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Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)


Seems fair.

As for character, I usually end up playing "martial characters", like fighters, rogues and barbarians, but I can play pretty much anything as well. I often just play something that fits with what other people are doing when I get a chance to play.

I have much love for Fighters, Rogues, and Barbarians myself! (I am partial to martial, if you'll forgive the rhyme). It's those dirty spellcasters that I don't trust (and their magic that makes me have to figure out how to draw AoEs on my maps without them getting in the way).

To anyone who plays a spellcaster: For Pete's sake, list your spell dc (and the ability) for me when you cast a save spell! That simple act will save me soooo much time!

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At this point, I am probably going to go with an expansion of a concept I was working on in an earlier auction thread- a Reborn (from Van Richten ...) who uses firearms. If that's okay with you, @FitzTheRuke (especially the firearms bit).

Mostly because I have a concept, and because I'm noodling around with the Tasha's gunner feat and the DMG firearm table. Let me know if that's okay or if you need to kibosh on it before I start messing with the build.

This is part of the fun of making up the setting! SURE, why not? Let's just say (because I don't want everyone running around with guns) that it's a near-forgotten technology, or maybe monopolized by a guild or sect that doesn't like to share their knowledge. IDK, I'm sure you can come up with something. Rare and special, but not unheard of, that's you. (And everyone else that's a PC. You see where I'm going!)

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
This is part of the fun of making up the setting! SURE, why not? Let's just say (because I don't want everyone running around with guns) that it's a near-forgotten technology, or maybe monopolized by a guild or sect that doesn't like to share their knowledge. IDK, I'm sure you can come up with something. Rare and special, but not unheard of, that's you. (And everyone else that's a PC. You see where I'm going!)

Okay, then! Here is my first stab ... slightly modified from what I made, with two magic items, point buy, +1 feat at creation, ninth level.

Doc Sentenza, a Reborn, Doomed Wastrel from the Mesa of Madness.


Hexblade Warlock / Phantom Rogue
Level 5 (Warlock Pact of the Blade) / 4 (Phantom Rogue)
Alignment: Neutral-ish
Deity: There is No God, Just the Endless Cycle of Suffering
Patron: The Nameless Sheriff

AC 14
HP 84/84
Hit Dice: 9/9 at 9d8+4
Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 20
Proficiency +4

Str 12 (+1)
Athletics: +1

Dex 14 (+2)
Acrobatics: +2
+Sleight of Hand: +6
+Stealth: +6

Con (8) 19 (+4)

Int 14 (+2)
Arcana: +2
History: +2
+Investigation: +6
Nature: +2
Religion: +2

Wis 14 (+2)
Animal Handling: +2
*Insight: +10
Medicine: +2 (default proficient from whispers if nothing else selected +6)
*Perception: +10
Survival: +2

Cha 18 (+4)
+Deception: +8
+Intimidation: +8
Performance: +4
+Persuasion: +8

(+ = Proficient, *=Expertise)

Saving Throws: +Dexterity (+6) +Intelligence (+6)
Strength (+1) Con (+4) Wis (+2) Cha (+4)

Pact Pistol
Piercing, base d10, gets 2 attacks per round (thirsty)
Modifiers to hit: +9
+1 (improved pact weapon), +4 (charisma), +4 (proficient)
Modifiers to damage: +5
+1 (IPW), +4 (charisma)
Dagger +6 for 1d4+2 (If thrown 20/60)

Common Modifiers (using Pact Pistol)
+ Sneak Attack +2d6 Damage with advantage or if ally is within 10' of target
+ Wails from the Grave After sneak attack, choose second target with 30' to take d6 necrotic damage (4x per long rest)
+ Piercer Critical Hit is +d10, may reroll any damage die.
+ Hex +d6 necrotic damage to target on hit
+ Hexblade's Curse Crit on 19 or 20, +4 to damage, if target dies get 13hit points. Works for 1 target for 1 minute, use once per short rest, activates on bonus action.
+ Maddening Hex Using bonus action, any hexed or curse target and all enemies within 5' take 4 points psychic damage.

Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Simple Weapons, Marital Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, Firearms
Thieves' Tools, Artisan Tools (Tinker), Gaming Tools
Stealth, Investigation, Perception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Deception
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant

+1 Dex, gain firearm proficiency, ignore loading, no disadvantage to “melee” attack with firearm.
Piercer: +1 Dex, can reroll one damage die that is piercing, critical hit gets additional damage die
(ASI +2 Cha)

Reborn Features
Deathless: Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink (although still drinks). Advantage on saves for disease, poison, and death saves. Resistance to poison damage.
Sleepless: Don’t need to sleep, can’t be put to sleep. Long rest takes 4 hours, and you are conscious during that time.
Past Life Knowledge: After seeing result of a roll, get to add d6 to it. May do a number of times per long rest = to proficiency.

Rogue Features
Proficiency bonus is doubled in insight and perception.
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage if an enemy is within 10' of the target.
Thieves' Cant: Placed in languages; note that it takes 4x longer.
Cunning Action: Use bonus action on turn to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Steady Aim: (TCOE Option) Use bonus action to get advantage if not moving.
Whispers of the Dead: Every short rest, can choose a new skill/tool to be proficient in.
Wails from the Grave: Can use proficiency times per long rest- after sneak attack, target a second critter within 30’ for 1/2 the necrotic damage dice of sneak attack.

Hexblade Features
Hexblade’s Curse:
Curse target for 1 minute- bonus to damage = proficiency; critical on 19 or 20; if target dies, gain HP = level+cha modifier. Once per short rest. Uses bonus action.
Hex Warrior: Extra proficiencies. One weapon gets to use charisma for to hit and damage.
Pact of the Blade: Pistol is pact weapon; can summon it into hand. Proficient with it, and count as magic. May turn magic pistol into pact weapon as well.

Invocations (3)
Improved Pact Weapon
Pistol, Pistol is also spell Focus, gets +1/+1
Thirsting Blade Attack twice with pact weapon
Maddening Hex As bonus action, do psychic damage to hexed or cursed target and any critters within 5' (my choice) equal to Charisma modifier

3 cantrips known, 6 spells known, spell slots at third level, 2 spells/short rest

Cantrips: Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion
Hex (1), Armor of Agathys (1), Blur (2), Counterspell (3), Fly (3), Enemies Abound (3)

Periapt of Wound Closure Stabilizes whenever dying; when rolling hit die to regain hit points, gets 2x hit points
Amulet of Health Sets constitution to 19

Monster Hunter’s Pack (holy items omitted)
-Wooden Stakes x3
-Steel Mirror
-Flask of Oil
-Torches x3

Pack of playing cards with pictures of people Doc has killed (Horror Token)
Studded Leather Armor
Unusual Tattered Clothes
Wide Brimmed Hat
Belt with empty holster
Three Flasks of Whiskey
Burglar’s Pack
Thieves' Tools
Tinker’s Kit (Artisan’s Tools)
Gaming Kit
Purse (100 gp)
5 Potions of Poison (Uncommon item)- Doc has acquired complete immunity to this particular poison

If you don't look very closely, Doc appears to be a normal human in his late 20s or early 30s, with the rugged and sun-swept features of someone who has been outside too much. But anyone who looks at Doc too long, or too closely, realizes that there is something off about him; he does not belong, and his eyes, which appear to be a cold blue in the sun, almost appear to be filled with dancing flames if you catch them in just the right moment of darkness.

Background: Doomed Wastrel (Custom Haunted One)
Two proficiencies (intimidation, persuasion)
Two tool (artisan- tinkers, gambling)

Doomed Wastrel Feature- the Doomed and the Drunk
Those who look into Doc’s eyes can see that he has faced unimaginable horror and that he is no stranger to the darkness and the bottle. Though they might fear Doc, or even pity him, commoners will extend Doc every courtesy and do their utmost to help him- or at least buy him a drink. Unless Doc has shown himself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside Doc, should he find himself facing an enemy alone.

