Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)


Looks like we're just about ready to get these games going again.

I tell you, I thought that it would be LESS work to run two groups through the same adventure, but I find that I'm having trouble remembering which group did what (not the broad strokes, but the little details) - I've really got to learn to take better notes. I mean, it's all still there to review, but that's a laborious process! At any rate, I think I have a handle on it, but I felt like lamenting.

As always, thanks for playing! I'll post some "fresh start" DM-posts soon and we can carry on!

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A suffusion of yellow
Looks like we're just about ready to get these games going again.

I tell you, I thought that it would be LESS work to run two groups through the same adventure, but I find that I'm having trouble remembering which group did what (not the broad strokes, but the little details) - I've really got to learn to take better notes. I mean, it's all still there to review, but that's a laborious process! At any rate, I think I have a handle on it, but I felt like lamenting.

As always, thanks for playing! I'll post some "fresh start" DM-posts soon and we can carry on!
Yeah, you're doing a remarkable job of keeping two groups going, especially with us going off path and doing our own diversions:)

I'm looking forward to when I can read the other groups thread and see how they did things compared to our group.
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Yeah, you're doing remarkable of keeping two groups going, especially with us going off path and doing our own diversions:)

I'm looking forward to when I can read the other groups thread and see how they did things compared to our group.

It deviates pretty quickly, but with obvious cross-overs here and there. Just enough crossovers to occasionally confuse me. I think I usually get it straight before posting, though! Don't look at the man behind the curtain!


Okay! I hope everyone is still with me (barring the few that I know that we have lost). Let's get going again Against the Giants! There's not a HUGE amount more for either group to do in the Steading, but there IS more, so let's get to it. Then, at some point, we can decide if we want to keep going...

Get posting y'all!


Group 1: @Hriston has posted! All of the rest of you deadbeats (and I mean it with the utmost love and respect) @Blue; @Lidgar; @VLAD the Destroyer; @Shadowedeyes ought to do the same!

Group 2: @Kobold Stew & @Tonguez has posted, but I need posts from @Snarf Zagyg and @Steve Gorak!

Then we can keep going! There's not "long"* to go now!

* And by "long", I mean... we could probably finish in a single session of real-life play, but in PBP, I expect six months or something equally ridiculous! But still! Bear with me! Let's go!

Steve Gorak

Hey guys,

I posted. Note that you all have 14 thp, not 13. The extra one is from the level up.
Here are the final changes, character sheet has been updated.
Gimlak AC18 HP 72/72 THP 14/14 HD 10/10 PP12 SSdc17 4/4 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/2 SpP 12/12

+1 sorc point
+1 metamagic: Transmuted Spell (When you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder).
+1 cantrip: create bondfire
+1 spell known: fly

can change 1 sorcerer spell already known: swap miror image to fireball
can change 1 psionic spell to a divination or an enchantment spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list: swap Black tentackes to Arcane eye
Lets roll!


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