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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


(If happens as told in post)

Morwel looks up in sudden surprise from her place.

And then focusing her divine energy she views the place form which the disturbance in the very balance of good and evil has come and looks into the Great City itself. And then without a spoken word she is gone in a shimmer of starlight.

William said:
Melkor said:
A gate opens near the Great City.

From it, Galllador himself emerges, ridng a Shadow Dragon, Sword of Kas in his hand, radiating a terrible and grear Power, some of his most powerful children on the side of their Lord, the sphere of unholy Darkness surrounding them, blocking the light of accursed sun.

Gallador rides to face Elistraee, angry and shocked.

"What are you doing to the Drow, my allies!? Where is Eclavdra?! The Greater Gods have left, you should have fled with them! I do not fear pathetic Godlings as you, not with the power of Sword of Kas on my side, the age of false Divinity on Oerth has ended. and you are nothing less than frivolious whore to me!"

Meanwhile, Shadow Prince Allator is looking for Eclavdra, using his great powers to sneak past Elistraee`s forces.

A bright light fills the cavern as Al'Akbar appears with a throng of celestials and djinn.

"I swore to Eclavdra that if her people were overcome and threatened with annihilation, I would aid her. This is not a matter for you, Lord Gallador! Furthermore, Ellistrae has aided me in the past. The Whispered One comes. I suggest you prepare for that struggle for the Sword of Kas no doubt hungers for the ultimate foe of Kas. I suggest that you go now!"

Daoud and a strike force of celestials search for Eclavdra. They check the place where Al'Akbar secretly meet with Eclavdra and the great city.

For a moment the area brightens as if the stars shine softly overhead and then Morwel appears, Faerinall, and Gwynharwyf by her side, accompanied by a small force of Ghaele and Firre Eladrins. (15 Elite PL, taken in even percentage from where they are stationed and 2 Epic PL and Morwel)

She stares up at Gallador, and draws her divine power around her, even as she gathers her impressive arcane energies.
"You are given a single opportunity to leave this place Gallador, your presence here violates the spirit of the TEC and I will not hesitate to destroy you utterly."

The clerics of the Miranda Alliance and the remaining Eladrin there will take care of the drow embassy to the best of their abilities, given their limited access to divine magic. However the eladrin do have many healing spell-like abilities.

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First Post
Foran's diary

See, most planet bound elves are layed back. Sure, they think they are better than us humans, but, once you get beyond that, you find that they have great wine, are excellent sparring partners, are excited to share and trade secrets of The Art, and are generally layed back, nice people.

Sadly, this does not apply to members of the Imperial Navy. Never before, have I seen a bunch of regimented, stogy elves! While they are undoubtedly the most well trained, organized army of good in space, and the only real check to the forces of the neogi, illithid, and beholders, you can’t get them to relax! Order, discipline, and the ever-mighty chain of command rule their lives. And, to top it all off, they still think they are better then humans.

As the meeting ended, General Legubim received an urgent message from a scribe: He read it, eyes wide, and then turned to the others.

“The Drow of Oerth, have been cut off from their dark gods, and are reverting to their true form. The members of the navy are honor bound to help their brethren.”

Renzwick, looking confused, processed this new development. “This might prove a significant delay for us, and… it may cause problems diplomatically. Are you sure they are worth this trouble?”

“ As I said, we are honor bound to help. With or without you. This is our highest priority, and we have all sworn to aid our fellows when we joined the navy.”

“Then we will help you. We will order all troops to dock, and our crews will teleport to the Great city.”

And so it was…. All mobile forces of Ginsel and the Grayspace Imperial Navy teleported to the great city. Once they found that Edina and the city were secure, they teleported to the former cities of the drow and the underdark of the moon, to bring the elves their to the main city.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The Wolf God sends no armies, no tremendous forces of his servants, to interfere in these events. Only one woman, plainly if richly dressed, with the long sleeves of her gown concealing her backwards hands, strictly to observe.


First Post
It rained over the Tharquish Empire. A heavy rain, pouring forth from thick, dark clouds that had blotted out the sun and the stars for weeks. While such storms were not uncommon for the island chain nation, the storms rose suddenly as the gods fell silent, and had not abated for a moment since. The loss of the stars had been seen as a symbol for the loss of the gods by the court poets, the Fleet of the People blinded and adrift at a savage sea.

