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Heroes...Season 1--9/25/06 Eps#1

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LightPhoenix said:
The teaser for upcoming episodes really got me excited, I must say.

I've got to remember to turn those season-teasers off. Not only was the next episode spoiled, but I feel like I know more than I want to know. We'll see.

I thought it was decent overall. My wife was asking how long this was on about halfway through, which probably isn't a good sign. Not that she's representative, but I have a feeling a fair number of viewers were checking their watches. I think we were warned from the early previews of this that it felt rushed and choppy, and I think that's right, but I also agree with those above who've noted the dilemma for a show like this--the danger of going too slow or too fast.

I'll be back on Monday, though.


First Post
LightPhoenix said:
I'm disappointed they didn't show the artist's hand... it was another example of how they don't have control over their powers. In fact, the way it was cut didn't even show that he cut it off. I'm also surprised the hand-in-garbage disposal scene got in... albeit sans dog chewing on finger, that I could tell.

Where'd you hear this about the dog? I never heard of such a thing.

Overall, I was pleased with the effort. Yeah, it could have been better here and there, but I liked it.

Brown Jenkin

First Post
It was pretty good and I will watch at least a few more episodes. Unfortunately on watching it I very much felt like it was the type of show that won't make it beyond this season if even that far. From past experience this seems to be exactly the type of show that while high quality has a limited market. If it was on the CW it might survive but on NBC I doubt it. The one advantage it may have is leading into Studio 60, with the question then being does it share the same type of audience.


First Post
An excellent show, and I will be continuing to watch. I certainly enjoyed far more than Jericho, and found it superior.

Nice "comic-book" touches at the beginning, and my favorite is the Japanese guy (geek-appropriate, I'm sure).



I was really looking forward to this show but I'm not sure I'll be watching it anymore. It bugs me that the entire first episode was just a longer, less interesting, version of the teaser commercials. I already knew all the dudes and their powers before the show started. The same will apply to next week as well. What bugged me the most was this supposed genetics professor spouting off as if evolution means people will mutate suddenly across the entire globe to gain super powers; that's the exact opposite of evolution. Plus that 9th Wonder comic is so obviously fake. Oi!

I'm just waiting for them to wimp out on who nukes New York. Knowing Hollywood, they'll probably make it Neo-Nazis or the government.

Anyone know why the dude was connecting the pins on the map with colored strings?



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Taelorn76 said:
Did they mention that in the show? I completly missed that.

No, they completely editted it out. It was one of the scenes that I wasn't sure would be in the pilot. Oddly enough, the other one I thought wouldn't be in there (the garbage disposal scene) was.

dravot said:
Where'd you hear this about the dog? I never heard of such a thing.

I had the opportunity, thanks to a friend that works at NBC (in production) that sent me an uneditted version of the pilot... I believe this is the version that also aired at... Comic-Con was it? In the garbage disposal scene, part of her finger is on the floor, and the dog is nibbling on it, hence admonishing the dog. In the aired pilot, all there was was dripping blood.

It was a little important, since it established that she regrew stuff even if it was detached. Again, similar to the artist's hand, it's something they may have decided to forego when they went into series production. Or, it simply could have been editted out.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Aaron2 said:
I already knew all the dudes and their powers before the show started.

That shouldn't a criticism of the first episode, but of the teasers - they cannot count on folks watching the teasers, and having that information, so they must present origins in the episodes. So, they should have made the teasers overlap less.

What bugged me the most was this supposed genetics professor spouting off as if evolution means people will mutate suddenly across the entire globe to gain super powers; that's the exact opposite of evolution.

Leaving out the technical discussion of evolution - you expect technical accuracy from a superhero show? Dude, there isn't a power int eh world that'll function if they aim for technical accuracy...

I'm just waiting for them to wimp out on who nukes New York. Knowing Hollywood, they'll probably make it Neo-Nazis or the government.

My current guess is a super-villain. I severely doubt that all the supers are going to be good guys....


First Post
I really enjoyed the show. It's true certain parts were a little dragged, and we knew what powers each character had before hand, but overall it was entertaining. I will definatly be back next week for it. And as someone else mentioned with Studio 60 on right after, NBC will be owning Monday nights.

My favorite character was the Japanese guy. He was funny and truely happy to have powers. Like a kid in a candy store.

There is one gripe I had. The whole flying scene with the two brothers was poorly done. It looked very jerky and wire-fu. I will rewatch it, I think it's on tonight again, to try and catch more details.
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