• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Blank Slate (Everyone Welcome)


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Sorry I am away on travel. Right after posting I got a message my mother is moving from CA to the east coast so I am away making a last visit before she moves. I should be able to post a meaningful response to postings and play a role in a few days.

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wow, my net goes down for 2 days and the universe expands without me. :(
The God of Change doesn't seem to be really needed yet, the Universe is changing rapidly enough on it's own, but I will be watching and introducing myself soon enough.


The Birth of Byrrl

...the divine egg, washed up on the sands at the verge of Pluvos' domain, breaks open. The fluid, imbued with the Empyean's own quintessence, spills out upon the earth causing the sands to roil with a profusion of new life, plant and animal, that spreads across its surface. As the new dragon flies off to pay homage to the Empyrean and build a nest for its clutch of eggs a single drop of yolk, nearly pure quintessence and all that remains uneaten by the dragon, spills into this profusion of life and is drunk down by a single tree.

The tree becomes a new thing born of matter and quintessence which grows to massive size sending branches reaching into the skies to feed upon the divine radiations that bathe the earth, and sending roots deep into the earth to touch and drink Pluvos' essence. As it grows, intelligence blooms and a god is born: Byrrl, god of living things.

Names/Titles: Byrrl, the Oak-Lord
Alignment: Neutral?
Portfolio: Plants and animals of the earth
Symbol: An oak tree
Dogma: Live!


First Post
GlassEye said:
The Birth of Byrrl

...the divine egg, washed up on the sands at the verge of Pluvos' domain, breaks open. The fluid, imbued with the Empyean's own quintessence, spills out upon the earth causing the sands to roil with a profusion of new life, plant and animal, that spreads across its surface. As the new dragon flies off to pay homage to the Empyrean and build a nest for its clutch of eggs a single drop of yolk, nearly pure quintessence and all that remains uneaten by the dragon, spills into this profusion of life and is drunk down by a single tree.

The tree becomes a new thing born of matter and quintessence which grows to massive size sending branches reaching into the skies to feed upon the divine radiations that bathe the earth, and sending roots deep into the earth to touch and drink Pluvos' essence. As it grows, intelligence blooms and a god is born: Byrrl, god of living things.

Names/Titles: Byrrl, the Oak-Lord
Alignment: Neutral?
Portfolio: Plants and animals of the earth
Symbol: An oak tree
Dogma: Live!

sounds good. You're in. Feel to free to post in RG and IC.


First Post
The Coming of Irnarr'ktha (the Observer)

... and as the universe grew and the stars were cast against its edge, some of them did quiver, for in His haste Empyrean did not make them all of equal strength. Soon, one of them began to buckle beneath its own weight, unable to draw up the energy to throw out its enormous mass. It shook, blazed- then began to collapse. It collapsed, but rather than stop when it was at its densest, it continued to fall in upon itself, and the very fabric of the void was sundered.

And from the unfathomable void came a Thing which no mind can comprehend, for It was great and terrible to behold. With reasoning alien and unknowable, It pulled the fabric of the universe around Itself, and pinched off all but a tiny whole, as to make Itself invisible unto god and mortal alike.

And with one of Its terrible, alien eyes, It Watched.

Names/Titles: Irnarr'ktha (translated roughly: The Observer), The Observer, the Watcher, The Other Power, Lord of Cancer, etcetera...
Alignment: Lawful Nuetrual?
Porfolio: Learning, Observation, Forbidden Knowledge, Secrets, Madness(?).
Symbol: A black and firey red eye, encircled by alien glyphs.
Dogma: Watch. Wait. Experiment.
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Ok, this is what we've got so far...

Empyrean - Creation, time, life, light, fire, the sun, dragonkind
Noctuvos - Space, void, darkness, cold, travel
Whisper - Paradox, secrets
Hash'Mileak - Entropy, treachery, death, war
Ilem Nth Sabbatur - Survival of the fittest, battle, foresight, knowledge of the future, progress, invention, earth
Pluvos - Water, rain, sea, change, respect
Byrrl - Life, particularly that of plants and animals; (soon to add druids & fey)
Jemal - Undeath/rebirth, change, versatility
Irnarr'ktha - Learning, Observation, Forbidden Knowledge, Secrets, Madness(?)

Approved but not made an appearance yet:
Rakhdaneet - Performance (especially dance), movement, freedom, beauty, nature, basic physics
The Dreamer - Time, dream, darkness, destiny, the future

A little overlap but overall not too bad. Could set up some potential areas of conflict. And hopefully this list will help newcomers select a portfolio that isn't overly covered by others.
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First Post
Most of the conflict would come from Hash'Mileak and Ilem Nth Sabbatur. Oh, and please add earth to Ilem's portfolio. I'll be the resident god of all that is rocky and earthy. :D


Avalon said:
Oh, and please add earth to Ilem's portfolio.
Done. This should change the interaction between Byrrl and Ilem but Byrrl is rather short-sighted at the moment so his behavior can be explained by that.

And as Byrrl explores his powers he'll be stretching his own personal envelope (reflected in the changes I've made to his own portfolio) which will likely result in him stepping on some of the other gods' toes. He's already fed from the essence of Empyrean and Pluvos, though he wasn't fully conscious at that point, and laid claim to the domain of living creatures. I expect his power/portfolio will fluctuate as he comes to accords with other deities.


First Post
GlassEye said:
And as Byrrl explores his powers he'll be stretching his own personal envelope (reflected in the changes I've made to his own portfolio) which will likely result in him stepping on some of the other gods' toes. He's already fed from the essence of Empyrean and Pluvos, though he wasn't fully conscious at that point, and laid claim to the domain of living creatures. I expect his power/portfolio will fluctuate as he comes to accords with other deities.

Don't worry about Pluvos, I doubt that you'll be stepping on his toes (or tail, considering his serpentine nature). He's a proud god, but the domains of Water, Rain, and Sea are the only things that are fully under him. Respect and Change are more things that he embodies and supports, rather than physical things he manipulates. I doubt that a tree god is going to be creating rain so much as absorbing.

Pluvos and Byrrl should actually get along fairly well - like the Empyrean (and Byrrl), Pluvos is a god of life - his waters nourish the world, and he enjoys seeing all manner of things thrive upon his shores. Still, as I said before, he is proud, and he isn't above the occasional flood or drought, to put humanity (or whoever ceases to revere and honor him) in its place.

Ambrus said:
I did then gaze down upon your seas and see my own reflection shining up at me and thus did you come to be; my reflection, my opposite element.
Oh, and Ambrus, great response. I hadn't expected that part, but it makes perfect sense. Good way to fit everything together, kudos to you!

And, concerning posting, I doubt that I'll be able to do anything tomorrow. I'm coming back from Mexico, and I'll be either on a plane or jet-lagged all day. Posting will resume as normal after that.

UPDATE: My newest post is up. It's main point is to show the veangeful side of Pluvos, the rage within the seas and storms. Plus, a biblical reference like that creature is hard to resist. :cool:
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