However, most of the poets, along with the majority of the court itself, were dead now. The Tempest of Hell had arisen with the storms, his brutality matched by the fury of nature. Despite the unending storms, Tharquin was still ablaze. The Tempest had stormed the capital city and crushed its defenders within hours of his arrival. Chaos ruled the city, and the people feared for not only their lives, but their world.

However, once the city relented to the Tempest, the killing stopped. The chaos continued, but the barbarians moved off the streets into the imperial palace and the guardhouses throughout the city. Soon, people began to gather on the steps of the palace. They waited in the rain for days, their numbers growing and growing until the entire city stopped, and waited. They waited for relief, they waited for the truth, they waited because it seemed that the world itself waited with them in a state of permanent upheaval.

Then, the Tempest emerged from the palace. No noise save for the rolling thunder and the pounding rain could be heard throughout the city, and yet even these seemed to quiet themselves as the Tempest began to speak. The gods have abandoned you, he said, but I have come to guide you. All of you were once slaves, to the gods, to the empire, to meaningless traditions. But now you are free. You have been liberated, and you are now my people. I will guide you. I will make you strong. I am the Truth. I am the Way. I am Freedom.

The rain broke, the people, united, cheered, and the world was reborn.

Later, in the imperial throne room, the Tempest sat and feasted with his wives and the Warfathers, warriors of ancient legend. He did not sit upon the throne, however; he and his chosen warriors sat together at a long table in the center of the room. Fellow tribesmen surrounded him on all sides; the Tempest had managed to completely pack the throne room, in which the emperor had entertained foreign envoys and nobles thousands at a time.

The feast was interrupted by the arrival of a pair of naked humans, a man and a woman, surrounded by a throng of armed guards and spellcasters. Their nakedness did not make them the center of attention; the morals of the old ways were now only ashes in the fires of the Liberation. Rather, it was due to the pair’s obvious, eminent power. They bore an authority that, while insignificant compared to that of the Tempest, was nevertheless not seen in ordinary men and women.

One of the guards approached the Tempest and announced the arrival of the pair, who called themselves devils. A pewter mug on a nearby table exploded as the Tempest’s first wife, a known demoness, heard the name, her powerful hatred manifesting itself.

“They seemed very eager to speak with you, Lord, even when I had them stripped and searched for arms,” the guardsman said as he leered back at the female devil. “The arcanists have secured them as well.”

“A wise precaution, and quite an amusing one as well. Good, let them approach.”

The guards separated, and the devils came forth, submissive yet proud. The one resembling the human woman stepped forward and began to speak. “Greetings, great sire. We have come before you under a oath of peace, for we wish to share with you knowledge and alliance. May we… speak in private with you?”

“No,” the Tempest replied. The devil drew back slightly in surprise; she hid it well, but the Tempest saw even the tiniest flinch. “You will say what you will here and now, before my council and my people.” He leaned back in his chair and placed his boots up on the table. “And you had better be damn entertaining as well, or else I’ll let my first wife entertain us with your help.” First Wife spread her bat-like wings to shadow the Tempest as he spoke, a wicked grin spreading across her face. “Trust me, it won’t be slow, or pleasant.”

“Not for them, at least,” the demoness replied.

The devils began to speak amidst the roaring laughter of the Tempest and his people.

Serpenteye: about the Drow Embassy, the Empire of Lynn will Sequester the drow into temporary, unchanging stasis until a proper method of treatment can be discovered.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Iuz's shock.

Since Iuz was present near the Velsharess ... delivering his doubts regarding the Aliador elves, could I assume that he is near when disaster strikes her ? I will do.

Edena, I disagree that Drow were all evil just because of Llolth. Evil springs from the heart.
But that is just my thought and You are free to do as You will. Keep in mind that Black Elves from Empire suffered not from this "withdrawal" they are all rejected by Drow society, by atrocities or heresy, or "weakness" of spirit ... from Drow perspective. In Empire, they can live as they please and only guard their backs from other Citizens. It is C-E country. :]

*Iuz gazed at Drow Priesstess, suprised that she didn't noticed him. And then he saw that her beatiful skin is drowned in sweat, and fever is burning in her once cruelly beautiful eyes.*

Eclavdra ? I didn't do it ... I know this smell. Elistaree, You crazy :):):):):), what have You done in the name of all that's good and pure ?!

