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Eberron: The Plumbers OOC

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I need more background info but I also am waiting to hear where the game is starting.

Korra of Ebral'nokt (Demon Wastes)


Back Story
Korra was born in the Demon Wastes among the Kalatur, a Carrion tribe of orcs, as a slave. She never knew her mother and her father was never pointed out to her among the tribesmen. During a raid on a Ghaash'kala village, Ebral'nokt, she fled from her bonds and followed the warriors to the village. There she killed four of the orcs who claimed to be her father (three of them were already bleeding on the ground, still...). The Ghaash'kala village adopted her and taught her the ways of the Silver Flame. But Korra never really took to the religious fervor like her adopted tribe did. When she was old enough, she thanked them for taking her in, freeing her from slavery, and left with a rare caravan of lizardfolk from Droaam.

Eventually, caravan guarding led her to Sharn where she's been living for about half a year, doing odd jobs and looking for purpose.

Race: female half-orc; Class/Level: Fighter-1; Background: Outlander
Hair: Black; Eyes: orange-yellow; Skin Tone: greenish
Height: 6' 7"; Weight: 280 lbs; Age: 20
Alignment: Neutral Good; Proficiency Bonus: +2
Hit Dice: 1d10+4; HP: 14

Abilities, Saves, and Skills
Strength: 19 (+4) SAVES: +6; Athletics: +6; Base: 17​
Dexterity: 13 (+1) Stealth: +1 disadvantage
Constitution: 17 (+3) SAVES: +5; Base: 15​
Intelligence: 8 (-1)​
Wisdom: 13 (+1) Insight: +3; Perception: +3​
Charisma: 12 (+1) Intimidation: +3; Survival: +3​

Speed: 25 ft; Initiative: +1​
Passive Perception: 11; Passive Investigation: 9; Vision: Darkvision 60 ft​
AC: 18 (Chain Mail + Shield)​
HP: 14/14; TEMP: 0; Spent HD: None​
Battleaxe: +6, 1d8+4 slashing (versitile 1d10)​

Languages: Common, Orc​
Tools: Flute​
Armor: Light, medium, and heavy armor and all shields​
Weapons: All simple and martial weapons​

Background: Outlander
Skills: Athletics, Survival; Tools: flute; Languages: (open)​
Wanderer: You have a head for remembering maps. You can provide food for up to 6 people.​

Race: Half Orc
Abilities: +2 Str, +1 Con; Languages: Common, Orc​
Menacing: proficient at Intimidation; Darkvision: 60 ft.​
Relentless Endurance: When dropped to 0 hp, can go to 1 hp instead once per long rest.​
Savage Attacks: When you critical hit, roll an additional damage die.​

Class: Fighter Level: 1
Skills (2): Insight, Perception​
Fighting Style
Greater Weapon Fighting: Reroll 1s or 2s on damage dice, once per die.​

Second Wind: As a bonus action, once per short or long rest, regain 1d10 + fighter level hp.​

Chain Mail Armor (55 lb)​
Shield (6 lb)​
Battleaxe (4 lb)​
Dark common clothes, w/hood (3 lb)​
Flute (1 lb)​
Bedroll (7#), Crowbar (5#), fishing tackle (4#), hammer (3#), mess kit (1#), 10 pitons (2.5#), 10 torches (10#), tinderbox (1#), rations (10 days, 20#), waterskin (5#)​

50 feet of hempen rope (10 lb)​

39 gp​

Eberron abilities: 4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 1, 4, 4] = 13
4D6.HIGH(3) = [2, 5, 6, 1] = 13
4D6.HIGH(3) = [3, 1, 5, 4] = 12
4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 6, 1, 4] = 15
4D6.HIGH(3) = [6, 5, 3, 6] = 17
4D6.HIGH(3) = [4, 3, 1, 1] = 8

Fighter Starting gp: 5D4 = [3, 3, 2, 4, 3] = 15
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Countess Alara ir’Etrielle


Race Human Class Wizard Background Noble
Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Skin Tone: Light
Height: 5' 6"; Weight: 120 lbs
Alignment: Lawful Neutral; Proficiency Bonus: +2

Str 10 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 17 (+3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 15 (+2)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 9 (HD: 1d6)
Speed 30 ft.

