Sorry for the slow reply - we do a big strategy (minimal luck, not wargaming) board game meetup on the 5th Saturday of every month, which works out to be about four times a year but easy to schedule in advance. This was the first in-person in a long time and went from 10am until about midnight. Many games played and much fun to be had.
@FitzTheRuke Thanks for the time spent in figuring the groups. When you mentioned "second" healer, I was mentally like "Eoghen has Healing Word and nothing else" - he has no out-of-combat healing besides Song of Rest which requires a short rest.
Eoghen AC 15 HP 75/75 PP 19 HD 9/9 BI 5/5 SSdc17 4/4 3/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 dm1/1 ds1/1 HS4/4
BI = Bardic Inspiration (short rest recovery)
dm = Detect Magic (1 free use per day from Firbolg)
ds = Disguise Self (1 free use per day from Firbolg)
HS = Hidden Step (PROF uses per day from Firbolg)
In the Rogue's Gallery I also put name & link to the group Eoghen is in.
shame On my character sheet I put together while building, I have been spelling it the same way as you, and have been misremembering my own character's spelling since.I just realized that you've been spelling his name Eoghen while I have it as Eoghan. (Though I think you have it my way in the RG). I've made an Icon spelled my way, so if it doesn't make a difference to you... can we go with an "a"? (If it does, I'll fix it).
Edit: Also, Healing Word counts as a healer in my book! The most useful use of healing is to wake the dying, after all. Song of rest is useful too. Point is, a Bard and a Druid can, in a pinch, replace a Cleric (while doing their own thing too).
Doh! I still need to do my equipment. Plumb forgot. How much do we have to spend on stuff?By the way, I should mention to anyone who spent money on a healing potion. I am "for free" upgrading them all to Potions of Greater Healing. (So 4d4+4 healing). Still not much, but better.
Two +1 magic items or equivalent (DM approval) and 500gp in mundane equipment (and healing potions).Doh! I still need to do my equipment. Plumb forgot. How much do we have to spend on stuff?
Uh... I think I said 500gp? I didn't mention the potions before, so you can pay 50gp for them, but you get the better ones. I also told people that they could have two magic items (I said +1, but people have been grabbing this and that. Just don't get carried away power-wise).Doh! I still need to do my equipment. Plumb forgot. How much do we have to spend on stuff?