*Cold glance fell on trembling Velsharess, and Iuz grabbed Regalia of Lordly Might. And with smile full of delight wore them. And admired how well they look on him, in one of Eclavdra's mirrors.*

I don't know why I liked You so much. But I will help You anyway. You owe me more than just those pathetic trinkets.

OOC: I'm sorry Edena, but Iuz would kill for such opportunity. We could think a way of restoring it to Elcavdra if she would like to. he still likes her. ;)

*Iuz deific aura exploded from him, magnified by Regalia tenfold, until the whole Great City was enshrouded in thin layer of evil power. Not enough to save the drow from their withdrawal, but enough to save them from physical symptoms. Battle for their minds they have to won alone. Iuz appeared before Elistaree, terrible power and wrath emanating from him, when his booming voice echoed trough whole city. So every drow, vampire and other living being could hear it and understand words spoken in their native language.*

You pushed too much, Drow. Your spite for Your mother know no ends ! Even I'm not that vile. You are repulsive ... where is all that goddnes ? To kill children of Llolth when they started living on their own. For that I despise You.

And You must pay for attacking one of my allies from TEC Pact. I will honor my word, as I alvays were.


*And Iuz striked at Elistaree, with all fury of enraged demon. Regalia of Lordly Might tenfolding its terrible power. In meantime with Lord Gallador quiet mental voice of his little daughter contacted.*

Papa, what will You do if Grandpa Iuz loose ?

OOC:Iuz attacks Elistaree, if he wins he devours her Divinity leaving only pathetic good hearted Drow maiden behind. He wil even tie her wounds, so she wouldn't die.
If he is attacked by one of His allies: Al'Akbar, shame on You. Elistaree isn't member of TEC Pact. Iuz will withdraw if Al'Akbar attacks him, screaming of traitors. All drow who will stand in his way, he will ignore completly. So they should be wary or he might squash them accidentally.

If Iuz loses, and he fights to the death, it is end of Iuz. But not the end of Empire. Unfortunately he isn't prepared and acts hastily, flowing with the wave, so I will say. Gallador might try to knock Iuz uncousiouness, when he will be weakened enough by Elistaree, and take him away ... And Meliana is present here, but invisible. :p

All is in the hands of Serpenteye, and I apologise for Iuz's behavior Edena, I'm sure he would give the Regalia to Eclavdra if she asks him to. he ned them to increase his aura over the drow, so they wouldn't perish. :eek:
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
The sun sets over the crest of the Tilvanot Peninsula; Abbon Craylor sits, grooming, in a curtained alcove at the Grand Amphitheatre of Kro Kerlep. At the bottom of his breath, he practices one final time the speech that he will recite first here, then again countless times across the Scarlet Territories. A burdensome thought, to be sure: No doubt by the end of the day his head will be agonized with teleportation sickness.

A servant steps in: "It is dark now." He had decided some time ago that these rallies should be held at night, the better to emphasize their spectacle. He had come to regret this: By the time he reached the Northern territories it would be quite late, and the thought of appealing to a horde of sleep-deprived barbarians with a spent voice was intimidating, at best. But here it was still early, by grace of the early winter sunset, and these were the true devoted. This one, at least, should be easy.

Swallowing all troubles, Abbon Craylor makes his way to the podium. The enthusiastic cheers of thousands burns his ears, but vanishes politely at merely a gesture. The best audience of the night, indeed.

"Brothers!" he calls, then until he is certain all attention belongs to him.

"Brothers, we are living at the beginning of a New Age.
An age of triumph! An age of greatness! An age of industry!
For Brothers, the gods have left us, but in their stead we have something more powerful.
Brothers, we have knowledge. Knowledge granted to us by benevolent forces from beyond.
Brothers, their will is clear, and so too must be ours:
Our past grievances are to be settled.
Our past sufferings are to be met with justice.
Our past oppressors are to bow down before us.
Our lost dominion is to be restored!

Brothers, let our terms be certain: We claim the Flaeness in the name of the Suel!
Brothers, this is our birthright. This is what we have struggled for long, what we have battled to achieve for so many long years.
Our success is today! The Kingdoms of the Flaeness are flocking to claim allegiance with our Brotherhood. Only a few token holdouts remain, but these spheres of unjust rebellion are too small to blemish our victory. They will be silenced shortly!
Brothers, at last, the Scarlet Brotherhood has achieved its aim."

