The Heroes of Dyvers Chapter Six

Searching the body, you notice that the thug was very well-equipped; he was not your typical alleyway robber. He is wearing a nice-looking steel buckler, with an embossed dragon's head on it, as well as a pair of bracers that seem to be made of etched ivory. He has a nice-looking gold ring on his left hand, which is inset with a ruby. His weapon is a rapier of exquisite craftsmanship, and he is wearing a black, silk cloak, with black lace fringes. In his belt pouch, you find a small diamond. None of his other items look very interesting.

GM: Using Detect Magic, you notice auras on the buckler, bracers, ring, rapier, and cloak.

You manage to quickly collect the items without attracting attention, and you make it back to Abigail's tower without incident.
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Once back in the tower Sylvar releases the invisibility spell, enters the room where everyone is gathered, drops the items he collected on the floor by the door and makes a bee-line for the liquor cabinet. He pours himself a double of a good Scotch and drinks it in one gulp.

Ignoring everyone's stares at his bloody and ripped clothes, he begins to talk.

Apparently I, or we are "persona non-grata" in this city. I was attacked by two well armed men, and I survived only by my newly granted archery abilities and an invisibility spell. Sylvar walks over to his bounty, grabs the buckler and holds it up. These cretins mentioned someone that they referred to as 'The Shadow'; this buckler bears an embossed image of the head of a Shadow Dragon. Does anyone know who The Shadow is and why he or she would want me dead?
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Lathir looks over the items, then replies, "I know I can be of no help with information, but do you need further healing?"

Sylvar raises a hand to his wounds and winces at the touch...he goes back to the liquor cabinet, and pours another measure of Scotch...this time he is more reserved with its consumption...He nods at Lathir...Yes, please...I cured myself of what I could but it was not complete, I fear that left to their own my wounds would be several weeks before healing.

Lathir pours himself some of the provided, fine liquor, nods, and touches the top of Sylvar's head, placing his thumb on the other man's forehead. He takes a deep breath releasing it slowly while whispering archaic words.
OOC: Lathir casts Cure Critical: 4d8 +1/L = 22 + 11 = 33

Tam, who can't help himself, puts his two-cents-worth:

"See, this is what I warned of. We need to get far away for awhile and Respen's quest may be just the remedy. Maybe not as good as that scotch you two", at this he winks at Sylvar and Lathir, "are drinking; but, a lot safer."

Then, under his breath so that none can hear: "I hope."

Abigail Speaks Up About the Shadow...

Lady Abigail says, "I'm afraid that you were attacked because of me. My contacts have been warning me lately that The Shadow was planning a move against me. And when I say 'me,' I mean myself, and all of my associates. Apparently, your stay here in this tower has marked you as such. And for that, I apologize."

She pauses a moment, then continues: "The Shadow is actually a Shadow Dragon, hence the design of her minion's buckler. I have seen others like it. The cloak you acquired, with the lace trim, is also a mark of service to her. It is part silk, part lace, and part shadowstuff; those that wear it are hard to see at night. If my hunch is correct, The Shadow is a racketeer, dealing in illegal wares, substances, and activities. I suspect that she is new to the region, and attempting to stake a claim, and to establish a territory. It makes sense that she would want me out of her way, and her boldness in moving against me in such a forward manner tells me that she must be quite ancient, and extremely powerful."

Abigail sighs, "You and your friends should leave, and be about Clare's errand; in your absence, I shall take steps to deal with her myself. I hate that you were caught in-between our two interests; in gratitude, I shall identify the items you found at no charge, as well as giving you safe passage out of the city through the use of my magical mirror. It's the least I can do, so don't be shy about accepting my offer. Your dignity is intact, and you have my sincerest thanks, admiration, and respect."

Making use of a magical item which resembles a baron's monicle, Abigail identies the items in mere minutes, dispensing with the formalities of actual spellcasting.

Buckler +1 (Shadow Emblem)
Bracers of Armor +2
Ring of Protection +1
Rapier +1
Cloak of Shadow (Distinctive Embroidery)

The Cloak of Shadow acts as a Cloak of Elvenkind in daylight, giving its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Hide attempts.

Once the sun has set, that bonus increases to +10. The cloak sizes to fit its wearer.

Because of the cloak's design, it is easily identifiable as having been created by The Shadow.
Because of the buckler's design, it is easily identifiable as having been created by The Shadow.

Abigail will give you full market value for the small diamond, if you wish. (1,000 gp.)

Sylvar puts on the bracers and ring. He pockets the diamond, puts the rapier in party inventory and leaves the buckler for Lady Abigail to do with as she wishes.

He inquires of Lady Abigail..."...Is it possible to redesign the cloak in such a way that it retains its magical properties ?"

He looks at everyone else..."We should leave as soon as possible."
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Sylvar stops for a moment, but first a poem.

There was a fine drink called something, found in Lady Abigail's cabinet. I don't recall the name;

I made up a drink called Scotch. It went on to little fame;

It tasted a lot like the spirits

I drank after surviving death's game.

Henceforth, whatever its name, the drink I drank,

that calmed my nerves, will have Scotch for a name.

Sylvar bows, smiles, then says "...we should be making preparations..."

He leaves, returning to his quarters to do just that.

GM: +250 xp to Sylvar for making the DM laugh!
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Collin says, "You know, there's actually a Dwarven ale brewer here in town, named Lars Scotchkiss. Naming a hard spirit after him would be a capital prank!"

Collin gets a mischievous gleam in his eye as he ponders this. Sylvar, you get the feeling that you may have just started something. A trend? Perhaps. A feud between Collin and a Dwarven beer maker? Most definitely.

It occurs to you that if Collin repeats your rhyme around town, that you might draw down Lars' ire upon yourself, as well.

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