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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


In the interests of aiding Aliador, Celene and the Lendores and as the closest approximation to an active Elven power, as she is here on behalf of the Seldarine, Morwel will grant the elves and other inhabitants and of these places divine magic as long as they fall within her clerical alignment (CN,CG,NG).

William/Serpenteye/Festy Dog
[sblock]Morwel will willingly show up assuming the conflict is resolved at such a time in order to aid Eclavdra.[/sblock]
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William Ronald

(OOC: I figured I would respond to an insult with a compliment. Not only is it polite, it ought to surprise the Tempest.)

"Do not worry, storm of battle! For I think soon that you shall prove your mettle against the Whispered One and perhaps even foes more terrible. Against such threats, I believe you would fight with skill, fury, and courage. Soon, the mightiest warriors of Oerth will be needed to defend this world. I hope that Oerth and Greyspace will truly see your full might and skill against the foes of all. Perhaps you shall strike down the Whispered One."

Airwhale: Probably best to include the relevant post to save some time for Serpenteye. When in doubt, make the DM's life easier.

"General," Al'Akbar says "your courage is an honor to your people. Perhaps it is best to accompany Queen Morwel. I regret being delayed so long."

"Queen Morwel, it is an honor to meet you again." Al'Akbar says gravely, "May I attend to Ellistrae? (I presume I can do a heal spell quickly. This is probably enough to make her conscious.) Or do you desire to leave? There is another who needs my attention."

Upon seeing Hachiman, Al'Akbar bows politely in the Nippon fashion. "Domo ia gato, Hachiman. You showed great courage. Perhaps you and Queen Morwel can attend to Ellistrae."

(OOC: Still waiting to hear from Knight Otu. I can't control the action of any other players, but I outlined my intentions.)
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" I have already healed the Dark Maiden, at best this seems to stabilise her, it would seem that something is missing, but you are welcome to try Al'Akbar. And Tempest, I've heard that said before. "
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True. Faerinaal will ask Ashardlon's (or whoever appears to be in charge) permission before entering with his escort. He will refrain if not given approval.

Triumvirate, Serpenteye
[sblock]If it comes to that they'll go along with it.[/sblock]
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Just a few quick points, since I'd rather wait for Serp to rule on the combat before going to much further:

- Re Iuz, is retreat an option? I was kind of assuming spells like Dimensional Anchor/Lock/Etc would be in place in any given combat (otherwise, every epic/elite combat ends in teleporting away, rather than defeat... kinda hard to make progress.)... If I do need to specify, consider it specifed, and consider it specified henceforth whenever it's an option :)

- Re Lady Meliana (sp?), the Elder Brothers will ignore her for the time being; if she (or anyone else) intervenes against them, they will defend themselves, but otherwise divert as little attention as possible.

- Should Iuz be incapacitated, the Brothers will surround him to prevent him from being moved, until the violence has calmed down and the Pact members present have agreed on a means of holding him.


- Regarding the trade of children, the Brotherhood will have two things to say (whoever is left to say them after the battle with Iuz):
-- First, we question Aliador's claim to membership within the TEC Pact. Since clearly they are part of one larger faction, we find it difficult how they can claim to be Pact members when the powers they control deny it. It seems they wish to see their left hand protected, and yet attack free of obligations with their right. In numerous ways their power is misrepresented, and clearly they should not be allowed to participate in the Pact unless their power is held accountable in its entirety.
-- Second, even if they were to capable of membership in the TEC Pact, there is no clause in any way limiting or regulating trade, between Pact members or otherwise.

If Aliador can properly explain how first it can be considered a member of the TEC Pact, and second how the trading of their former assets should constitute a breach of said Pact, the Brotherhood will immediately rescind its offer. Until that time, we will listen to offers, although we will not finalize any deals or transport any stock until Aliador has had adequate chance to respond, out of respect for their position.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
(The statements below are given now, by all 4 competing factions of my power. They send these messages to all the other leaders of Oerth.)

From the (few as yet) New Evil Drow:

Iuz, our ally, came to save and protect Eclavdra and our people in their hour of need. Iuz answered the TEC Pact, honored the TEC Pact, and has the honor of all the drow.
Eilistraee interfered. By what right did Eilistraee interfere in Iuzs' effort to help us?
We did not invite Eilistraee to come to the Great City, and start interfering when the Withdrawal was upon us.