Craylor falls silent, giving the crowd a chance to savor its rhetorical victory, before moving on.

"But Brothers, today does not end all struggles.
Brothers, today marks but the beginning of new battles, new sacrifices to be made.
We must come together, and prepare ourselves for one more great war.
Why, my brothers? Why in our moment of triumph must we restrain our elation, and strengthen our arms? Why must we commit our energy to preparation, instead of celebration?
What threat remains that can spoil our victory?"

There is a great burst of fire, a silent image resolving into the giant visage of a fearsome, one-eyed lich.

Vecna! Tyranny! Filth! Ugliness! Funeral pyres and interminable suffering! Children screaming under the stairways! Mothers sobbing for armies! Old men murdered in the streets!
Vecna! Vecna! Nightmare of Vecna! Vecna the loveless! Vicious Vecna! Vecna the heavy judger of men!
Vecna the incomprehensible prison! Vecna the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Vecna whose idols are judgement! Vecna the vast stone of war! Vecna the stunner of governments!
Vecna whose mind is pure machinery! Vecna whose blood is running tragedy! Vecna whose fingers are five armies! Vecna whose breast is cannibal energy! Vecna whose mouth is a smoking tomb!
Vecna whose eye is a thousand blind windows! Vecna whose monuments stand in the long streets like endless deities! Vecna whose legions dream and choke in the fog!
Vecna whose love is endless oil and stone! Vecna whose soul is lightning and dungeons! Vecna whose poverty is the specter of genius! Vecna whose fate is a cloud of lifeless alchemy! Vecna whose name is the Tomb!

Vecna! Vecna! Zombie encampments! Invisible townships! Skeleton treasuries! Blind capioals! Demonic industries! Spectral nations! Invincible madhouses! Granite stock! Monstrous fire!

What shall we not give in opposition of Vecna? Labor, iron, sons, meat? Who among you would not give your lives in the fight against Vecna? For you are the hands, the fists of our greater racial body. What good is a hand that will not protect its body? What purpose does it serve?

This shall not be the age of the selfish! Ten Brothers who hide from danger shall only die in hiding, and be forgotten. But Ten Brothers who fight as one shall live, and live on in their blood, and be remembered forever as heroes.

Brothers, the Suel shall fight as one! Let the lesser races cower into their own oblivion. We shall make of ourselves a perfect machine of War, and our adversaries shall not so much as imagine the gift of mercy."

The image of Vecna bursts in magnificent crimson light, as Craylor strides away from the roar of the crowd. His part is done: Leave it to the others to begin taking names, assembling labor groups, enlisting youths into the military...

(OOC: The Vecna tirade is mostly lifted from Howl, by Allen Ginsberg... Don't ask how I arrived at the decision to use it... I'm not sure what to make of using beat poetry as source material for D&D, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing to be proud of.)

(The sblock is just the speech, which ended up growing to thread-clogging proportions... If you don't feel like reading it, but somehow care about the content, the short of it is: Opens by claiming that the TEC Pact somehow represents a victory for the Scarlet Brotherhood, giving them total influence over the Flaeness, and then uses the threat of Vecna in a very vague but inflammatory manner to rally people to arms.)


First Post
All the following sblocks are public unless otherwise indicated. It's just a ton of IC stuff that would take up far too much space if not stored in sblocks.

Before the sphere is sealed:

[sblock]Galeda stood in a forest clearing, going through motions with a blade of energy. As a vulpinal he looked like a blend between a fox and a human. Aside from his conservative clothing, he was covered by an elegant coat of coppery red fur, and possessed a pair of keen amber coloured eyes. He flicked his tail and smirked at having mastered some technique.

Another guardinal, heavily muscled and clad in furs, sat at the edge of the clearing, and failed to notice his friend’s success as he was reading a tome of some sort. He was a blend between a bear and human, an ursinal, and was covered in a thick coat of dark brown fur. He snorted and grumbled about something he read. This was Zennef. Something caught his eye and he reluctantly tore his attention from the ancient tome and diverted to what appeared to be an owl gazing down at him from a nearby tree.

“Galeda! We have a visitor!” he bellowed over to his comrade.

The blade of energy flickered out of existence and Galeda strolled over. Zennef indicated the owl, who hopped out of the tree and changed into a human form.

