The Heroes of Dyvers Chapter Six


Kleborn bids farewell to Lathir, and wishes him well. He sheaths his sword, straps his shield over his shoulder, collects the rest of his things, and heads out to follow Respen. He says to Respen "I look forward to accompanying you on this journey my old friend." He turns to Lady Abigail, "See you soon, my lady. Thank you again for all you have done for us."

Thallok is a bit disappointed that he did not get to fight those thugs with Sylvar. He laughs at the thought of what he would have done to them, but is happy Sylvar took care of them, all the same. He grabs his weapons with a smile, and exclaims "Away we go, I am itching to use this new blade!" At that, he follows the others on the quest.

GM: +250 xp. each character for prompt response. :cool: +300 xp for well-written RP post.
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Tam waits to go through last so that he may speak privately to Lady Abigail.

"I can hardly believe my good fortune since Respen saved me from certain death or torture from the Succubus and her Orcan cohort in what now seems ages ago. I have received gifts of magical hats, cloaks, and all the things you have given and helped me with, the Boots and the Ring; but, especially helping me with my Outrider training by setting me up with the local camp and training grounds allowing me to acquire my trusted steed here, my dear Dammarra.", at this he pats the half wolf-mastiff fondly.

He adds; "My vow to you has not changed and I will do all that I can to fulfill my oath to you all the days of my life."

Tam then turns Dammarra to face the teleportation mirror, but before he rides through, he glances back, swirls back the cloak Sylvar had just given him, doffs Lathir's magical hat, bows his head in homage to Lady Abigail, sets the hat firmly back atop his head, turns back to face the mirror and has Dammarra canter proudly through said teleportation mirror.

+250 xp. for replying in a prompt manner.
+300 xp. for the well-written roleplaying! Well done! :cool:
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Aust Thale

Respen...Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD to the Drow Vampire Bitch Down Under....

~ I have a bad feeling about this. ~

Scene I: Respen moved quietly about his quarters, carefully packing his gear, sorting among what he will take on this mission and what he will leave behind with Nel and the twins. He removes Delbin's spellbooks from his portable hole and gives them to Nel. "I'm not sure that these should go with me on this particular journey. Please see that these get back to him. I mentioned to Laramon that you'd be a good student for Delbin as well. Perhaps better than me. In any case, these spellbooks should be in your hands, not mine. I am sorry that I am leaving you so soon, but your sister compels my obedience. The cost to securing a future. You should travel wide of her. I shall return shortly my dear. " Respen kisses her deeply, caresses her face, and then kisses the foreheads of the twins. Elves never really gave up their instinctual wanderlust, but leaving his family this young and new was not particularly easy. He did not want her to see him leave. She stayed with the twins, attended to by Abigail's attendants. He walked to the main chamber.

Scene II: Respen surveyed the main chamber where the others gathered. He knew that most of his colleagues would rather not go with him. He appreciated their willingness, even withstanding Abigail's sobering assessment of the Steading and its occupants. As Sylvar relayed the attack by the thugs, he seethed. He and Sylvar were kinsman. He was thankful that the Bard Archer was in one piece. Respen also couldn't help but be concerned about Nel and the Twins. Addressing Abigail, "Your Grace, I am humbled by your generosity this last year, and beyond. But I must implore you, send my family away from here if you perceive danger from this Shadow Dragon. We have enough of the world to be worried about; I'd hope to keep them out of harm's way."

After Abigail's instructions, Respen accepted her Amulet of Succor. He placed it around Sylvar's neck, turning to his comrades, "You are in this quest because of me; stay centered around Sylvar, should fate not favor us and the tide go out. If push comes to shove, leave me; I'll manage, as I can teleport on my own, and up to three (3) others with me."

"For this endeavor, you have my humblest gratitude, and a profound deepening of loyalty."

With that, Respen steps through the portal.

GM: +250 xp. for prompt response, +500 xp. for well-written long RP post.
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Aust Thale

Vale's Raging Bile Duct

~ More mischief. Respen attracts it like body odor. Hope we are spared the stink. But somehow, I doubt it. ~

Vale comes quietly into the main chamber as Sylvar provides the details of his encounter with the thugs, and he listens silently as Abigail renders her counsel and encouragement. Pleased to be back in Hochach, or more specifically, being further away from Margull, suited him well. His commission having been reassigned by his order, Abigail's hospitality was most welcome. And now, on to more adventure.

"Respen, mate, let's be about this business. I fear a significant challenge. No sense letting it carry on without us. What you say Copperpot? Are you ready to make a go of this? "

And with that, ready for battle, not waiting for his axe's reply to the butchery of its name, he steps through the portal, loaded for bear...or undead...or maybe an undead bear.

