Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

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A suffusion of yellow
Uh... I think I said 500gp? I didn't mention the potions before, so you can pay 50gp for them, but you get the better ones. I also told people that they could have two magic items (I said +1, but people have been grabbing this and that. Just don't get carried away power-wise).

Edit. Beat to it. That's right.

So Im looking at the Staff of the Woodlands as a magic item that will give me some non-combat utility - would that be acceptable?



So Im looking at the Staff of the Woodlands as a magic item that will give me some non-combat utility - would that be acceptable?

I'm reluctant. It's a +2 thing, so it's more powerful than I'd like (that's a lot of spells and a lot of charges too!) Is there any lesser version? I could invent one, I suppose...


You could have...

The Staff of the Wooded Grove
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic quarterstaff.
Additionally, while holding it you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.

While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend charges to cast one of the following spells, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge), speak with animals (1 charge); barkskin (2 charges); locate animals or plants (2 charges); pass without trace (2 charges); or speak with plants (3 charges).
The staff has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 expended charges each dawn. When the last charge is expended, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its magical properties.

Tree Form. As an action you can plant the staff in the earth and expend 1 charge, transforming it into a full-grown tree. The tree is 30 feet tall, has a 3-foot-wide trunk, and its highest branches fill a 10-foot radius. The tree looks ordinary but radiates faint transmutation magic if inspected with detect magic. By using an action to touch the tree and speak the staff’s command word, you can transform it back into a staff. Creatures in the tree fall when the staff reverts to its original form.

I'll let you have this toned-down version if you like. Still darn powerful.


A suffusion of yellow
You could have...

The Staff of the Wooded Grove
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic quarterstaff.
Additionally, while holding it you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.

While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend charges to cast one of the following spells, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge), speak with animals (1 charge); barkskin (2 charges); locate animals or plants (2 charges); pass without trace (2 charges); or speak with plants (3 charges).
The staff has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 expended charges each dawn. When the last charge is expended, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its magical properties.

Tree Form. As an action you can plant the staff in the earth and expend 1 charge, transforming it into a full-grown tree. The tree is 30 feet tall, has a 3-foot-wide trunk, and its highest branches fill a 10-foot radius. The tree looks ordinary but radiates faint transmutation magic if inspected with detect magic. By using an action to touch the tree and speak the staff’s command word, you can transform it back into a staff. Creatures in the tree fall when the staff reverts to its original form.

I'll let you have this toned-down version if you like. Still darn powerful.
You sir are amazing:) - I’ll take it as a blessing
I did think that Awaken was a bit OP and was willing to forgo the second magic item too. So thank you for being a great DM


Still toying with the idea of running one of the groups through the TFtYP version of the adventure and one through the 4e Dungeon Magazine version (in 5e though, obviously).

What do you all think? Should I do it? Anyone from either group have a preference? (I know that you probably don't know either version). They are similar, but there are some notable differences.

It would just be an interesting experiment. (This whole thing is an interesting experiment, really)


A suffusion of yellow
Still toying with the idea of running one of the groups through the TFtYP version of the adventure and one through the 4e Dungeon Magazine version (in 5e though, obviously).

What do you all think? Should I do it? Anyone from either group have a preference? (I know that you probably don't know either version). They are similar, but there are some notable differences.

It would just be an interesting experiment. (This whole thing is an interesting experiment, really)
Workload is the critical factor for You - do you have the time and energy to have fun with it? Running games Online is hardwork and our games should not cause You any stress.

with that caveat if you think you can have fun running different iterations and they are different enough to be worth the split effort then sure, it would be cool to see how the parallels and contrasts play out

Steve Gorak

Hey @FitzTheRuke,

I'm having fun doing some theory crafting for my mind controller.

Am I wrong that with calm emotions (with heightened + silvery barbs to ensure it sticks, if necessary), combined with skill expert (Charisma, with expertise in persuasion) and the help of magical guidance (1 sorcery point to reroll skill check), a character would be able to change a hostile creature's attitude to friendly fairly easily? Note that normally, one can't do this without long social interactions (unlikely during a fight), but calm emotions opens the door to it.

Calm emotions has never been on my radar, but it looks like a fun spell!



Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Still toying with the idea of running one of the groups through the TFtYP version of the adventure and one through the 4e Dungeon Magazine version (in 5e though, obviously).

What do you all think? Should I do it? Anyone from either group have a preference? (I know that you probably don't know either version). They are similar, but there are some notable differences.

It would just be an interesting experiment. (This whole thing is an interesting experiment, really)
I’m not familiar with either version. Full disclosure: I read through G1 sometime in the early eighties, but never played it and don’t remember much at all. My preference would be for whichever one is closer to the original (TftYP, I imagine?) because that’s the sort of experience I’m after.

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