“So, what news do you bring us?” Zennef asked, “Neelah, right? If I remember correctly you’re one of Talisad’s personal assistants.”

“If Tesnar is back already I’ll be pleasantly surprised,” Galeda added, “But if we’re finally being allowed to do something that’ll be just as good.”

“Erm, no, Tesnar isn’t back yet but you are wanted to do something” Neelah replied, and Galeda smiled, “Talisad wants you two to assemble a team to go to Oerth as soon as possible. It’s very important.”

Galeda rose an eyebrow, it wasn’t what he expected. Zennef’s expression didn’t change much, but he turned to Galeda and they began discussing candidates. While they debated Neelah noticed the aura they gave off, the power they had accumulated over time was almost tangible. It was a little like the feeling of power Talisad gave off.

“Hey Neelah,” Galeda said, getting her attention.

“Hmm?” she replied, her thoughts brought back to the situation.

“We want you in the team, interested?”


“You’re a psion of no small skill, we’d like you to come along,” Galeda explained.

The request was unexpected, but she was quick to accept. It took only a few minutes for Galeda and Zennef to make up their minds on whom else they wanted along.

“I think that covers our bases fairly well,” Zennef said, to which Galeda nodded, “Neelah, if you’d be so kind as to ask the others to meet us here before we go talk to Prince Talisad it would be much appreciated.”

“No problem at all,” she replied, and left.

“Any luck most of them won’t already be out addressing the chaos. You know, this reminds me of that time, with that weird diviner-” Galeda started.

“Yeah, I think that’s what this is about,” Zennef said solemnly, “Great time for Tesnar to have other business to attend to isn’t it?”

Galeda looked grim.

“Some of us won’t be coming back,” he said.

Zennef didn’t reply.[/sblock]

* * * * *

When the sphere was sealed:

[sblock]Hachiman blinked, stupefied, as he felt the sudden absence of the divinities. Friend and foe alike, those not on Oerth, had suddenly seemed to cease existing. He thought he had prepared himself for whatever event was going to happen, but this he did not expect. How bad was the situation outside of Oerth? How bad was the situation on Oerth? Who was being isolated from whom, he asked silently, and why?

The effect was devastating, especially in Zindia, but tragedy was averted through the adaption of carefully laid plans to an unexpected turn of events. Hachiman finally revealed himself to the populations at large, showing them they are not completely alone, which did a lot to prevent unmanageable chaos.

There were many questions in Hachiman’s mind, but one forced its way into the forefront. If the guardinals weren’t here already, how could they get in now?[/sblock]

* * * * *

Back to the present:

[sblock]“My lord,” an elven diplomat bowed and addressed the Emperor, “The elves of the Aliador, and their elven neighbours, have asked to evacuate some of their children here. With the location and true nature of their dwelling revealed they fear a coming conflict, and wish for their young ones to have safety.”

“A logical progression of events from the initial discovery. How many refugees are we going to have to accommodate?” The Emperor replied.

“Numbers are undetermined yet, sir, they are still determining where their children can take refuge,” the elf said.

Emperor Noru turned to an ogre mage sitting nearby.

“Gul’thor, could you government handle the influx?” he asked.

“A simple matter, when compared to other matters at hand,” Gul’Thor replied.

“It can be done then, both Nippon and Zindia are willing to open their borders to the elven refugees. We will guard them as though they were our own children,” he says, but seeing another country doubt their ability to protect their own children, he asks himself whether he is able to protect his own in addition to the elves.

A few rooms away Hachiman sat before another delegation. This time of devils. Hachiman’s eyes bore into them, critical of every sound that left their lips. They felt his scrutiny, but kept their cool, not doing so would cost them greatly.

“The opportunity to advance technology at a rate far beyond natural limits… I expect a price for this, even after we’ve modified it to suit our own tastes, nothing is free,” he said, his voice unnaturally stern.

The devil sitting opposite him was calm, and his response came naturally. He had prepared long for this meeting, predicting who would have been placed opposite him.

“There’s always an exception to the rule, Hachiman. Even if you are correct, how can you refuse? There are others out there who will accept our offer, and with their new found strength, seek to take from others. You will need to defend yourself, and the highest forms of magic are too costly without a strong economy to fuel the research.”

