Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
@Knightfall For your reference:

AC: 27 / TOUCH AC: 17
SAVING THROWS: (+3 To All [MORALE], +1 To Reflex [Dodge] )
Fort +11 / Reflex +13 / Will +10
Prot. Vs. Sonic: 96 pts. (800 rnds)
Haste: +1 to attack rolls
Bard: +1 to attack and damage roll
Two-Hand: 2 more pts. dam.
TOTAL ATTACK: +12 / +12
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I assuming the potion of eagle's splendor went to Maur (logical) but who claimed the barkskin (+2) and delay poison potions? If no one wants the third potion, I'll have Aureus take it and hold on to it for the group.

@JustinCase and @Scotley,
Am I to assume that either Caerth or Phar has the staff of defense? (The staff has the full 50 charges, BTW.)

Or you guys could lend it to one of the NPCs for this fight. Since it is sized for a medium character, Scarborax can't use it. Syndra could use it, however. (She normally fights with a mwk shortspear.)
Caerth needs very little in the way of magic items, but I think that delay poison potion would be suitable for him.

The staff of defense is nice, but I've got too many options already. Phar is welcome to it. (I also assumed we wouldn't be using it, because it's promised to the Lady's daughter.)
Meanwhile, in Texas: it was so hot, that my kid got sun-burned yesterday at a swim party; this morning as I type this: cool, muggy, rainy.

Hence the saying: "Don't like the weather in Texas? Wait a bit, it will change." 😎
Here in the Netherlands, it's not that bad. It's been reasonably warm here for the last few days, but that never lasts very long. Yesterday evening the thunderstorm came, and now it's pretty okay.

So if I understand correctly, these are the bonuses Caerth has:
  • Haste (+1 attack, +1 AC, +1 Reflex {superseded by Conviction}, extra attack when using Full Attack at full BAB, +30ft movement)
  • Mass Conviction (+3 all saves)
  • Inspire Courage (+1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves versus charm and fear {superseded by Conviction})

And for Screech:
  • Magic Fang (+1 attack, +1 damage)
  • does an animal companion gain bonuses from Inspire Courage and Mass Conviction, too? Haste specifies you choose the targets, so I guess not that one.


World of Kulan DM
Caerth needs very little in the way of magic items, but I think that delay poison potion would be suitable for him.

The staff of defense is nice, but I've got too many options already. Phar is welcome to it. (I also assumed we wouldn't be using it, because it's promised to the Lady's daughter.)
I was going to leave it up to you guys to decide whether or not to use it or not. As far as Lady Pendour is concerned, it now belongs to the PCs. After she finds out that her husband didn't tell her that her daughter is a sorcerer, she's even more determined for the PCs to take it.

JustinCase said:
Here in the Netherlands, it's not that bad. It's been reasonably warm here for the last few days, but that never lasts very long. Yesterday evening the thunderstorm came, and now it's pretty okay.
That's good to hear. Thunderstorms are awesome!

It's almost 11:30 A.M. and it's already almost 30° C in my apartment and 32° C outside. It's supposed to top out at 39° C this afternoon. The next four days are supposed to be even hotter. Ugh.

And no thunderstorms or rain in the forecast until next Monday. The best chance this week is a 30% POP chance on Friday or Saturday. 0% chance today. :(

JustinCase said:
So if I understand correctly, these are the bonuses Caerth has:
  • Haste (+1 attack, +1 AC, +1 Reflex {superseded by Conviction}, extra attack when using Full Attack at full BAB, +30ft movement)
  • Mass Conviction (+3 all saves)
  • Inspire Courage (+1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves versus charm and fear {superseded by Conviction})
The save bonus from Haste is a dodge bonus so it does stacks with the morale bonus from Mass Conviction. Since the bonus from Inspire Courage is a morale bonus, it doesn't stack with Mass Conviction, so you have that right. Everything else looks good.

JustinCase said:
And for Screech:
  • Magic Fang (+1 attack, +1 damage)
  • does an animal companion gain bonuses from Inspire Courage and Mass Conviction, too? Haste specifies you choose the targets, so I guess not that one
I would say both Screech and Featar benefit from Mass Conviction, and if they can understand what music is, then they get the benefits of Inspire Courage. I'm pretty sure they gain that benefit too. The description doesn't say that those that benefit have to understand the bard's language, just be able to her her sing.

Also, Maur cast Hide from Undead on all the familiars and animal companions, so Featar and Screech have that protection too.




World of Kulan DM
I would say there is enough time for the following number of characters (besides Phar) to use it before the zombies appear:

Number of Characters who can use the Staff of Defense (besides Phar) before the Zombies appear: 1D6+1 = [1]+1 = 2

So two others could use the staff once with Phar's guidance. Phar can use it multiple times without any difficulty. He had a bit of time to study its abilities and Gangrell had included details on its use including the staff's command words (previous discovered by Lord Ebal).

A quick summary of the Staff of Defense...

Shield, of course, is a simple +4 shield bonus, so it won't stack with the bonuses from any of the PC's actual shields. I think it only applies to the person wielding the staff, but I'm not sure.

Shield of Faith cast from the staff provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC (at CL 15th). That bonus won't stack with any other deflection bonuses including the one from Shield of Law, as noted below.

Be careful using the Shield Other spell. That could cause Phar some problems if he uses it on too many people. Half of any damage from wounds is transferred to Phar from the warded creature. The spell also gives a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saves.

Shield of Law would be great for the PCs. They'd gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves against all attacks, not just those from chaotic creatures. They would gain SR 25 vs. spells cast by chaotic creatures. The spell also blocks possession and mental influence as per protection from chaos. Finally, any chaotic creature that manages to hit a warded creature is slowed.

I will say Shield of Law can't be cast on chaotic characters.


Phar is of course Chaotic Good, so no Law for him. He has a +1 ring of protection, so I think the Shielf of Faith is quite a bit better for the time being and he'll go with that and hit Angus with a Shield of Faith as well. That leaves one more before the dung hits the spinning wind mill first come first serve...

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