Saving Throws Str +0, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +2
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Insight +3, Persuasion +4
Senses Passive Perception 12
Tools Chess Set
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven

Alignment Lawful Neutral
Background Noble
Religion Aureon (The Sovereign Host)
Personality I have been in the army a long time, and I like discipline.
Ideals I will bring honor to my House.
Bonds If you fight beside me, we are brothers/sisters in arms.
Flaws The good of my House comes before the good of commoners, even those who fight beside me.

Arcane Recovery. You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your Spellbook. Once per day when you finish a Short Rest, you can choose expended Spell Slots to recover. The Spell Slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your Wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. Currently recovers 1x1st level spell.

Noble Background Feature: Position of Privilege. Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

. Melee weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 + 0 piercing damage.
Dagger. Ranged weapon Attack +3 to hit, 20’/60’ range, one target. Hit: 1d4 + 0 piercing damage.
Fire Bolt. +5 to hit, 120’ range, 1d10, can ignite unworn/uncarried flammables.

Spell Slots: 2 First Level
Spell Save DC: 13
Ritual Casting: Yes
Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mending, Light
First Level Spells Known: Grease, Fog Cloud, Silent Image, Thunderwave, Feather Fall, Detect Magic

Equipment: Traveler’s clothes (worn), Dagger, Cane (arcane focus), Explorer’s Pack, Spellbook, Chess Set, Fine Clothes (in pack), Signet Ring, Scroll of Pedigree, 23gp

Appearance: Alara is a 29 year-old human woman, standing 5’6” and weighing 120 lbs. Her hair is black and cut short, and her skin has been darkened and weatherbeaten by hear years of military service. She walks with a soldier’s bearing but a slight limp, and carries an elaborately-carved cane. She favors a blue cloak and red sash that mark her as an Aundairan warmage. In conversation, she is reserved but not unfriendly, and is capable of laughing at a baudy tale but is unlikely to share one herself.

History: The history of the Etrielle family reads as a microcosm of the fate of Aundair. Before the Last War, the family’s vast holdings gave it great wealth and power, and its Counts and Countesses sat at the center of a sprawling aristocratic family. But over the course of the war those holdings were systematically eaten away, lost either to the depredations of war or sold to pay the family’s growing debts. And that sprawling network of kin were fed to the war or married off for the sake of alliances that, in the end, never reversed the waning fortunes of the house.

A decade ago, the ailing Count ir’Etrielle considered his three children. Another levy had been called, and one of his children needed to join the war. His eldest daughter had been groomed as his heir, and could not be sent. His son, though clever enough to lead the family should the need arise, was cursed with frail health and would never have survived the rigors of the field. And so it was that he recalled his youngest child, a daughter not yet 18, to return from her studies at the University of Wynarn and answer the Queen’s call.

Alara ir’Etrielle did as she was told, donning the blue cloak of the combat mage and serving on the Thranish front. She rode with the Aundairan cavalry, casting spells and reading scrolls to support the efforts of the armored horsemen. It was a more dangerous post than most mages received, for she had to ride close to the forces rather than hanging back behind a screen of infantry, but Alara accepted it as her duty and never shirked. She won two commendations for valor, and prided herself that she brought honor to her family.

But after seven years of fighting, her luck ended. Her horse was shot out from under her during a retreat, and she was pinned. She was promptly captured by their Thranish pursuers and imprisoned. As a woman of noble rank she was well-treated, but was held against a high ransom.

That ransom would never be paid. The elder Count who had sent Alara off to battle had succumbed to old age some years before, and Alara’s brother died in a plague circulating in the wake of the war. And when Thranish forces advanced on their hereditary home, Alara’s sister had made a fatal error by leading what men she could muster in an effort to resist. Unbeknownst to her at the time of her capture, Alara was in fact Countess ir’Etrielle, head of an impoverished noble house.

Alara was held for years, until the Treaty of Thronehold finally secured her release. She returned home to take stock of her family situation. The family’s holdings in what had become the Scarred Lands were now worthless, and even those set on still fertile soil could barely sustain themselves. There was no surviving manor house worthy of a local Lord, let alone a Countess, and the family’s crushing debt to House Kundarak was slowly sucking the life out of it.

In another time she might have found an influx of cash by marrying a wealthy scion of a commercial family, perhaps an unmarked House member looking to trade in his House name for a new title. Alara surely considered it. But the war had left a surfeit of noble titles available for such a purchase, and hers would have come with the estate’s debt. More than one suitor hinted that he would surely marry her for the title if she would simply allow Kundarak to claim the lands and settle her debt.

