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[LPF] Return to Boar's Ridge


Tamarie the Songweaver
"Not to worry, Mudzum," the cloaked figured responds, voice wafting out from under her hood as she leans forward on her horse to keep try, "Buttercup is still moving her legs while I speak."

"This said," Tamarie shifts the conversation a bit, "I am still hoping to be able to push forward to an inn. I got caught out in the rain a couple nights traveling south to Venza. I only have as much gear as I can reasonably carry, or I'd have bought a tent. I didn't want to share with the caravaneers I was traveling with." She pauses, then whispers under her breath, "Yuck."

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 7/7
CMB: +0 CMD: 12

Fort: +1 Reflex: +2 Will: +2
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 4/4
Heavenly Fire remaining: 7/7
Bolts remaining: 20/20

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: damp
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none
Money: +50gp(retainer),-25gp(horse rental)[/sblock]

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First Post
Darvus Andar, Paladin of Helerion


"I agree. Let us press on. To an inn, if we can; to shade if we must." Darvus pulls his cloak up to protect him from the rain.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Darvus Andar
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 11/11
CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Perception: -1
Initiative: +1

Smite Evil: 1/1

Current Weapon in Hand: Falchion (+5, x2, 2d4+6) [Power Attack +4, x2, 2d4+9]
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:


Satin Knights

First Post
The last bits of light from dusk are disappearing and there is no inn in sight. You haven't seen anyone else on the road in the last hour going in either direction. The rain is starting to pick up, but you don't hear the rumblings of a major storm coming your way. It just looks like a wet night is coming.

[sblock=OOC]So, what are you going to do? I need survival checks to make shelter and determine if you are going to be fatigued from the rainy night. You've got some supplies an tools that you can do makeshift work with. Be descriptive and you might get bonuses on the survival checks. The area is old woods with a bit of undergrowth.
I also need at least one good handle animals check for someone to bed down the horses.[/sblock][sblock=Status]11/11 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Darvus ~
12/12 HP ~ AC 17 ~ Yosephus ~
26/26 HP ~ AC 22 ~ Muzdum ~
10/10 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Devlin ~
..7/7..HP ~ AC 12 ~ Tamarie ~


Guest 11456

Yosephus Errol Smithe, Cleric of Amenthia, the Healing Hand

As the last bits of light disappear Yosephus manifests his halo in order to shed some light on the area. He then cast a spell upon himself before trying to determine his next actions. "We need to find someplace to camp. Preferably out of the rain."

Cast Guidance.
Survival check: 6

Survival roll with Guidance bonus (1d20+4=6)[/sblock]
[sblock=Yosephus Mini Stats]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 17 (10 flat-footed, 17 touch)
HP: 12/12
CMB: +0 CMD: 10

Fort: +4 Reflex: +1 Will: +6
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: Morningstar
Orisons: Guidance, Resistance, Virtue
1st Level: Bless, Shield of Faith, CLW (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: ON
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]


First Post

As the night begins to settle around, Devlin looks to his colleagues dismayed by the lack of comfortable shelter anywhere to be seen in the distance. At Yosephus's behest, Devlin pulls out one of his little notebooks and begins thumbing through it and looking at the trees around them in a quizzical look.

[sblock=Knowledge Nature]1d20+7=16
Essentially using this knowledge check to see if I notice any possible shelter areas that may be nearby based on the trees/moss/squirrels playing a nice secluded area underneath some tight-nit branches that could offer at least my pony some reprieve from the rain.

It is possible we could find some shelter pretty close. Seems to me these trees might give you all a little reprieve from this storm. As for me..."Devlin pats his pack roll gently,"a small tent and a lightly cooked meal will have to suffice I guess for the evening."

[sblock=For if/when we decide to stop and camp]
Survival - 1d20=16
Handle Animal - 1d20=12
Also, if we decide to stop I will begin setting up my tent and a nice place in the most sheltered area I can find for Molly and my tent.

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB:+0 CMD: 13
Fort: +4 Reflex: +6 Will: +1

Perception: +6
Initiative: +5

Bombs: 6/6
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity (+4 DEX +2 Nat Armor - 2 WIS)

Extracts Prepared: 1: Bomber’s Eye/Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: ___
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)
[sblock= Devlin's Journal]
Day 1 - Our journey hasn't yet to begin, but I am all aflutter with excitement. A man named Cratchen has hired us to go to a place near boar's ridge to help put down a few necromancer goblins that seem to have made their home there. Doesn't seem like the last set of adventurers did much good for the place. HE said he wants the place cleaned out completely and I think I have some ideas for that. (Scribbles of a mathematical formula are scribbled along the next couple of lines) Oh, my companions seem to be pretty strong. There is Yoseph, Muzdum, Darvus, and now Tamarie. I'm sure this will be a most exciting adventure thats for sure.
We have run into some most fascinating creatures on our way out of town. They look like a mix between horses and eagles. It seems to me they enjoy playing jokes on would be travelers though because they continue to laugh uncontrollably at our poor clerics misfortune. Note: These creatures would make magnificent mounts if they could be trained properly. I will have to do some research on a potion that would make them more docile. Note 2: I should also figure out what the creatures are called. Maybe some books will show me when we get back from our adventure.

