling the tree on the steading roof.



A suffusion of yellow
Kahru having resheathed the sword Waythe and strapping it to his back, made his way to the courtyard door - and the first thing he saw open opening it was an ogre with an ax about to cut into his tree of the Wooded Grove.
Not today!” without thinking the druid-barbarian dashed forward and drawing his crossbow fired a bolt at the ogre with the ax, then tossing the crossbow aside drew Waythe and continued to rush the ogres by the outbuilding door “it seems we have a battle afterall my friend”…

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