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[LPF] Daggers at Midnight II


First Post
'Oh yes, because bringing armed visitors to a simple discussion over mistaken identities is always the right course of action.' Veniarus thinks to himself but does not put voice to his thoughts. Though Kalius does make a poor attempt at hiding his laughter at the mental comment.

[sblock=Veniarus Mini Stats] Veniarus Tollar (DalkonCledwin)
Initiative: +2
Perception: +2
Armor Class: 15 (13 Flat-footed, 12 Touch)
Hit Points: 23 Current // 23 Total
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +4
Save Modifiers: +1 Cloak of Resistance

Current Weapon: +1 Light Crossbow, Loaded, +5 (1d8+1)

Augmented Summon Monster II: 7/7 Remaining
Spells Per Day: Infinite Cantrips Remaining; 3/4 First Level Remaining
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Guidance, Message, Resistance, Acid Splash
First Level Spells: Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Grease, Life Conduit[/sblock]
[sblock=Kalius Mini Stats]Kalius (Eidolon)
Initiative: +2
Perception: +14
Armor Class: 16 (14 Flat-Footed, 12 Touch)
Mage Armor Class: 20 (18 Flat-Footed, 12 Touch)
Hit Points: 29 Current // 29 Total
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Save Modifiers: None

Current Weapon: M.W. Lucerne Hammer, +8 (1d12+4), 10 ft reach, Brace
Secondary Attack: Bite +1 (1d6+1) [/sblock]

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Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric (NPC)

Ariel was too preoccupied with the situation to worry about the rude red-headed man with his explosive diarrhea. Seeing that Garnet is at least attempting some parley, the warmaiden remarks, "I suggest you bring your mistress out here at once. Her Justice demands answers."

The fiery tempered teenager is still taking a hard stance, prepared to discuss the issue with weapons instead of tongues.

GM: Pari & Maia are up next to post before the next DM update.
[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Talking
Standard Action: Stay put
Move Action: n/a[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 20 (22 with shield, 18 flat-footed, 12 Touch) +3 AC Barkskin
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Guidance, Bless (+1 Att)

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining (3d6/DC14)
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 5/5* (Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, Divine Favor, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 4/4 (Hold Person, Hold Person, Sound Burst, Barkskin)
3rd Level 3/3 (Fireball, Searing Light, Dispel Magic) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Tagaiwi pads smoothly forward into the spot so recently vacated by Heinrich and settles down into a low crouch. A distinct rumbling makes the wooden flooring shake a little as the cat lets everyone know he's keenly aware of the tension in the room.

Pari puts a hand on his friend's back and stands his ground as he listens to Garnett's demand.



The sneering man steps back and replies, "Yeah? So you are not here to discuss the price of our spices and silks." At the mention of Krell, there was no denial nor puzzlement in the man's expression.


The woman remains in place by the open doorway, saying nothing. You still cannot tell if anyone has recognized Pari or mistaken him for Maderius.

[sblock=Combat Information]Combat has not started yet.

Not yet

Updated Map:

1) You cannot move diagonally the racks or through doorjambs.
2) Corners provide standard cover

Ariel:     37/37 HP remaining; 
Garnet:    45/45 HP remaining
Veniarus:  22/22 HP remaining;
Kalius:    29/29 HP remaining; 
Maia:      30/30 HP remaining
Pari:      47/47 HP remaining; 
Tagawai:   47/47 HP remaining;

Wand of CLW(-> Maia): 40 charges remain
Spells Cast: Guidance (All), Barkskin & Bless (Ariel), 
Longstrider (Pari), Divine Favor (Maia), Mage Armor (Ven)
Abilities Used: 
Conditions in effect: Maia (Coat of Many Stars +4AC, Divine Favor), 
Pari (+10ft movement), Ariel (Barkskin), Kal (Mage Armor)
GM: As you post the next round of actions, go ahead include a Perception roll. It might or might not be needed depending on what you do. No need to make Perception only posts to wait for results, the roll is being applied to the next round.

Post another round worth of actions.


Garnet holds her ground, choking down her anger at the man's tone. "We did not come here to banter," she says evenly, her tone hard as the steel for which her clan is famous. "We will speak to Cassatta now."

OOC: Still holding her action.

[sblock=Garnet stat block]
Initiative: +3, +5 underground
AC: 23 (21 flat-footed, 12 Touch); +2 vs. aberrations
HP: 45 Current: 45
CMB: +6 CMD: 19; bonuses vs. aberrations
Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +2; bonuses vs. poisons, spells, spell-like abilities & fear
Current Weapon in Hand:
+1 Dwarven Waraxe: Attack: +08, Damage: 1d10+3, Crit: 20/x3
Bashing Light Shield: Attack: +07 Damage: 1d6+3

TWF: -2 attk w/both wpns, STR/2 dmg w/off-hand (shield)
+1 to-hit vs. Goblins


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric (NPC)

Ariel maintains her position near the door, awaiting for the appearance of the fiendish woman.

"Maybe she is not here?"