We denounce Eilistraee and her interference, and we believe the TEC Pact should see her executed as a traitoress to them and to us.
We appeal to Ashardalon, in the wisdom of the Dragon, to see justice done upon Eilistraee, and to care well for our stricken leader, Eclavdra, so that she may recover from the Withdrawal and become enlightened as we are.

We denounce Morwen as a traitor. We believe she has betrayed the TEC Pact, in aiding Eilistraee.
We believe Miranda, Marchwards, and Elvanian Forest should be obliterated for this treason, as outlined under the TEC agreement.
We appreciate that the Whispered One comes, and some would argue that all should stand against him. However, we believe that the TEC Pact is better off without traitors like Morwen and her people, and that our battle against the Whispered One would be more effective without their help.
At the very least, we call for the expulsion of Miranda, Marchwards, and Elvanian Forest from the TEC Pact.

We are withdrawing the drow from the Treaty of Miranda. We do not believe there can be alliance or reason with the elves. They have already betrayed Iuz, threatened Gallador, and they will betray all of us in the end.

We call for a closer role for Iuz and Gallador in our council against the Whispered One.
We call for greater military cooperation and readiness with them, that we may emerge victorious.

If any further harm is inflicted upon Iuz the Great, the drow will consider that treason against the TEC Pact, and we will act accordingly.

Uch, Edena. We are disagreeing about what truly evil and good is. From at least my point of view. ;)

But yes, this is silently accepted. And Black Elf Priests and Priestesses could recive spells from Iuz. Except those slavish to him. He don't rejects friends, and insane friends, he only laughs on those without spine.

Iuz uses Miracle upon Elclavdra, all could hear that he wishes her wellbeing and swift return to health whatever way she chooses. Edena You should inmediately pick up character for Eclavdra, ignoring all stupid things like Iuz or Elistaree, good and evil of elves.

Eclavdra heve, for a moment, absolutely free choice.
Edena_of_Neith said:
From the (few as yet) New Good Drow:

We denounce the actions of aggressors who came to the Great City to thwart the Withdrawal. We consider this a violation of the TEC Pact. We do not ask for justice for this violation, but we condemn Iuz, the Tempest, Gallador, and others who came to once more corrupt us back into the ways of evil.

We give our thanks to Eilistraee for aiding us in our darkest hour.
We hope that Eilistraee yet lives, for we would have her as our Queen.
We appreciate that Eclavdra is probably lost to us, so we would plead for Eilistraee to become our Queen. We plead in all humbleness and humility for the Dark Maiden to consider us once more, even as she granted her mercy and charity upon us Below.

We renounce forever the ways of Lolth.
We renounce the Darkness.
We ask for mercy and forgiveness for our ways from our Surface Brethren, and we will work to make amends for the harm we have done.
We appreciate that the justified hatred and suspicion of us will not go away quickly, but we will work for as long as it takes to make amends for the evil we have done, and to earn the goodwill and respect of our Surface Brethren once more.

To Greater Nyrond, the Baklunish Empire, Miranda, and others who truly supported us, we give our thanks and goodwill.
We will live up to the alliance of the TEC Pact, not out of the greedy expediency and plotting of the old ways, but out of altruism and common ground against the Whispered One.
We will honor the Pact of Miranda as it was truly meant to be honored, in friendship and goodwill and common need, and not in secret plots and greed and hate.

We do not advocate retribution against Iuz, the Tempest, Gallador, or anyone else.
We do not advocate harm to any on Oerth.
We believe all should stand together against the coming threat from Without.
We remain in the TEC Pact because we appreciate the gravity of the situation that now exists.

Empire's of Iuz only response is clear: Jumper sends such message to All elves involved and uninvolved. Why ? Because he's nuts.

You could clearly see who was seeking harm to Black Elves, since only Drow are those being slaves of Elistaree the Daughter of Llolth. She already corrupted free wills of some and brainwashed them to do her bidding. Our Lord's faithful servants aren't using much magic to recover the sickened Black Elves. Only enough that Elistaree's corruption wouldn't kill them.

What we see isn't nothing more than free will of Black Elves endangered by greedy Drow Goddes. Why none of Iuz's subjects was stricked by this malady ? Because they rejected all gods and live only as Empire's citizens. Of course some of them choosed to worship Iuz. But that was their orginal decision.

