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The Long Journey Home


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Rey tilted her head at the lingering stare with ghost, smiling all the while as they gave their speeches "Rousing words indeed" she said clapping gently as she stood up "What are our current orders then commander?" she asked turning to Captain Bauhdric.

However she took the time to send ghost a message reading "What is with the Stare Sir, it was like you had seen a ghost... or is it just you never having seen a woman before?"

((OOC: I assume considering VI's exist its not too much of a stretch to assume everyone has a smartphone?))

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Ray Ray

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He spotted Rey messaging and read as she typed over her shoulder. He stifled a laugh, which made him look like an idiot as he hid it with a wide almost psychotic grin.

"Captains." Alexsandra said saluting.
"I'd like to bring up a matter for tactical observation amongst the group. It has occurred to me that the forces we have fought are of a non-military persuasion. They are arranged into three types of unit, close range attackers that focussed on shredding bits off of the ship, the boarding vessels that pinned the ship down and the long rage rocket. It would appear that we were struck by a scavenging force, they mostly targeting paralysing the ship particularly the engines and ignored to an extent military assets and points of egress."

She lowered her arm and stood back.

"I feel it would be useful to discuss this point and perhaps thoughts for future attacks. Sirs."

Mikhail Zhukov

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Mikhail stood to a side supporting a wall

You don't need rockets for scavenging. Security detail?Also they didn't use military tactics. Tried to immobilize the ship instead of dealing with the threats, the rocket into the airlock was probably just a stray, but still almost took us out. If those guys have an actual military force and we meet it, it's gona be a really bad day.

He turned towards people he didn't recognize.

So Echo? Did much shocking around yet?

Arthur Campbell

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OOC: I decided to stop using the glitchy think bubbles for now, so I've used bold italics for thoughts

Arthur's expression remained unchanged throughout the briefing evaluating and taking in the magnitude of what the captains were saying.

THINKING:Well here we are lost in the depths of space, with limited supplies and no sure way of getting back...

The train of thought was interrupted by further comments from Sierra squad and the high school antics of the twins.

He shook his head slightly at the Russians' awful pun and smiled at him No, I would hardly say we have been "shocking around" but we have stayed busy after the battle as I'm sure you have. I may not be an expert but in regards to the nature of the attack I'd be more inclined to agree with your compatriot sir. I would guess by the size of their weaponry coupled with the suddenness of our appearance that they were opportunists at the least. The way I see it that's the best option, if they knew we were coming...

he exhaled through his nose that would be less than ideal. But what do I know? I'm not an expert on military tactics.

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Replying to Rey through the same medium

Good perceptions, I'm surprised you noticed. My thoughts concern your earlier boast about improving my precision. I'd like to see if you're capable of something like that. My accuracy is like nothing you will have seen before.

With regards to the teams.

If they are opportunists then it's likely they called for backup during our previous engagement or at least informed whatever they report to about us. If I was a pirate I wouldn't want to let this bounty get away. when the next attack comes they'll likely target echo over sierra, or to be more precise, captain Bauhdric. He was the reason they were destroyed, and his connection to this friendly might also pose concern to them. Private Mikhail does brings up a point, you don't use ordinance when scavenging. You might damage the merchandise. If they were a security detail surely we would have seen whatever it is they're meant to be defending.

My thoughts are they were a scout party or something of similar purpose. They saw us and engaged, thinking they could overpower us. When we fought back and destroyed a couple their focus changed, moving their units to engage us rather then the ship. The tactics used would suggest at least some level of adaptable thought. It would also appear as though they don't care too much for collateral. They did unleash explosives without a moments hesitation, even though they had allies on the vessel.

He crosses his arms on his chest and looks straight ahead.

I don't believe they knew we were coming, otherwise support would have been nearby in case the battle didn't go in their favour. Well....that's what I would have done.


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Her face lit up at the response "And here I thought you were going to ignore me <3 Also I never said accuracy and I would never assume such a perfect weapon such as yourself is at all unfit for purpose my dear Commander. I said precision: Where you shoot, who you shoot, that is the key to ending conflicts with a single round "Cut off the head and the body withers" is quite an apt metaphor."

Speaking up to add to the conversation she nodded "If they were expecting us they should have probably brought bigger firewpower, the rockets did a lot of damage but surely if they can field that amount of manpower they could field something capable of seriously disabling us in a few shots, why didn't they field it?" leaned she leant back into her seat "Thought they might still have been a salvage team, the rocket troopers for dealing with larger targets and for security?"

OOC: That is the most roundabout way of saying yes

OOC: Well no I'm saying it isn't a smartphone just a phone, because I didn't want people asking if you have apps, games, the Internet or cameras on your communicators. As the only function of a smartphone that is in your communicator is the fact that it is a phone.

Mikhail Zhukov

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Skepticism invaded Mikhail's face

I am afraid that you are forgetting that if not for the intervention of mister Bauhdric new best friend we all would be dead right now so saying that they didn't bring enough firepower is somewhat inaccurate. Besides at this point at is all just speculations. We simply don't have enough information on the enemy at the moment to come up with any conclusions solid enough to base our strategy on. However there are two sides to a battle and while we cant do much about our enemies at the moment what we can do is make sure that next time they find a military force opposing them not a bunch of psychos with guns. If we want our squads to cooperate first we will need to learn to act as such. With enough training you can beat comradeship into anyone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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