Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
How about something like this?

Group OneGroup Two

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Okay, I have it! We'll have:

Group One
@Blue playing Eoghan, Firbolg Glamour Bard
@VLAD the Destroyer playing Quinn, Human Circle of Stars Druid
@Hriston playing Reeve Bible, Human Champion Fighter Sailor
@Shadowedeyes playing Valda the Runeblade Human Rune Knight Fighter
@Lidgar playing Jack "the Knife" Blake, Human Rogue Thief
@TerraDave playing Tenibor, High Elf Wizard

Group Two
@Kobold Stew playing The Colonel, Air Genasi Tempest Cleric Soldier
@Tonguez playing Kahru Karavetra, Human Druid Barbarian
@Maxperson playing Kaligan Wainwright, Human Psi-Warrior Fighter
@Snarf Zagyg playing Doc Vileweir, Reborn Warlock/Rogue Gunslinger
@Steve Gorak playing a Tortle Sorcerer?
@JustinCase playing Duvrael Oolo, Yuan-Ti Diviner Wizard

Any objections to that configuration?


For a second there I considered running one of the groups through the Yawning Portal version and one through the 4e Dungeon Magazine version.

Then I was reminded that the only way I am likely to have time (without going crazy) to run TWO games is if I "cheat" as much as possible by getting two-for-the-price of one work done. (In other words, doing the same thing in both, as much as is reasonable).

So, Fusion it is. When we're done, I might take the time to do a spoiler-filled side-by-side comparison thread.


@Tonguez Let's get a stat-block for the standard critter(s) that you're likely to turn into posted in your RG, and see if you can find a picture (of the character, though if you have one you really like of the animal(s), you can post that too). Edit: This goes for @VLAD the Destroyer too, for Quinn, though I expect you won't spend as much time wild-shaped in combat.

I'm gonna post the IC Threads with the Intro tonight or tomorrow! (@Steve Gorak can catch up on Monday - we won't do more than start introducing the characters).

EDIT: I've noticed that some of the characters that I thought were done still need completing. That's okay! Just catch up as we go along.
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So... I like to keep track of your expended resources (1) because some players are terrible at it, and (2) just so I know how the party is doing. However, I'm terrible at it and screw it up all the time. I expect you to do it as well (and please, do your best to make it obvious when you expend a resource - this includes, especially, Spell Slots, Hit Dice, Potions, Bardic Inspiration, 2nd Wind, etc, etc)

To do so, I create a little line that I post every round under an "Allies" spoiler tag. They look like this one, for Vlad's character Quinn:

Quinn AC17* HP 62/62 HD 9/9 PP19 SSdc18 4/4 3/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 WS 2/2

(Most of those are self explanitory, the spell slots are in order, the last, in this character's case, is Wild Shape). An asterix on AC reminds me that they have a shield, the same on PP (passive perception) let's me know that they have Darkvision.

If any of you want to help me by posting what you think yours should look like (you're better at knowing what resources you have than I am. In fact, I would not be surprised that I missed a few on Quinn up there, so Vlad, feel free to let me know!

And all of you, regularly audit me if you spot a mistake while we're playing. I don't mind.


@Tonguez Let's get a stat-block for the standard critter(s) that you're likely to turn into posted in your RG, and see if you can find a picture (of the character, though if you have one you really like of the animal(s), you can post that too). Edit: This goes for @VLAD the Destroyer too, for Quinn, though I expect you won't spend as much time wild-shaped in combat.

I'm gonna post the IC Threads with the Intro tonight or tomorrow! (@Steve Gorak can catch up on Monday - we won't do more than start introducing the characters).

EDIT: I've noticed that some of the characters that I thought were done still need completing. That's okay! Just catch up as we go along.
Just finished with Jack. Ready to roll!

Voidrunner's Codex

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