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ENboards Boston Game Day V sign-up! Come throw down some dice at Piratecat's house!

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No Trouble at All
Arrghh. Silly me paying attention to work instead of ENWorld!!

Well, I'm about 20 minutes from the PCat residence from the descriptions, so put me on the waiting list for any games that open up for the Jan 11 gathering.

Hmm... unless you want a GM for some sort of D&D game for the fourth game. Can you guys actually fit a fourth game?

Are you totally nuts for inviting this many people into your home?


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Wulf, shush! You'll ruin the surprise!

John, we can certainly fit a 4th game if someone wants to run one. My guess is that we could snag a few folks off of the Godlike game, and we'll pick up a few more people as well. Thus, if you want to run one, that'd be great!

I've run four games at once here lots of times. The only possible conflict is that the game in the dining room and the game in the living room will be next to one another - but some blankets hung in the doorway do a great job of muffling sound. It's not a logistical problem, let's put it that way. Maybe I'll stick up out a coffee can for voluntary "cleaning up the house" donations, but that's about it.

Warning: we have both 2 dogs and 1.75 cats. If you're allergic, medicate before coming over!


No Trouble at All
Righto, I've double-checked the schedule with the wife so I'm in.

If there are interested people I will tenatively look to run:

Guardian of Beauty (Abbreviated). When first run this took three sessions of 4-6 hours, so we'll be cutting right to the chase and simplifying this down to a pretty straight-forward bash.

A few days ago agents of Tala (Goddess of Magic and Wisdom) defeated a dark cult that worshipped the Abyssal Malugan, Lord of Secrets. On the altar of the dark cult was found a tome so hideously evil and powerful that the Talans had great difficulty containing and moving it, and have no good idea of how to destroy it. This tome was moved at great cost to the temple and locked away in a special chamber hidden under the altar to Tala in the sanctuary. The secret panel in this altar has a very difficult locking mechanism and deadly poison trap. The chamber within has the effect of a Time Stop when closed. The entire altar was stolen last night.

Our heroes, recruited from the survivors of the earlier mission and local allies, must retrieve this terrible tome before it is used for whatever foul purpose it was intended.

Like I said, straight forward bash hook. Original run was for four characters of 10th level. Any takers?


Larry Fitz

First Post

I'm coming from bucolic Western Connecticut and look forward to meeting your dogs and your fractionated cats...

Apparently there is some interest and even a spark of debate over my pizza theory, so I will start a thread as soon as I finish some of the more esoteric formulae in the proof... or at least have enough time to spare on posting it....


First Post
Piratecat said:

And wow! I met nopantsyet this weekend! And thank God - he had on pants. Phew.

...or did I?

But seriously...I consider it professional courtesy. Just like how your char was the only one I didn't engulf in a blast of elemental energy.

So which pizza place is across the street? I'm thinking Sweet Tomatos? Their pizza is sooooo good. Although for roof-burning cheesy slop, Hoagies satisfies. I have become the pizza master of Newton Centre. I could eat pizza every day of the week and never from the same place!

And have.


No Trouble at All
Alternative fourth game idea:

I just received the new Dragon magazine with the gladiator articles. Perhaps the fourth game could be a running gladitorial game. People could drop in and out pretty freely, so if you are in one of the other three games and your character is killed or temporarily removed from the plot, you could wander over.



First Post
I like the idea of having some sort of drop-in game for the fourth table. If at all possible, maybe even something that can handle large numbers, so if one game finishes early, those people can join the drop-in game.


First Post
Conaill said:
I like the idea of having some sort of drop-in game for the fourth table. If at all possible, maybe even something that can handle large numbers, so if one game finishes early, those people can join the drop-in game.

I agree. (He says fully expecting a quick and embarrassing death in Godlike.)

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