+250 xp. for prompt response. +300 for well-written RP post.
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On The Road again

On the other side of the portal, the twins address the party.

Trav: "Missers, and Misses, me brother and I have some news. During our stay with the glorious..."

Lenny Interrupts: "And beautiful. Don't forget beautiful."

Trav: "I would not forget beautiful. The glorious.... and beautiful Lady Abigail, she was able to help us unlock a family secret lurking in our past."

Lenny: "That's right, it turns out there is a bit of draconic ancestry in our line."

Trav: "Right-O, and The Lady Abigail, and... well more precisely her son was able to help us tap into some of that latent power."

Lenny: "Hahahah we can breath fire !! It's amazing."

Trav: "Ok ok calm down calm down. Yes, we can breath fire now. She also taught us some magic to help protect our friends form the effects. So if you allow us to, my brother and I can enchant the party to be immune from our draconic breath effects. "

Lenny: "Oh the enchantment also has the side effect of protecting you from the extremes of cold and heat brought on by the weather. A handy little enchantment in a desert climate."

Trav: "True true. It will need to be re-applied each morning but will last all day on a single casting. As our companions on this quest we offer this service, free of charge to any who would allow us to cast it."

Duncan attempts to reassure the group: "It's a very handy enchantment, we've been practicing fighting in formation with it. It's useful."

Ebony Quips: "Yes, but it's a shame it doesn't protect you from the normal ravages of their breath."

Duncan grins before addressing the gathering. : "For those who do not accept it it is of course your choice, but we ask that in the course of conflict you give us a bit of space. I would hate to have anyone scorched by accident at a critical time."

"While I am on the topic, when we all last fought together it was by chance and circumstance. We did not know the way in which you fight, and you did not know ours. I'm afraid we have not done much to remedy that lack of understanding of each other in the mean time."

"As for our little unit, you will note we all use blade and shield in the classic centurion style. For us to be at our best we need to be very near each other. We are able to easily incorporate other shield users into our formations at any moment, but those not wielding a shield can be very disruptive to our tactics. I would ask that you try not to interpose yourselves between any of us four during a conflict unless absolutely necessary."

"As for our other talents. Well the twins here are excellent shields-men, and are handy in a close hand to hand battle. Dame Ebony and I can also handle ourselves. You may note that we occasionally go into a chant while fighting. There is magic to this chanting. All who count us friend or ally within roughly 20 paces will find their sword a bit lighter, and their steps a bit more graceful. Your backbone will stand firmer, and your jaw less likely to break. As long as you allow the song to help guide you, you will recognize warnings and directions within the phrases, and rhythms of the chant."

"In addition we do also carry some healing magic. Not enough to allow you to stand toe to toe with a great foe unharmed, but enough to help patch up a few wounds quickly once the fighting is done."
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Looking to the Druid, I offer my wrist for a warrior's grip. "We'll meet again. If ever you find yourself in need - seek me out." Turning to the others, I nod slightly. "I agree, let's be off. The sooner we go, the sooner we can deal with the myriad of other issues arising."

GM: +250 XP. pts. for a prompt response.
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Sylvar B.

"...I'm up for any extra protection, thank you for your warning...and I must say I'm looking forward to seeing this particular skill in action...what a wonderful addition to the epic of Respen's Raiders..." Sylvar grins and winks at Respen.
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Lenny: "Excellent, allow us then."

The twins approach Sylvar both placing a hand on his shoulder and in unison they say a few short arcane words in the draconic tongue. As the magic washes over you, if you were not already protected you'd note than your body temperature regulates to a very comfortable state. Like lounging on your porch on a springtime afternoon. The twins then step back and Trav explains.

Trav: "Demonstration time." Both twins take a deep breath and blow. Trav blowing a line of fire, and Lenny spiting lightning. The two lines criss-cross as they blast towards and should he not avoid them directly through Sylvar. Passing through him as if he were not there. Leaving no marks or effects on him. You'd assume the effects to be illusion were it not for the scorching on the sand, and the combined smells of sulfur and ozone hanging in the air.
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar's instinct is to dodge, but he trusts the spell and stands in place, moving only to shield his eyes from the brilliance emanating from the attack.

When its all done. Sylvar grins...Well, that's an experience I won't soon forget. I think people would pay for that. Sylvar eyes the twins for a moment. Next time I go out busking you should accompany me, we could get rich from that little trick alone.


Tam chuckles at the demonstration, but says:

"That is a fantastic thing and I will gladly accept your gift. Thank you for such a wonderful boon."

And with that, Tam stands before the twins to receive the "blessing", as it were.

Voidrunner's Codex

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