Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

Kaligan AC 18* HP 76/76 PP 14 HD 9/9 PD 8/8 DT 1/1 TK 1/1 AS 1/1 SW 1/1 ID 1/1

PD = psionic dice
DT = Detect Thoughts
TK = Telekinesis
AS = Action Surge
SW = Second Wind
ID = Indomitable

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Sorry for the slow reply - we do a big strategy (minimal luck, not wargaming) board game meetup on the 5th Saturday of every month, which works out to be about four times a year but easy to schedule in advance. This was the first in-person in a long time and went from 10am until about midnight. Many games played and much fun to be had.

@FitzTheRuke Thanks for the time spent in figuring the groups. When you mentioned "second" healer, I was mentally like "Eoghen has Healing Word and nothing else" - he has no out-of-combat healing besides Song of Rest which requires a short rest.

Eoghen AC 15 HP 75/75 PP 19 HD 9/9 BI 5/5 SSdc17 4/4 3/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 dm1/1 ds1/1 HS4/4

BI = Bardic Inspiration (short rest recovery)
dm = Detect Magic (1 free use per day from Firbolg)
ds = Disguise Self (1 free use per day from Firbolg)
HS = Hidden Step (PROF uses per day from Firbolg)

In the Rogue's Gallery I also put name & link to the group Eoghen is in.

Anyone who has been reading the Story Thread(s) has probably figured out - I'm going to try to give each of you your own personal Quest. Technically, you don't have to take it. I've just generally assumed that you will. If you feel otherwise, you can refuse. I'll try and make another one for you. Or you can just shirk your duties and never bother with it. It's up to you.

Sorry for the slow reply - we do a big strategy (minimal luck, not wargaming) board game meetup on the 5th Saturday of every month, which works out to be about four times a year but easy to schedule in advance. This was the first in-person in a long time and went from 10am until about midnight. Many games played and much fun to be had.

@FitzTheRuke Thanks for the time spent in figuring the groups. When you mentioned "second" healer, I was mentally like "Eoghen has Healing Word and nothing else" - he has no out-of-combat healing besides Song of Rest which requires a short rest.

Eoghen AC 15 HP 75/75 PP 19 HD 9/9 BI 5/5 SSdc17 4/4 3/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 dm1/1 ds1/1 HS4/4

BI = Bardic Inspiration (short rest recovery)
dm = Detect Magic (1 free use per day from Firbolg)
ds = Disguise Self (1 free use per day from Firbolg)
HS = Hidden Step (PROF uses per day from Firbolg)

In the Rogue's Gallery I also put name & link to the group Eoghen is in.

I just realized that you've been spelling his name Eoghen while I have it as Eoghan. (Though I think you have it my way in the RG). I've made an Icon spelled my way, so if it doesn't make a difference to you... can we go with an "a"? (If it does, I'll fix it).

Edit: Also, Healing Word counts as a healer in my book! The most useful use of healing is to wake the dying, after all. Song of rest is useful too. Point is, a Bard and a Druid can, in a pinch, replace a Cleric (while doing their own thing too).

By the way, I should mention to anyone who spent money on a healing potion. I am "for free" upgrading them all to Potions of Greater Healing. (So 4d4+4 healing). Still not much, but better.

I just realized that you've been spelling his name Eoghen while I have it as Eoghan. (Though I think you have it my way in the RG). I've made an Icon spelled my way, so if it doesn't make a difference to you... can we go with an "a"? (If it does, I'll fix it).

Edit: Also, Healing Word counts as a healer in my book! The most useful use of healing is to wake the dying, after all. Song of rest is useful too. Point is, a Bard and a Druid can, in a pinch, replace a Cleric (while doing their own thing too).
shame On my character sheet I put together while building, I have been spelling it the same way as you, and have been misremembering my own character's spelling since. :) So you're way is just fine, since that's the right way.

By the way, I should mention to anyone who spent money on a healing potion. I am "for free" upgrading them all to Potions of Greater Healing. (So 4d4+4 healing). Still not much, but better.
Doh! I still need to do my equipment. Plumb forgot. How much do we have to spend on stuff?

Doh! I still need to do my equipment. Plumb forgot. How much do we have to spend on stuff?
Uh... I think I said 500gp? I didn't mention the potions before, so you can pay 50gp for them, but you get the better ones. I also told people that they could have two magic items (I said +1, but people have been grabbing this and that. Just don't get carried away power-wise).

Edit. Beat to it. That's right.

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