Obi-Wan Kenobi (spoilers)

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Nor fur coats. But sure, maybe bantha hair (or what we are calling "hair") does not function as we would expect.
Fur coats only keep us warm because we generate our own body heat, and the fur traps it. If banthas generate no natural body heat and instead rely on the slow conductance of heat through their fur it makes sense.

I don't think anyone's saying that this was a plot hole that's been waiting 45 years to be fixed. Simply that there is some connective tissue there which lets this show tie in reasonably neatly with the established continuity and join a few dots.
Exactly. I had really never thought about the Kenobi-Leia relationship, much less been bothered by anything about it, but I appreciate that the show is fleshing out something left ambiguous and underdeveloped in the original film.

I don't always love this sort of thing. I found it rather tedious and uninspired when Rogue One made their whole plot about the capturing of the Death Star plans. While I wasn't bothered by the need of the Solo movie to establish every part of his character and relationships (mostly because I just found that movie a fun bit of fluff) I know it drove other people up the wall.

But I went into this show assuming that it would just be Obi-Wan goes on some random adventure I don't really care about that's only worth watching because the actor is good in the role. By instead making it a mission that actually ties very directly into his overall character arc and possibly makes some odd bits from the first movie that never exactly made as much sense as they could make sense it feels a lot more substantive than what I came in expecting.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Also, Obi Wan is a jerk to his eopie. When we last see his eopie, he's tied it up. He then jets off to another planet entirely. What happens to the eopie? Does someone take it? Is it stolen? Does it starve or die from exposure?

This is on top of us seeing that he leaves it tied up all day while he's at work at the Krayt dragon meat processing plant.
At least he ties it up in a covered shelter so it is in the shade. :LOL:

so the writers are now explaining that Kenobi didnt know (comicbook. com) that Anakin survived and thats why hes so shook when she tells him.

the whole problem i have is how does she know he doesnt know and that this will work on him. This is just poor writing

just rewatched kenobi meet the kid from rebels. This is good writing with good dialogue


As far as Kenobi being weaker, we should remember that he's a broken man. He even tells Organa, "I'm not the man I used to be." The dude lost almost everything he cared about and has been eeking out a hard scrabble existence in hiding on the ass end of the galaxy for a decade. He hasn't been communing with the Force or training, and when he ignited his saber while facing Vader it was probably for the first time in ten years. Vader, on the other hand, is an absolute beast who has only gotten stronger and dominates through strength and brutality. Did anyone notice that Vader wielded his saber with just one hand? It reminded me of his fight with Luke in ESB, where Vader also wields his saber with one hand as he toys with his opponent, but switches to two hands when he gains some respect for Luke's abilities. Notice that he gains no such respect for Obi-Wan's prowess in this fight. Obi-Wan is weaker than Luke was in ESB.

I don't mind if it looks like things have slowed down a bit. Personally, I think a lot of fighting in movies looks silly these days. Too cartoonish. If Vader can't leap around like he used to, well, he's got three artificial limbs and needs help breathing. And Obi-Wan has slowed down because he's a broken man.


Vader, on the other hand, is an absolute beast who has only gotten stronger and dominates through strength and brutality.
And mastery of Force powers, including Force multitasking - snapping one person's neck while in the process of choking another.

Which does rather belie his "When last we met I was but a learner - now I am the master" line - so far, it doesn't look like he has much else to learn.


Guest 7034872

Which does rather belie his "When last we met I was but a learner - now I am the master" line - so far, it doesn't look like he has much else to learn.
That was the biggest story hole I saw from this episode, too.


And mastery of Force powers, including Force multitasking - snapping one person's neck while in the process of choking another.

Which does rather belie his "When last we met I was but a learner - now I am the master" line - so far, it doesn't look like he has much else to learn.
It didn't feel to me like this was the last time we were going to see Vader vs Kenobi this series. My guess is that at some point someone is going to give Kenobi a slap and tell him to get it together - I don't know yet if that's going to be Qui-Gon, Yoda, or Leia.

(I haven't heard anything about Liam Neeson being involved, but it wouldn't be the first big unannounced cameo he's made this year.)

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