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The Four Lands - Dark is Rising


Stexird Kranhauser, Dwarf Ranger

Reacting to what he perceives to be the newcomer's distress, Stex will stand up and motion to the man in the dark blue robe, saying, "Ahhh, there you are. Join us at once, please!" And aside to his companions he mutters, "Obviously this young greenie is having a problem of some sort, an' my Ranger trainin' makes it distasteful to me to see a wispy young willow of a chap at the mercy of a bruiser like that big rotter. An', 'ey, we were needing some excitement anyway. Anyone up for joining me and risking a bit o' fist action?"

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J. Alexander

First Post
Addressing the question of logan the halfling barkeeps says "Were not a sissy tea room lad, we serve ales and brews fit for men to drink..if you wish something of that ilk then you will need to visit a tea room proper or a seedier sort of establishemtn..we do not deal in that ilk here and if that is what your wishing then you need to leave and leave at once"

The brusier follows behind the young man and as he enters a slender wisp of a young man enters behing him followed by two non descript men in midnight black cloaks. The brusier at first glance seems typical but there is an oddity about him...while carrying both sword and shield it is the bracers on each arm that catch the eye as they seem to be made out of some dark black metal with a silver inlay. "Barkeep we need a few pints here if you please" he calls out and the halfling delivers the ordered pints himself to the table. Unlike the party there is no request for payment upfront


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"No, thank you, I don't use such. I was just wondering since we saw a man 'meditating' and he might need The Balm."


"I suggest we avoid getting in trouble with the locals until we know the lay of the land a bit better. These fellows obviously are well know here."

"Maybe we can find an apothecary who could tell us more?"


Blue robed human male

Reacting to what he perceives to be the newcomer's distress, Stex will stand up and motion to the man in the dark blue robe, saying, "Ahhh, there you are. Join us at once, please!"

The young man watches the men in black move the bar, ignoring him completely. Not finding anything missing, he faces the one who addressed him and walks over. He is an average-looking, average-sized young human male with dark brown hair in a dark blue robe with a backpack slung over one shoulder.

With a slight bow, he says, "Good evening to you. Do I know you from somewhere?"


Stexird Kranhauser, Dwarf Ranger

"I suggest we avoid getting in trouble with the locals until we know the lay of the land a bit better. These fellows obviously are well know here."

"Maybe we can find an apothecary who could tell us more?"
"Apothecary? Aye, and just how be they knowin' the 'lay of the land,' as ye say, eh? But I do be agreein' with ye about the trouble business. Why don't ye buy me another spot o' ale whilst I try to calm meself." ;)

The young man watches the men in black move the bar, ignoring him completely. Not finding anything missing, he faces the one who addressed him and walks over. He is an average-looking, average-sized young human male with dark brown hair in a dark blue robe with a backpack slung over one shoulder.

With a slight bow, he says, "Good evening to you. Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Ach, nay, lad, sorry aboot that, I am! I thought ye were me younger brudder Angus for a second there. Ah, but since ye're not, obviously, but ye're still here, why don't ye tip a wee cup with us and wash some of the trail dust down ye're parched troat?

J. Alexander

First Post

As the party begins to talk amongst itself the halfling bar keep approaches with with two bar maids carrying several high quality cermaic mugs and three large pitchers. "Excuse me good sirs but this is being sent by the gentlmen over there as an apology for buming into the young sir earlier. It is almost the last of this years Green Dragon Specail Reserve. I think you will enjoy it indeed'


"I guess we should adopt the fellow into our group then. I'd hate to have to turn it down." In a louder voice he says, "Here is your seat young sir," and motions the newcomer to join them. He stands and faces their benefactor. "To your very good health and long prosperous life sir."

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