If there were ever a member of House Etrielle who would have accepted such a solution, it was not Alara. She put the affairs of her lands into the best state she could, and then set out. She at first thought to form a mercenary company, but quickly realized that in the wake of the War’s end the supply of soldiers far outstripped demand. So she set her sites on exploration and treasure-hunting, hoping to find buried wealth to replace her family’s own.

Were she capable of setting aside her determination to return her family to glory, she might have recognized the desperation of her quest and seen her death as its near-certain ending. But that clarity would not have changed her course.

She is currently traveling incognito-ish, introducing herself as “Lady” rather than “Countess”. Under Aundairan rules of peerage she is entitled to refer to herself this way, but it implies she is local gentry under a liege instead of a more prominent noblewoman. She does so partly to ensure if she is captured she will not be ransomed at the level of a countess, and partly so that her creditors are less likely to hear about her desperate adventures. But also, she is ashamed that she has to do what she is doing and does not want to fully claim the title until she has restored honor to her family.

Personality: It would be unfair to describe Alara as haughty, but she does have an arrogant streak. She tries to be respectful of the people around her regardless of their station, and she has certainly learned that good ideas and great deeds can come from anyone. But if there is no other noble present, she expects to be the one making decisions. If someone calls her out on this, she is likely to acknowledge she does not have the authority to make decisions, but she will not back down easily.

Those complications aside, she believes it is her duty to raise those around her up rather than tear them down. And with people she trusts, she is capable of sharing a joke or a good story. She loves chess and will eagerly play with any competent opponent or teach any interested novice. And she will stand beside those who fight beside her.

But underneath all of that is a desperation bordering on madness, one that she does not even admit to. Put treasure in front of her and she will take only what she is due, and share the rest according to law and custom. Offer her honors and she will recognize those who helped her achieve it. But put her in a position where she must choose whether it is her or another, and it will be her. Not because she craves these things for herself, but because she must have them for her family’s sake.
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Possibly a Idiot.
I'll post this link to the character then. Feel free to say if something won't work.

I can export it to proper forum text later, but for the sake of potential edits, using a sheet is easier right now.


I just realized you can't see the background bits in that link.

Background, custom Soldier.


One of the many, many, children of Kethelrax the Cunning, Rotom has had what could be considered a privilaged childhood in the sea-side fortress of Shaarat Kol in Darguun. She is the 13th born, down far enough that most consider her birthrank mere trivia at best.

She left her fortress home in the hopes of accumulating enough knowledge and experience in order to found her own school of artifice.

additional notes:
Iredar(Eberron) Kobold race.

Ternmolik (Stonescale) Crafter Cast.

Rotom is Draconic and short for "throtominarr", which means: "to improve; to build on what your ancestor had done and pay honor to them by improving their work."


Size: Small

Speed: 30ft.
Init: +2
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 9
Darkvision: 60'
Sunlight Sensitivity

16 (Scale Mail)
Maximum HP: 10
Current HP: 10
Hit Dice: 1d8

*: Indicates Proficiency.

Class Stats
Save DC
Spell Slots
Total slots20000



Grovel, Cower, and Beg
Once per short rest as an action, you can cower to distract foes. Until the end of your next turn, allies gain advantage on attacks against enemies within 10 ft. of you that can see you.
1/ short rest.

Magical Tinkering
Imbue a Tiny nonmagical object with a magical property of your choice: 5ft. radius light, up to 6 second long recorded message, emits odor or nonverbal sound, static visual effect including up to 25 words of text. You can affect a maximum of 2 objects at a time.
2 max active.

WeaponTo hitDamageRangeNotes
Light Crossbow+41d8+280/320Loading, Ammunition
Dagger x2+41d4+2Melee, 20/60Finesse, Light, Thrown
Unarmed Strike+21
Bonus Actions:

Two weapon Fighting.

Pack Tactics.
You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Trained Skills:
Arcana (INT) +4
History (INT) +4
Investigation (INT) +4
Persuasion (CHA) +2

Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields.
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Alchemist Supplies Herbalism Kit, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin

Racial Traits
60 ft.
Grovel, Cower, and Beg
Pack Tactics
Sunlight Sensitivity

You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception checks that rely on sight when you, your target, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Artificer Features
Hit Points:
Proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies, Investigation, Arcana
Magical Tinkering


INT stat.
Prepared list.
Use Tools or imbued items for a focus.

