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Falcon and winter solider

Are they setting up the GRC as being ‘Big Government’ with US Agent and Battlestar as the oppressive hand of the system? Are the Flag Smashers actually misguided good guys who want to give vaccines to the poor, destroy symbols of toxic nationalism and create a global utopia?
The Power Broker is in the mix too, but whether he is independent, like in the comics, or is working more directly with the government, we do not know yet. Plus, the part that confuses me is that Flag Smashers want to go back to how it was in the 5 years half the people were gone, but it seems like they are taking the medications to refugee camps? Wouldn't the camps be where returnees live because their old homes and jobs and lives are gone?
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A suffusion of yellow
The Power Broker is in the mix too, but whether he is independent, like in the comics, or is working more directly with the government, we do not know yet. Plus, the part that confuses me is that Fle Smashers want to go back to how it was in the 5 years half the people were gone, but it seems like they are taking the medications to refugee camps? Wouldn't the camps be where returnees live because their old homes and jobs and lives are gone?

Yeah, how they work the Power Broker in is going to be interesting.

As to the refugee camps I suppose that there may have been a lot of Snap Orphans in cases where parents got dusted leaving children behind, which would be consistent with Karli being a young woman (actress is 22).
Others may have been in the camps due to government collapse? But yeah we do need more information about just what did happen during those 5 years

Fle Smashers want to go back to how it was in the 5 years half the people were gone, but it seems like they are taking the medications to refugee camps?
I don't think their philosophy is "we wish all the people who came back where dead".

I think is more a case that governments collapsed during the blip, but when people came back the returners picked things up right where they left off five years ago.
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Back to Wanda vision-Monica will have the same super powers as captain marvel? Which one does rogue steal her powers from in the comics? are any of the other agents also potentail super heroes?
In the comics, the original Captain Marvel was a Kree with extraordinary abilities (with the real name Mar-Vell). He was at some point on Earth where he was co-operating with the US authorities, where he and Carol Danvers got into some accident that merged his genetics with hers, giving her the traditional "flying brick" powerset (strength, stamina, damage resistance, flight, and also a "seventh sense" giving her some ability to sense danger). At the time, she went into the hero business, originally as Ms Marvel.

The Avengers writers eventually did some, um, questionable things with the character in the early 80s, and in an effort to salvage the character in the aftermath Chris Claremont had her get into a fight with Rogue (at that point a super-villain working for her foster-mothers Mystique and Destiny), which ended with Rogue permanently draining Danvers' powers and memories, leaving Danvers for dead. She survived, however, and with the help of Professor X she managed to regain most of her memories but without their emotional context. Danvers became a supporting character in the X-Men for a while, and while in space she was experimented on by the Brood, which lead to her gaining a new and improved powerset as Binary. In addition to a souped-up version of the flying brick powerset, she now also had the ability to control and project both electromagnetic energy and gravity, as well as survive in space and fly in hyperspace (this is essentially the version we see in the movie, at least power-wise).

Later on, Mar-Vell died from cancer. Shortly thereafter, Monica Rambeau got the ability to project and to transform into various forms of electromagnetic energy (and some limited ability to control it), and was dubbed Captain Marvel by the press. She joined the Avengers (as the first African-American superheroine in the group) and had various adventures with them. She eventually lost her powers, at which time the name Captain Marvel was picked up by Genis-Vell, Mar-Vell's son (by way of genetic engineering). When Rambeau eventually regains her powers, she takes on the name Photon instead. She eventually changed to Pulsar, and now goes by Spectrum.

Meanwhile, Danvers breaks ties with the X-Men when they decide to take in Rogue who is having severe issues with mental stability due to having Danvers' memories in her head (Danvers did not take those news well), and goes into space to have wacky fun adventures there. She eventually loses most of her Binary powerup, leaving her with her original powerset. She returns to Earth and rejoins the Avengers as Warbird. This is met with mixed success. Eventually, the Avengers disband, due in part to unconscious reality manipulation by the Scarlet Witch.

Said reality manipulation eventually results in the House of M reality, where Danvers is Captain Marvel, the most well-regarded human super-heroine in a mutant-dominated world. When that reality collapses, Danvers retains her memories, and decides to fix her life. She starts being more assertive and is given an increasingly high-profile role in the comics, culminating in her claiming the mantle of Captain Marvel about ten years ago (in real time). There have been a few other Captains Marvel in between Genis-Vell and Danvers, but no-one who made much of a splash. These days, Danvers for the most part has a souped-up version of her original powerset, but with latent Binary powers that activate when she is exposed to large amounts of energy.