Morwel with her decisions betrayed TEC Pact, seeking harm to God-Tzar Iuz. But in his great wisdom he wotes that consequences should be drawn only for her, in person. Not for Hachiman or his escorts, who were fulfilling their oaths to Miranda Pact. The didn't harmed Lord Iuz.

Edena_of_Neith said:
From the Lord of the Yuan-Ti:

I speak for Eclavdor since Eclavdra is currently ill, and others in the high leadership are incacitated.
I believe the violence in the City Below should end, that compromise should be achieved, and that we should not tear the TEC Pact apart with accusations against Iuz and Morwen.

For the purpose of collective security, the Yuan-Ti Empire will honor the Treaty of Miranda.
We hope for the cure of Eclavdra. May the Serpent bless her.

Empire agrees.


OOC- I do not believe Morwel has actually engaged Iuz yet. She has two or three times given him the chance to surrender and is even attempting to prevent the Elder Brothers beat the living crud out of him, if he surrenders.


Yug'Thul'Gon, now only a bit insane, set out to establish dominance over his cracked and broken civilization. He sought out the lair of the Staff of Ancient Penumbra. He searched for the staff that was stolen by an army of worshippers of Zuoken and hidden away in the Astral Plane. Despite his immense psionic abilities, he lacked the necessary power to discern the objects precise location, and so set out to lure his enemies away from his goal.

Yug'Thul'Gon sought out the illithid slayers of the Githyanki, Githzerai, and other races which were still on the astral and material planes. With each kill, he made his prey more observant of his actions. They organized, lifetime enemies and racial foes set out to conquer the "greater evil" of the illithid monster Yug had become. With each newly devoured mind, Yug'Thul'Gon would become more aware of the location of the hidden fortress that housed his weapon.

Slowly enraged by these actions, many of the greater masters of the Githzerai joined to attempt to stop this fiend before he devoured more of their students, or worse, came after their temples. Seven Githzerai masters formed a raiding party against the illithid, sworn to slay him or never return. They set a trap, using their foes hunger as bait. Yug'Thul'Gon could not, would not, did not resist the temptations. The Psionic auras the seven masters generated would have drawn out astral abominations the likes of which are to be avoided at all costs by those unprepared. They did not let their strength appear for very long, for fear of such a beast coming, though perhaps such a creature would have at least provided their prey with enough of a distraction to give them an opportunity to win. Perhaps it was an error in wisdom.

Yug'Thul'Gon did not expect to be attacked. He had no longer the concept of fear or of comprehension of a threat. Caught unaware, he was struck suddenly from six sides by an anti-psionic barrier of immense power. He was contained in a single small globe no more than a a dozen meters in diameter. The seventh githzerai, a monk who was without any dependance on psionic power for his personal might, was set out to destroy the illithid in close quarters. Such a plan, simple and elegant, should have been enough to prevent an illithid from using any of their potent psionic powers to present a threat. While the monk engaged the illithid, the others would maintain the barrier and heal the monk in turn, protecting him and preventing him from being injured. They would strengthen him with their own strength and bring great power to their chosen warrior for this purpose.

Yug'Thul'Gon was stronger. Yug'Thul'Gon was vastly stronger. The might brought on by Yug'Rig'Noth's lengthy metamorphosis was not something the githzerai monks would have predicted. The monk was grappled, dragged in closer to the illithid. The monk reacted quickly, he must avoid being held close by the fiend for fear of 'losing his mind'. Where his strength was inferior, his agility would have to provide. He attempt to escape with a stealthy and quick movement that should have been impossible for a githzerai body to perform. The monk bent and twisted his body in truly unusual ways. The monk freed himself.

Nevertheless, his freedom was only partial. While he had indeed freed himself from these tentacles, he also let his eyes look away from the monster for a split second. The illithid reared back one of his six open arms and reached for the monk’s face. The single hand split open into four separate tentacles and a newly formed set of teeth buried within. Yug’Thul’Gon’s tentacles held the monk’s head still while the monster’s hand went about feeding on the monk’s softest and ‘sweetest’ organ. While the head was held still, the body became limp.

Enraged, two of the Githzerai stopped maintaining the barrier. These two were brother and sister, destined children of the Githzerai who brought new techniques into their order. These two were individually very powerful, but together nearly unchallenged. Their power, to fuse into a single creature via a powerful psionic metamorphosis technique, was once thought to be lost for ages. Therefore, the twins became one greater creature that would combat the illithid monster and destroy it.