Hachiman’s gaze did not falter, and the devil felt a niggle of doubt as Hachiman appeared to see right through him.

“We shall accept your offering, to a degree,” Hachiman said.[/sblock]

* * * * *

A little later:

[sblock]Hachiman’s friends had finally arrived. A dozen guardinals stood about in their human forms, gathered in the royal gardens. Hachiman stands before them, a vaguely confused look on his face.

“We got in before the sphere sealed, but there were a number of distractions, I’m sorry for our late arrival,” Zennef said.

Behind him, a few of the guardinals looked a little sheepish at the mention of this.

“Where’s Tesnar? And Fior? And…?” Hachiman started, directing his question to Galeda and Zennef, the rest he wasn’t familiar with.

“Matters are grave outside of the sphere as well as within, these are all the guardinals who could be spared,” Galeda explained.

“Do not worry, Hachiman-san, they are reliable,” Zennef said, and started introducing those who came along.[/sblock]

* * * * *

Nippon and Zindia humbly request to sign the Treaty of Miranda and the Treaty of the Araphid Isles.

Edena, any elven refugees are welcomed into Nippon and Zindia, and though they might be somewhat safer there, Emporer Noru is insistant that they are still at some risk. (The presence of the guardinals though isn’t widely known, even amoung the populace of Nippon and Zindia.)

Also, any drow who have fallen ill within the borders of Zindia and Nippon is given as much medical aid as possible. The demigod, Hachiman, attends to those who have fallen ill where possible.

OOC: Rikandur, I think you may be going a tad far to be taking such liberties with Edena’s PL. I could understand Iuz's presence at the little demipower standoff going on, but to simply be in the right place at the right time and so easily liberate about 2 epic PL of artefacts from another player is not only unfair in my opinion, but if the other powers present saw Iuz wearing those (supposedly drow-owned) artefacts and attacking a demipower who was protecting the drow, I believe it would be him to be seen violating the TEC pact.

Serpenteye – PRIVATE

[sblock]Sorry to be dumping more on you on top of the events already happening in the IC thread, but it’s about time I made my first post to the IC thread, including a few actions to take if the Drow Withdrawal happens.

Like mentioned above, non-magical aid, non-divine magics, and Hachiman himself will be trying to aid drow in Nippon and Zindian territory who have fallen ill. Although, the 2 epic PL and 10 of the elite PL assigned to tasks mentioned in my template will divert their attentions to the great city. This task force redirected to the Great City are the guardinals aligned with Hachiman. They secretly go about helping/healing the drow in whatever way they can, but are on call should anything happen back on or under home turf. Will send you an email if Iuz starts demolishing cities underneath Zindian or Nipponese territory.[/sblock]
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Festy_Dog said:
OOC: Rikandur, I think you may be going a tad far to be taking such liberties with Edena’s PL. I could understand Iuz's presence at the little demipower standoff going on, but to simply be in the right place at the right time and so easily liberate about 2 epic PL of artefacts from another player is not only unfair in my opinion, but if the other powers present saw Iuz wearing those (supposedly drow-owned) artefacts and attacking a demipower who was protecting the drow, I believe it would be him to be seen violating the TEC pact.

Iuz put on the Regalia, because I get the impression that they extend range of "divine aura"
enough to let him reach every corner of the city. And, I wrote eariler that Iuz was asking Eclavdra for advice about Aliador elves. I was suprised too with Edena's action. And abused little the rules of probability. And, from Iuz's point of view, it is Elistaree who is violating TEC Pact with her presence. You know, he had to blame someone for all this. And he heard nothing about fellow named Edena_of_Neith. So he picks Elistaree as the target of his "righteous" vengance.

And, I repeat, Eclavdra will get the Ragalia back whenever she ask's Iuz. He likes her ! I thought it was apparent from my posts. If not sympathy He feel for Drow Mathron he wouldn't attack Elistaree on sight. Iuz thinks that she is responsible for disease ravaging the Great City. He isn't Overgod, to know almost everything, and this is simply a mistake. Risky one, I must admit with all those deities present. Who could smash Him en masse.

Kalanyr, will You take responsibility on Morwel for attacking one of the members of TEC Pact ? Gallador came to help ? Of course this is fine, and very in character. :)

Melkor, Gallador's honor will kill him someday. Three good Demigods, and frenzied Iuz. He likes risk his ... em, unlife. :D
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