Voda Vosa

First Post

"Pesty rain...." Mutters Muzdum, as they ride to a stop to discuss options. "We could arrange shields and blankets to make an improvised roof. I've done it in the past, granted it was to cover the provisions, but it might work fer us just as well. I have a large shield and a winter blanket. Lets search for a low tree where we can assemble all that stuff...."
Muzdum unmounts and leads his mount towards the old woods in search for a suitable tree to start working.

Survival: +5: 18


Tamarie the Songweaver
Golden eyes peer out from under her hood, and she speaks in a somewhat sullen tone, "If the wind is high enough, large rock outcroppings can provide protection… I guess that's not very helpful here." Tamarie pauses, then continues, "I have a bedroll, a sack, pitons, a hammer, torches, flint and steel. No idea how it might help. If I get stuck in the rain… well… not the first time."

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 7/7
CMB: +0 CMD: 12

Fort: +1 Reflex: +2 Will: +2
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 4/4
Heavenly Fire remaining: 7/7
Bolts remaining: 20/20

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none
Money: +50gp(retainer),-25gp(horse rental)[/sblock]
[sblock=Survival Roll]
General Survival Roll for dealing with rain: 1D20 = [6] = 6

There just isn't a lot to help that. OTOH, roleplaying ignorance and bad ideas is easy. :)

Question: When did we get going again? Is it we're just out of sync with the inn positioning due to a late start?[/sblock]


First Post
Darvus Andar, Paladin of Helerion


Darvus dismounts his horse and looks around the prospective camp area. "We'll need dry wood for the fire," he says. "Dry wood... dry wood..." he repeats, looking around. "You know, maybe if we build a fire, we could dry some wood out, yes? Guys?"

[sblock=Rolls]Survival: 1d20-1=2[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Darvus Andar
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 11/11
CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Perception: -1
Initiative: +1

Smite Evil: 1/1

Current Weapon in Hand: Falchion (+5, x2, 2d4+6) [Power Attack +4, x2, 2d4+9]
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:


Satin Knights

First Post
Devlin seems to be the only one truly prepared for traveling outside of urban environments. Well, traveling alone that is, as his tent is small and cozy enough for just one halfling. Molly's pack also contains the other essentials, a cooking kit, food better than trail rations, etc.

Muzdum, not carrying much with him, but at least having the training to make do with what he has on the other hand, finds a stand of trees that are close enough together that he can put them to use. With rope and grappling hook to toss about, he is able to weave a couple blankets above to start a shelter. Using his shield as well, he finds then he is running out of stuff, until Devlin starts taking care of the horses. Snatching the saddle blankets as well, Muzdum is able to make a shelter. It isn't dry, but at least it blocks the falling rain so that constant dripping on one's head will not be a deterrent to sleep.

The rain has been falling for a while now, so all the loose branches in the area are quite wet and it would be difficult to get a fire going without magical help or blasphemous burning of books. The weather is at least warm enough that the rain is only uncomfortable, and not numbingly cold.

[sblock=Yosephus]You forgot to pack a lunch. I don't see any trail rations on your sheet. What are you going to do for dinner?[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Yeah, you started a little late in the day. It is not like you were at the tavern drinking at 8am. :lol:
It will be a damp and slightly soggy night. Muzdum rolled well enough that no one is going to take fatigue for tomorrow's journey.
Are you setting up watches?
[/sblock][sblock=Status]11/11 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Darvus ~
12/12 HP ~ AC 17 ~ Yosephus ~
26/26 HP ~ AC 22 ~ Muzdum ~
10/10 HP ~ AC 16 ~ Devlin ~
..7/7..HP ~ AC 12 ~ Tamarie ~


First Post
Darvus Andar, Paladin of Helerion


Darvus watches Devlin pitch his tent with a small amount of regret. I should get one of those some day, he thinks to himself. He plucks another piece of straw off of his cloak and is reminded of the terrible ride he had to the city in the first place. "Well, ladies and gentlemen," he says, "As much as I love sleeping in the rain, I volunteer myself for first watch."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Darvus Andar
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 11/11
CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Perception: -1
Initiative: +1

Smite Evil: 1/1

Current Weapon in Hand: Falchion (+5, x2, 2d4+6) [Power Attack +4, x2, 2d4+9]
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:


Voidrunner's Codex

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