Doc used to be a human. Of that … he is fairly sure. Sometimes, when the voices of the dead aren’t making demands, he has a vague recollection that he traveled around the lands in a small wagon, offering his services to common people. Doc thinks those memories are real; his fingers still know how to fix any item, heck, he can still fix up a person if he needs to.

But every time those memories start to form, he hears the cries of the dead again. Some of those voices, he thinks he remembers. Doc flips out his deck of cards, and see the faces … yes, those are the dead, the people Doc has killed. But there are others in his head. There always more- whispers, screams, begging cries.

Doc takes another shot of the hardest stuff this disreputable place has. Yes … that dulls the voices of the dead if only for a second. He’s no longer even sure if he is alive or dead or even where he is. He seems to recall a horrible rending of his flesh, of his lungs … is he just another voice in someone else’s head? But then Doc recalls that he made a deal to come back. He’s here for a reason. Doc was told that he wouldn’t be weak any more, wouldn’t have to worry about the consumption, he just had to promise …

What? What did Doc promise? Doc stares at his cards, and at the bottle of spirits, at the amulet and the periapt that ensure he will keep roaming this plane. What did he promise? As he drinks more with one hand, a ghostly apparition forms in the other hand. A dark reminder, a pistol given to him by the Nameless Sheriff in exchange for his promise. Doc swallowed a slug of the hard stuff as he stared at the pistol in his hand. Then he looked up and saw the horse rustler, the black hat, enter the bar through the swinging doors. Without another thought, Doc shot before the rustler even he had his hand halfway to his holster. Doc saw the shocked look in the rustler's eyes as he fell to the floor, no longer moving.

Doc remembered, now. He promised death.

And so it was ... an existence, forever on a loop, on the Mesa of Madness, a twilight existence of drinking, and gambling, and killing, repeated over and over again. Until one ceaseless twilight, the loop stopped suddenly. Doc felt the pull of the Nameless Sheriff and suddenly found himself ... elsewhere? This was new. There were others around, but not like him. Filled with some force ... some kind of ... life. And there was a sun! A sun that went up, and came down, not just the endless twilight of before.

But what wasn't new was that same calling, that same pull by the Nameless Sheriff that Doc felt deep within.

Doc pulled the brim of his hat down low over his eyes and began walking. Somewhere out there, cards needed playin'. Somewhere out there, a bottle needed drinkin'.

Somewhere out there, a person needed killin'.

Trait: I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
Ideal: I have a dark calling that puts me above the law.
Bond: There’s evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.
Flaw: I have an addiction. Although I don’t need to drink to survive, I can’t stop because only drinking keeps the dead at bay … and I can never drink enough.
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This is probably a good time to mention - I don't want people rolling for abilities or HP. Take the standard array, but if you want to move a few points around using point buy, that's okay. (So basically point buy, just don't go crazy with it).

Notes for @Snarf Zagyg - It's a bit "convenient" that Doc's terrible Con is made up for with a magic item, but I'm not gonna disallow it (just give you a friendly little elbow for it!) He's fine, if a bit scary (and stacked for damage on crits! Woah!) But he should be fun.

For the rest of you: Please don't try to outdo Snarf in pushing the envelope power-wise. I mean, feel free to make what will make you happy, just don't go crazy. (Full disclosure, I'm only worried about it at all because I'm not remotely a killer DM, and I have no idea what true optimized characters are capable of. I generally play with very casual storyteller-types, so opening things up to the internet could, conceivably surprise me. Please don't surprise me.)

Oh! And while I mentioned the setting being relatively bleak, we don't all need to be as dark as Doc, either. Again, I'm not saying Snarf did anything wrong (I like Doc already!) Just... they don't ALL need to be like that. Don't let it sway you (unless you want it to.)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Myself, I'm thinking of a yuan-ti pureblood archer (battlemaster fighter) or perhaps a college of whispers bard...

I may or may not work the concept of a redeemed villain into that idea.


I do love how we’ve gone from “mostly human” to an undead, a bugbear and a yuan-ti - and thats without any spellcasters!!!
And on that note - thinking I'll run either a human wizard or thief rogue. There's also Bill the Fighting Man. Can't get enough of that guy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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