GM: I will assume no one is moving and advance the round again in 2 days.
[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Talking
Standard Action: Stay put
Move Action: n/a[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 20 (22 with shield, 18 flat-footed, 12 Touch) +3 AC Barkskin
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Guidance, Bless (+1 Att)

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining (3d6/DC14)
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 5/5* (Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, Divine Favor, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 4/4 (Hold Person, Hold Person, Sound Burst, Barkskin)
3rd Level 3/3 (Fireball, Searing Light, Dispel Magic) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aaarrgh. This is getting us nowhere. Let's be done with it.

Guiding Tagaiwi with subtle signals well ingrained by long practice, the little Gnome and his tiger move on into the room. He gazes past the brutish guard to the woman at the door. "If Cassatta is within, we'll see her now and clear this up one way or another. If she is not, just tell us for the gods' sake!"

[sblock=Actions]Pari moves to I29, Tagaiwi to I30.

Perception (Pari, Tagaiwi) (1d20+13=15, 1d20+8=27)[/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Pari Kalikasan
Initiative: +2
AC: 16 (12 Flat-Footed, 15 Touch), +2 AC vs. Aberrations, Oozes & Vermin
HP: 47/47
CMB: +4 CMD: 15
Fort: +9 Reflex: +3 Will: +7

Senses: Low Light Vision
Perception: +13, Sense Motive: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: Scythe

Special Abilities: Speak w/ Animals (1/Day), Woodland Stride

Spells Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Stabilize
1st Level: Aspect of the Falcon, Longstrider, Ray of Sickening, Frigid Touch, Pox Pustules

Initiative: +4
AC: 21 (14 Flat-Footed, 17 Touch)
HP: 47/47
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +7 Reflex: +9 Will: +4

Senses: Low Light Vision, Scent
Perception: +8, Sense Motive: +2


First Post
Maia takes a deep breath, sensing things have reached a crisis point.

"This whole thing seems complicated," she explains, "but it's really not. Casetta has mistaken our friend here," she indicates Pari, "for someone named Madarius who she evidently really REALLY doesn't like. She's wrong though, this is not Madarius, so we'd like her to stop sending people to kill him."

She pauses, then remembers to add, "Oh, also, we'd like her to end her curse." With a heaved breath and a beaming smile Maia concludes with a heartfelt, "There, that wasn't so complicated after all, was it?"


First Post
Veniarus and Kalius say nothing, though Kalius continues to glance around attempting to determine what the best course of action is going to be. Veniarus himself adds his own efforts to the goal of analyzing the situation at hand.

[sblock=Veniarus Mini Stats] Veniarus Tollar (DalkonCledwin)
Initiative: +2
Perception: +2
Armor Class: 15 (13 Flat-footed, 12 Touch)
Hit Points: 23 Current // 23 Total
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +4
Save Modifiers: +1 Cloak of Resistance

Current Weapon: +1 Light Crossbow, Loaded, +5 (1d8+1)

Augmented Summon Monster II: 7/7 Remaining
Spells Per Day: Infinite Cantrips Remaining; 3/4 First Level Remaining
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Guidance, Message, Resistance, Acid Splash
First Level Spells: Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Grease, Life Conduit[/sblock]
[sblock=Kalius Mini Stats]Kalius (Eidolon)
Initiative: +2
Perception: +14
Armor Class: 16 (14 Flat-Footed, 12 Touch)
Mage Armor Class: 20 (18 Flat-Footed, 12 Touch)
Hit Points: 29 Current // 29 Total
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Save Modifiers: None

Current Weapon: M.W. Lucerne Hammer, +8 (1d12+4), 10 ft reach, Brace
Secondary Attack: Bite +1 (1d6+1) [/sblock]


Pari doesn't notice anything, but Tag does. His ears perk from a sound, but he cannot communicate what it was to his master.


The sneering man holds his ground and calls out to the woman, "Trillia, what did she say? She coming out?"


The woman, Trillia, replies, "Just a moment, Emer." She steps inside the inner office, barely visible.


In her place a man steps out into the main room.
He has short, brown hair and is also dressed in robes, but they are not a merchant's typical attire. Spotting Pari, he remarks, "It looks like he arrived."

[sblock=Combat Information]Combat has not started yet.

Not yet

Updated Map:

1) You cannot move diagonally the racks or through doorjambs.
2) Corners provide standard cover

Ariel:     37/37 HP remaining; 
Garnet:    45/45 HP remaining
Veniarus:  22/22 HP remaining;
Kalius:    29/29 HP remaining; 
Maia:      30/30 HP remaining
Pari:      47/47 HP remaining; 
Tagawai:   47/47 HP remaining;

Wand of CLW(-> Maia): 40 charges remain
Spells Cast: Guidance (All), Barkskin & Bless (Ariel), 
Longstrider (Pari), Divine Favor (Maia), Mage Armor (Ven)
Abilities Used: 
Conditions in effect: Maia (Coat of Many Stars +4AC, Divine Favor), 
Pari (+10ft movement), Ariel (Barkskin), Kal (Mage Armor)
GM: Again, please provide a Perception roll. It might or might not be needed depending on what you do. No need to make Perception only posts to wait for results, the roll is being applied to the next round.

Post another round worth of actions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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