The two were focused, but they could not fight while the barrier was raised. Their very existence was partially dependant upon psionics when they fought like this. The remaining four githzerai reluctantly relinquished the imprisonment and prepared to join the battle with the menace. Yug’Thul’Gon, as the barrier dropped, used the powers of Istigon to view the minds of all the creatures, including the symbiote. Three illithids as one creature, two githzerai as another, Yug’Thul’Gon charged the joined twins.

The twin has focused one-half of their power on projecting a protective field. The other half of their power was sent in a wave of elemental energies. Yug’Thul’Gon was decimated by the attack, losing half his body to the energy as it burned through his resistances and into his body. The barrier deflected his physical attack.

The other four Githzerai fired off separate bursts of similar magic, causing less but still further damage to the illithid. They seemed confident that they could take victory with brute force of psionics now. Thul’hur’mca took presence then. The mind of the shaper could seal itself from attacks for but a moment, repair the body, and then trap his enemies. Thul would use his power to stump time, if only for a split second. He unraveled enough of the cosmic ‘time’ as one could in the astral, providing himself with almost half a minute with which to do his job. Thul would create four barriers first, to seal away the four weaker warriors. Then he would repair the body in a single instant and bring Yug’Thul’Gon back to its full illithid power. Last, Thul’hur’mca released Istigon’s mind to fulfill the next act of aggression.

To the Githzerai, it appeared as if the creature had both totally healed itself and sealed each of the four warriors away into a barrier. Soon it would appear to them that this barrier was closing in around them. Eventually, eternally, it would slowly crush them into infinitely small pearls of what once were great warriors who sought only to protect the innocent. For now though, they would simply watch as their enemy attacked their champion.

The Githzerai twins voiced their descent, “Abomination, monster, fiend: you have shown the very worst traits of your kind. You are perhaps even worse, killing only to eat. You are a monster that has never been seen before, and will not ever be seen again. Prepare to die like so many others.”

Istigon, inside of Yug’Thul’Gon, laughed an illithid laugh. His four tentacles of the twelve on the hybrid illithid gibbered a bit in delight. Istigon transmitted his thoughts to the fighter in front of himself, “You two are very strong for such lesser creatures. Perhaps you are even stronger than one or two of the lesser illithids. Perhaps you are even stronger than an entire army of our slaves. However, you are nothing compared to me. Your strength, however, and your knowledge, will serve me well. Consider yourself honored. You will be the first thrall of Yug’Thul’Gon.”

Hense, Yug’Thul’Gon, with little trouble, made his words come true.


First Post

Eclavdra remains unconscious.
Based on what I've read, Ashardalons' people are caring for her in Greater Aerdi, Rary, Robilar and Eli are helping her (trying to cause her to become good), and Morwel wants to send help, but Knight Otus' power of Greater Aerdi hasn't yet cleared this.
Others might want to send help, but Knight Otus' power hasn't cleared them either.

Iuz apparently, based on what I read, has teleported away ... he said he did if he dropped below 1.1 PL. That's what I read. I could be wrong.
And, according to what I read, Melkor had Princess Meliana teleport Iuz out of the battle in addition, if Iuz was knocked unconscious. That's just what I remember reading. I could be wrong.
I ... think ... Eilistraee was saved and carried out of the battle. Again, I could be wrong.
And I ... think ... that Ashardalon, Al'Akbar, Morwel, Hachiman, Brother Abbon and his Fellows, and an enormous force of elves of the Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace are still in the Great City.

I must wonder, what the Wolf God and the millions of humanoids, still in the Great City - I think! - in it's far reaches around the encampment of stricken drow and those tending them, are doing?

Let me get this straight: Melkors' Gallador is taking over Gnibble, the World of Undead, and the Lady Lich who is loyal to Vecna escaped and he's looking for her now? And the undead of Gnibble are loyal to Vecna, who seems to be waking up?


