Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)


Like Blue, I feel bad because I've been somewhat inconsistent as well. I think/hope things are going to settle down for a bit coming up here, so I can keep up a bit easier, especially since we might be coming up on an ending at some point in the semi near future.

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Like Blue, I feel bad because I've been somewhat inconsistent as well. I think/hope things are going to settle down for a bit coming up here, so I can keep up a bit easier, especially since we might be coming up on an ending at some point in the semi near future.
It's okay - we've ALL struggled a bit, I think. I know I have. There's maybe a couple of players who've done well and have just been waiting for the rest of us. It sounds like you don't want to quit, though, so I'll keep Valda around.


Okay, so lets try something different than what we've been doing - I think that the momentum gets lost (I know it does for me) when we spend too long waiting for anyone. So, a different approach I'd like to try is - we won't wait.

If I have a chance to post, I'll try to push things forward, even if I only have 1 or 2 players who have replied. If your character gets shoved along, just jump in wherever they are at. If you want to "soft retcon" anything in (go along with the thrust of the story, but feel free to add anything that won't contradict anything that matters) from your character's perspective when you post (for example, giving us a quick update on how they reacted to any situation that they just seemed to be in the background for) then we will work that in, happily.

Sound good? Any objections?

Steve Gorak

Hey @FitzTheRuke!

Glad we’ve restarted, this is fun and I’m scratching my dnd itch!

Question: is it fair to assume that Gimlak is aware of the climbing young ogre? How high off the ground is it?


Edit: I assumed that Gimlak was aware so as not no slow down the game. Pls lmk if I need to change things
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A suffusion of yellow
Oh, hi!

I'm in a couple other of Fitz's PBPs and he asked me to play Donnell.

I haven't read the entire story from beginning to end and have only a summary of the story so far. Not sure I have a grasp of the squire's personality yet.
ah welcome to the hunt :)
I had seen your name in a couple of other of Fitzs threads and was wandering if you were a Fitz alt-account or a real person, then I saw both of you had liked the same post...
You're good. Welcome to the game!

The Colonel was charged with his care -- and now he's come into his own!
well they do say that war changes people - our young Donnell has been transformed :eek:

Voidrunner's Codex

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