Spells Prepared:
Level 1
Cure Wounds

Brood of Kethelrax the Cunning. (Custom Soldier)

Proficencies: Goblin, History, Persuasion, Herbalism Kit

Feature: Military Rank

Lawful Neutral
GENDER: Female
EYES: Atomic Blue
SIZE: Small
HEIGHT: 2' 2"
FAITH: Thir (Kobold Origin myth, favoring Aasterinian)
HAIR: None.
SKIN: Red scales
AGE: 6
WEIGHT: 25lb.

Personality Traits
I’m always polite and respectful.
I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.
Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. (Any)
I work to establish a library, university, scriptorium, or monastery.
I’d rather eat my armor than admit when I’m wrong.

Crossbow Bolts, Light Crossbow, Dagger x2.
Scale Mail
Common Clothes.
Crowbar, Hammer, Piton x10, Rations (1day), Hemp Rope 50', Thieve's Tools, Tinderbox, Torch x10, Waterskin. Feather Trophy, Set of Cards.
Money Pouch
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I’ll post my warforged druid later this week.

Is it ok if I refluff his druidic abilities as a result of a minor Gatekeeper seal fusing to him during the Mourning? No rule changes, just fluff.


I think I'm going to make up the Aundairan wizard, unless that leads to problems for party balance. Any concerns?

Will you allow the Variant human trait rules from the PHB? (+1 to two char, 1 skill prof, 1 feat)

Variant Human is fine. I kind of see it as default anyway :)


Here's a rough draft for my character's sheet. Everything still subject to change.

Liutbrand Torrn

Half Orc (Mark of Finding)
Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 7 (-2)
Armor Class 14 (leather)
Hit Points 13 (HD: 1d10)
Speed 30 ft.

Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha -2
Skills Perception +5+1d4, Survival +5+1d4, Insight +5, Stealth +5, Investigation +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15+1d4
Tools Herbalism Kit, Thieves Tools
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc

Alignment Chaotic Good
Background House Torrn Agent (The Torrn clan is part of house Tharashk)
Religion Balinor (The Sovereign Host)
Personality I have very eccentric fashion tastes, which could easily be described as gaudy or garish. I know what I like, and if others don’t, too bad for them.
Ideals I enjoy helping those in need, but I’ll always ask for a reward, however small.
Bonds I will never admit it, but I care deeply about my family and clan.
Flaws I can be extremely stubborn, especially to anyone who thinks they can order me around.

House Agent Background Feature: House Connections. As an agent of your house, you can always get food and lodging for yourself and your friends at a house enclave. When the house assigns you a mission, it will usually provide you with the necessary supplies and transportation. Beyond this, you have may old friends, mentors, and rivals in your house, and you may encounter one of them when you interact with a house business. The degree to which such acquaintances are willing to help you depends on your current standing in your house.

Favored Enemy: Humans and Goblinoids (might change depending on where we start the campaign)
Natural Explorer: Forest (might change depending on where we start the campaign)

Short Sword
. Melee weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 piercing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, ranged 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 piercing damage

Bonus Actions
Off Hand Short Sword.
Melee weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 piercing damage.
Finder’s Magic: Hunter’s Mark (Recharges on long rest).

Equipment: leather armor, 2 shortswords, longbow, quiver (20 arrows), explorer’s pack, house Torrn signet ring, identification papers, fine clothes, 20 gp

EDIT Background Story:
The youngest of the many nephews of archdruidess Maagrim Torrn, Liutbrand showed an aptitude for nature magic at a young age. His path in life was pretty much set: with his parents' consent, he was inducted in a druidic circle at the age of 9. Nowadays, Liutbrand can hardly remember his parents.

Being a member of a dragonmarked house and an apprentice druid, young adult Liutbrand was spared the horrors of the Last War. However, his life at the circle wasn't the best. His druid mentor, Nargos Torrn, was a unfair man, with harsh training methods. He was also a big hypocrite in Liutbrand's eyes, asking for high standards of diligence and restraint from his students, while being a drunken slob himself.
A year ago, his druidic training not finished yet, after a massive argument with his mentor, Liutbrand escaped the circle, quickly disappearing into the wilds.
In the wilds, he survived on his own for several months, hunting and foraging, and quickly developed the skills of a self-taught ranger. Being completely alone in a bandit-infested wilderness, he almost ended up killed on a few occasions.