TL;DR: Captain Marvel is a title that has been carried by many different characters: Mar-Vell, Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell, Phyla-Vell (now Quasar), the super-skrull Khn'nr, Noh-Varr (now going by Marvel Boy), and finally (hopefully) Carol Danvers.
Monica Rambeau has had multiple code-names: Captain Marvel, Photon, Pulsar, and Spectrum.
Carol Danvers has also had multiple code-names: Ms Marvel, Binary, Warbird, and now Captain Marvel.


I don't think there philosophy is "we wish all the people who came back where dead".

I think is more a case that governments collapsed during the blip, but when people came back the returners picked things up right where they lest off five years ago.
It's probably especially acute for kids just reaching adulthood. They'd gone through their adolescence with this combination of "we're all in it together" shared feelings, the bonding of having all gone through this great tragedy, and they're just about to set out into a wide open job market and a super-cheap housing market.

And then bam, everybody's back from the dead, and there are suddenly a couple of billion more qualified people ready to pick up the jobs they were doing before the Blip, and a major housing crisis as well. It's basically like a bunch of strangers turned up and stole these kids' futures from them.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Unfortunately Marvel has a tendency to go too black and white for my taste. They started him out legitimate, genuine good guy, wants to do the right thing, has an honest and true bada** military record to back it up. Honestly they made him look in the right initially, with Bucky and Falcon coming off as childish.

But even by the end of the episode we are seeing a bit more "dickish" behavior, and considering how in Wandavision the director of SWORD went from a decent looking human being in the first episode, to literally shooting at children by the end....I don't have a lot of hope in an actual multifaceted character.
Umm, he repeatedly was trying to do the right thing and was rebuffed again and again. Even after them walking away from him in the jeep he immediately intervened when he found out Bucky was arrested, and overturned the therapy sessions. After that, he freely gives intel to Sam & Bucky, and only after getting rebuffed yet again says the dickish line "Don't get in my way". Really, I think he showed them a heck of a lot of patience and extended goodwill several times, finally getting fed up.

Now, I still think he's going to be less than stellar, but he had one well-deserved line of dickish behavior after multiple attempts to extend the olive branch in both words and deeds. That's just being human.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Umm, he repeatedly was trying to do the right thing and was rebuffed again and again. Even after them walking away from him in the jeep he immediately intervened when he found out Bucky was arrested, and overturned the therapy sessions. After that, he freely gives intel to Sam & Bucky, and only after getting rebuffed yet again says the dickish line "Don't get in my way". Really, I think he showed them a heck of a lot of patience and extended goodwill several times, finally getting fed up.

The element of this that you are leaving out is that he's trying to insert himself into their world as an equal, wearing a mantle of their best friend and idol, without having proven himself first. He just shows up and gets in the middle of things.

Yes, Bucky and Sam were overmatched at the time, but that's secondary to men who are struggling to deal with new realities themselves.

So... the end result is kind of predictable.


A suffusion of yellow
The element of this that you are leaving out is that he's trying to insert himself into their world as an equal, wearing a mantle of their best friend and idol, without having proven himself first. He just shows up and gets in the middle of things.

Yes, Bucky and Sam were overmatched at the time, but that's secondary to men who are struggling to deal with new realities themselves.

So... the end result is kind of predictable.

yeah, except as a soldier he has proven himself (he’s been decorated 3 times), so sure he isnt a friend, but he has been employed for The Job and he does have a right to consider himself a professional peer.
I can see how he is the guy who knows that the one he’s replacing wore some big shoes, but he’s keen to do the Job well and wants his new colleagues to know that he is happy to be part of the Team and hopes they will accept him.

Sam and Bucky made it clear they dont accept John Walker as a peer - even as a fellow soldier, which imho is a bit dickish of Sam (its a more understandable reaction from Bucky).
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5e Freelancer
I would love for them to keep John Walker as a "good guy", but also as a rival. That would be a cool plotline, IMO. The idea reminds me of Skyrim's Civil War plotline, where neither side is "evil", and both of them have good points. Sam and Bucky have a point that Steve wouldn't want John taking his place, but John also can help and Sam and Bucky may need his help to beat . . . whoever is the villain in this series.

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