Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

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Steve Gorak

Hey @FitzTheRuke,

I'm going to make my life easy and go with mountain dwarf instead of tortle. Question regarding HP, is it max at 1st and then average rounded up/level (i.e 4/lvl for sorcerers)?

If you don't mind, I'll start interacting in the IC thread as I build my character (I'm sticking to a single class aberrant mind sorcerer, magic items will be a +1 half plate & a +1 Bloodwell Vial, feats will likely be Telekinetic, magic adept & inspiring leader to give the party some temp HP). Note that I resisted the urge for 1 level of forge cleric for 22 ac without shield spell, I did promise to stick to the 60-80% optimized character range ;-)

I've never played a 9th level caster, so going through the spells will take me a while so I'd rather start RPing rather than delay things.



Hey @FitzTheRuke,

I'm going to make my life easy and go with mountain dwarf instead of tortle. Question regarding HP, is it max at 1st and then average rounded up/level (i.e 4/lvl for sorcerers)?

If you don't mind, I'll start interacting in the IC thread as I build my character (I'm sticking to a single class aberrant mind sorcerer, magic items will be a +1 half plate & a +1 Bloodwell Vial, feats will likely be Telekinetic, magic adept & inspiring leader to give the party some temp HP). Note that I resisted the urge for 1 level of forge cleric for 22 ac without shield spell, I did promise to stick to the 60-80% optimized character range ;-)

I've never played a 9th level caster, so going through the spells will take me a while so I'd rather start RPing rather than delay things.


Yes on the HP. Thanks for not having a 22 AC. That would probably make my eyes cross. Yes, if you name the character you can jump in right away. I've been establishing that the dwarves abandoned these hills "a hundred years ago" and went "into the mountains" (this makes the difference between a hill dwarf and a mountain dwarf purely incidental story-wise. I have some more ideas for the dwarves, so I'm glad you're playing one. You've left the mountains for (what the humans will consider) the first time in living memory. It's a big deal. (It's possible that you've been to these hills before, but not for awhile - we can talk about it).


Sorry guys weekends are bad for me. I'll try and get my first post up tonight. If I can't I'll have a post up tomorrow morning.
No worries. While I want to keep the momentum up, there's no huge rush. We'll just keep RPing bits and bobs in the IC until everyone has a chance to post, and then push stuff forward to the steading.

Steve Gorak

Yes on the HP. Thanks for not having a 22 AC. That would probably make my eyes cross. Yes, if you name the character you can jump in right away. I've been establishing that the dwarves abandoned these hills "a hundred years ago" and went "into the mountains" (this makes the difference between a hill dwarf and a mountain dwarf purely incidental story-wise. I have some more ideas for the dwarves, so I'm glad you're playing one. You've left the mountains for (what the humans will consider) the first time in living memory. It's a big deal. (It's possible that you've been to these hills before, but not for awhile - we can talk about it).

Cool, very glad to have this hook (seriously, this makes the "standard" races stand out, much easier to integrate).
The character's done, except for the spells. There's a lot of choice and Sorcerers have to narrow things down drastically!

Digging deeper, it's a bit surprising that the Aberrant Mind sorcerer is Cha based. Most bonus spells & abilities target Int or Wis, so you'd figure they wouldn't key off Cha. Go figure. So if two aberrant mind sorcerers face one another, especially under level 6, they'll be very vulnerable because their int and will saves will be bad. Pretty strange. Anyways, it is what it is.

Now I have to decide if I'll go with my default dwarf character name (Gimlak Silverbeard) or find another "creative" name. Decisions, decisions ;-)




Cool, very glad to have this hook (seriously, this makes the "standard" races stand out, much easier to integrate).
The character's done, except for the spells. There's a lot of choice and Sorcerers have to narrow things down drastically!

Digging deeper, it's a bit surprising that the Aberrant Mind sorcerer is Cha based. Most bonus spells & abilities target Int or Wis, so you'd figure they wouldn't key off Cha. Go figure. So if two aberrant mind sorcerers face one another, especially under level 6, they'll be very vulnerable because their int and will saves will be bad. Pretty strange. Anyways, it is what it is.

Now I have to decide if I'll go with my default dwarf character name (Gimlak Silverbeard) or find another "creative" name. Decisions, decisions ;-)



I guess your ego overpowers their id. But yeah, it would be a whatchyacallit, "whoever wins initiative wins" if two of them went up against each other. Which is even funnier, in that it means the one with the highest dex. It's not even the fastest mind! The fastest body wins the mind-duel!

Steve Gorak

I guess your ego overpowers their id. But yeah, it would be a whatchyacallit, "whoever wins initiative wins" if two of them went up against each other. Which is even funnier, in that it means the one with the highest dex. It's not even the fastest mind! The fastest body wins the mind-duel!
I guess I’ll need to bump my character’s dex! ;-)

It’s 27 point buy, right?



I guess I’ll need to bump my character’s dex! ;-)

It’s 27 point buy, right?

Yup. I usually call it "Standard Array, but you can move some points around using point buy". (I think I'm trying to avoid characters with multiple dump stats). I dunno. I'm so far from an optimizer that I don't even really recognize what OP looks like until it's too late. That's why I'm trying to get you guys to police yourselves.

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