If Serpenteye agrees with this, I'd like to comment that the overwhelming presence of elves in the Great City, and the presence of so many good demipowers, and the fact they won the battle against the evil demipowers, made the difference.
It looks like - it appears like - we are going to have a Great City of good drow on Turn 2.
I don't know who they'll be worshipping, and I don't know who my PC will be if any, for Eclavdras' fate is up in the air still, but it would appear the drow of the Great City are going to make it through the Withdrawal and become good.
At least, the EARLY INDICATIONS that the demipowers and healers present have, indicate this. They indicate that the (originally over one million, currently population remaining unknown) hundreds of thousands of drow are all going to become good drow.

In Eclavdras' case, she was very deeply steeped in evil, so the Withdrawal is particularly hard for her, and she is very subject to falling back into evil.
Ashardalon is evil, so this is a factor. Rary, Robilar, and Eli want her to become good, but they also are evil, and this is a factor.
And nobody else has yet come to aid Eclavdra, because Knight Otu hasn't cleared them to come to Greater Aerdi to help (I THINK that's the situation) and that is a factor.
But the jury is still out. Eclavdras' fate still hangs in the balance.

EDIT: Iuz just threw Miracle on Eclavdra, to grant her free will in making this choice. Does ANYONE else do anything or try anything that would influence Eclavdra?

A lot of powers in Greyspace and on Oerik just got new drow citizens, obviously. It's up to Serpenteye how many, but everyone was claiming the drow cities under their powers, and taking in the local drow who remained there.
I know the Tempest incorporated the drow into his Tharquish Empire. Kalanyr, Festy Dog, William, Rikandur, Anabstercorian, Paxus, Knight Otu, and Bugbear have all claimed the drow cities under their lands.
What happens to these drow varies greatly, and Serpenteye must rule on it. I'm guessing many thousands become terrible monsters, the Withdrawal corrupted. Maybe some worship the Tempest, and worship Iuz. Many thousands become good, and some decide to worship Morwel and Al'Akbar. Perhaps some turn to Zagyg as their permanent diety. Some turn to Eilistraee. I don't know. I no longer control these drow, who refused Eclavdras' initial call to come to the Great City To Be before the Withdrawal hit the drow.
I know Melkor got several thousand drow vampires. These would all be monstrously evil, obviously.
And everyone is helping themselves to the rich mithril and adamantite mines, and other treasures of the drow. Certainly, the drow had treasures Below ...



(playing Thomas' power)

Aliador states that it was invited into the TEC Pact by the Empire of Eclavdor, and that no complaints were lodged against it's application for membership at that time, nor at any time since then until now.
That is, no other nation - other than the Empire of Eclavdor, that is - within the TEC Pact has had any complaint or grievance concerning the status of Aliador within the TEC Pact, since it signed the Pact.

Now, Lord Leathnor and Lady Gwyndilyn address the specific complaints laid forth by the Scarlet Brotherhood:

'In what way is Aliador a part of a larger faction? For thousands of years, we have existed in secret, and few even of our own kindred in Celene and the Lendores have known of us.'
'We do not claim control over Celene and the Lendores. Nor do they claim control over us. We have no formal alliances drawn up. We have no charter or any recognizable agreements that would resemble treaties.'
'It is true that the Church of Tritherion is common to our three nations. But the Church within our own country is separate from the Church in Celene and the Lendores. The branch of the Church here has maintained the secrecy of it's Aliadoran Covent and protected our historic anonymnity.'
'Now, the Church of Tritherion has collapsed in our three countries, and no longer exists as a cohesive force at all, thanks to the closing of the Crystal Sphere, and the Catastrophe Beyond.'
'Is the Scarlet Brotherhood claiming we are part of a single power, on the basis of religion?'

'Aliador recognizes trade rights. However, trade is defined as a barter of goods.'
'We did not give our children into slavery. Their status is not that of slaves. Perhaps slaves could be considered goods ... (the Lord and Lady shudder) ... but our children do not fall under that status.'
'If another power enslaved our children, then they would be considered goods, and fall under the trade clauses of the TEC Pact. Until then, our children cannot be bartered and this be considered trade, because they are not yet defined as goods.'

'Thus, we maintain that what you call trading for our children to be a hostile act. How could we not think thus? They are our children.'
'They are not assets or goods. They are certainly not former assets or former goods. They are our children.'

'We are curious ... why, exactly, does the Scarlet Brotherhood so desire the children of Aliador anyways?'


(looks at what happened in Creamsteaks' post)
(decides that Yug'Thul'Gon is going to be one of those foes you don't mess with. Perhaps we could set him and Vecna on each other? :) )
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