Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

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I'll try one more time with this: SHOW OF HANDS:

You still around and into continuing this game, @Blue ; @Shadowedeyes ; @Hriston ; @Lidgar and @Tonguez ; @Snarf Zagyg ?

If I didn't mention you, it's because you've either just posted or because I know where you stand. Some of you up there, I'm pretty sure are in but are waiting for the others (and Me, and I have been waiting for the others).

I will move on with whoever is left. I might even open it up to a few replacement players, depending on how many we've lost. We're about 2/3 through, I expect, so it's not like it should be too long (hahaha) before we finish.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'll try one more time with this: SHOW OF HANDS:

You still around and into continuing this game, @Blue ; @Shadowedeyes ; @Hriston ; @Lidgar and @Tonguez ; @Snarf Zagyg ?

If I didn't mention you, it's because you've either just posted or because I know where you stand. Some of you up there, I'm pretty sure are in but are waiting for the others (and Me, and I have been waiting for the others).

I will move on with whoever is left. I might even open it up to a few replacement players, depending on how many we've lost. We're about 2/3 through, I expect, so it's not like it should be too long (hahaha) before we finish.
I'm sorry, I've been not present for a while without explanation -- mea culpa, that's all on me. After it had been a while, I flaked about coming back. Bad brain.

I don't think I'll be able to continue. Sorry for that. Best of luck!


I'm sorry, I've been not present for a while without explanation -- mea culpa, that's all on me. After it had been a while, I flaked about coming back. Bad brain.

I don't think I'll be able to continue. Sorry for that. Best of luck!
That's fine. There's a vicious cycle that can occur with PBP games (although it happens in a slightly modified form in F2F games too) the longer you have to wait, the longer you make people wait for you. I know that when my players post quickly, so do I, and vice-versa, but when we all start to slow down, things exponentially slow down.

This happens when people take forever taking their turn IRL, too - people stop paying attention and then have to be reminded what's going on, and things slow down even further.

It is what it is, but thanks for admitting defeat - it's much better than disappearing. You will, of course, be welcome if you ever want to return, or try again when I start something new in the future.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
I'm sorry, I've been not present for a while without explanation -- mea culpa, that's all on me. After it had been a while, I flaked about coming back. Bad brain.

I don't think I'll be able to continue. Sorry for that. Best of luck!
Sorry to see you go Blue. Eoghan will be missed! Hopefully, Bible won't have to fight anyone for his body. 🙂

I've been meaning to post a follow up to my last post after hearing crickets in response, but yeah, I'm in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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