In the end, he returned at his house's HQ, ready to defiantly accept the consequences of his insubordination. Several house members called for punishment. House leader Maagrim Torrn, despite being rather disappointed with her nephew's behavior, decided to be lenient (possibly because she was aware of Nargos Torrn's personality and methods). Liutbrand was assigned the lowly job of house courier.

Liutbrand was actually very happy with his new job and life. He was finally allowed to travel the world, see new people, and the nature of his job gave him ample opportunity to put his self-taught skills to the test.

View attachment 118464
Liutbrand's dream attire (which he probably doesn't own yet!)

What druid circle is he affiliated with?


Here's a rough draft for my character's sheet. Everything still subject to change.

Liutbrand Torrn

Half Orc (Mark of Finding)
Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 7 (-2)
Armor Class 14 (leather)
Hit Points 13 (HD: 1d10)
Speed 30 ft.

Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha -2
Skills Perception +5+1d4, Survival +5+1d4, Insight +5, Stealth +5, Investigation +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15+1d4
Tools Herbalism Kit, Thieves Tools
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc

Alignment Chaotic Good
Background House Torrn Agent (The Torrn clan is part of house Tharashk)
Religion Balinor (The Sovereign Host)
Personality I have very eccentric fashion tastes, which could easily be described as gaudy or garish. I know what I like, and if others don’t, too bad for them.
Ideals I enjoy helping those in need, but I’ll always ask for a reward, however small.
Bonds I will never admit it, but I care deeply about my family and clan.
Flaws I can be extremely stubborn, especially to anyone who thinks they can order me around.

House Agent Background Feature: House Connections. As an agent of your house, you can always get food and lodging for yourself and your friends at a house enclave. When the house assigns you a mission, it will usually provide you with the necessary supplies and transportation. Beyond this, you have may old friends, mentors, and rivals in your house, and you may encounter one of them when you interact with a house business. The degree to which such acquaintances are willing to help you depends on your current standing in your house.

Favored Enemy: Humans and Goblinoids (might change depending on where we start the campaign)
Natural Explorer: Forest (might change depending on where we start the campaign)

Short Sword
. Melee weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 piercing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, ranged 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 piercing damage

Bonus Actions
Off Hand Short Sword.
Melee weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 piercing damage.
Finder’s Magic: Hunter’s Mark (Recharges on long rest).

Equipment: leather armor, 2 shortswords, longbow, quiver (20 arrows), explorer’s pack, house Torrn signet ring, identification papers, fine clothes, 20 gp

EDIT Background Story:
The youngest of the many nephews of archdruidess Maagrim Torrn, Liutbrand showed an aptitude for nature magic at a young age. His path in life was pretty much set: with his parents' consent, he was inducted in a druidic circle at the age of 9. Nowadays, Liutbrand can hardly remember his parents.

Being a member of a dragonmarked house and an apprentice druid, young adult Liutbrand was spared the horrors of the Last War. However, his life at the circle wasn't the best. His druid mentor, Nargos Torrn, was a unfair man, with harsh training methods. He was also a big hypocrite in Liutbrand's eyes, asking for high standards of diligence and restraint from his students, while being a drunken slob himself.
A year ago, his druidic training not finished yet, after a massive argument with his mentor, Liutbrand escaped the circle, quickly disappearing into the wilds.
In the wilds, he survived on his own for several months, hunting and foraging, and quickly developed the skills of a self-taught ranger. Being completely alone in a bandit-infested wilderness, he almost ended up killed on a few occasions.

In the end, he returned at his house's HQ, ready to defiantly accept the consequences of his insubordination. Several house members called for punishment. House leader Maagrim Torrn, despite being rather disappointed with her nephew's behavior, decided to be lenient (possibly because she was aware of Nargos Torrn's personality and methods). Liutbrand was assigned the lowly job of house courier.

Liutbrand was actually very happy with his new job and life. He was finally allowed to travel the world, see new people, and the nature of his job gave him ample opportunity to put his self-taught skills to the test.

View attachment 118464
Liutbrand's dream attire (which he probably doesn't own yet!)

Did I miss it? Where is he from? The Shadow Marches? The capitol, or one of the outlying villages?

Voidrunner's Codex

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