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4e Heroic Souls (FULL/CLOSED - accepting alts)

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First Post
Two things, first, I noticed that the IC thread we're using is in the story hour forum... did you want to get closer to Sepulchrave for inspiration graf? :D
And then, isn't it time that we give this campaign a name? Redclaw here made something like "In defiance of fate" come to my mind ^^


Atanatotatos said:
did you want to get closer to Sepulchrave for inspiration graf? :D
you know, if I though some of that goodness would rub off I -would- totally be petitioning the mods to stay....
(I took the moderators kind offer to shift the thread, so it should be in the right forum soon).

I have had a few game names in mind. (The Promised Land; the Final Oath; a World Abandoned) or just something descriptive like "Graf's New Weird ePoL".
I didn't like any of them really though or they refer to things the group may or may not think are important.

So yeah, why don't you guys pick the name for it?
(Since redclaw's running a game that includes defiance I think maybe we ought to skip that word, but obviously, if he likes it..)


First Post
Yeah sep is peerless. Anyway for the name i'd vote either for "in defiance of fate" (if redclaw doesn't mind. he might as well be proud ^^) or simply "Heroic soul" since it summarizes the point of the whole idea, i guess.


From the IC thread
Atanatotatos said:
[sblock=OOC]Ok, maybe I went a bit too far here... First, i assumed Heian could find Neeloo and the creature, but not see the creature, either because of the daze (and the fey is "real" while Heian has lived in a "made" world) or because of the "pact"; I don't really have a very clear idea, but obviously the "pact" (not the pact of the warlocks, but in a more general meaning) is personal and belongs to a single heroic soul; Heian remembers for a moment of a similar feeling that he instead could perceive, "his" pact (him being a paladin and all expressing his power in terms of a phenomenon close to a pact seems reasonable) What do you think about this Graf?[/sblock]
Took me a bit of time to get all the posts prepared. Redclaws is up. Heian/Neeloo is mostly ready. Just wanted to

1. There really is no "too far". In this case I am going to tweak (=change) the last two lines of your last post. But if you have a good idea (or a cool idea or whatever) you shouldn't feel like you can't post it. If it's crazy then we may only use some of it, or maybe none of it (if it just doesn't work) but there's no reason not to try to push the game someplace fun.

2. The "Pact" in this question is what makes a Warlock a warlock. I'm not sure why, exactly I'm fixated on this particular piece of fluff but I like the idea that warlocks are heroic souls, but their heroic soul is a conduit to something greater.
I imagine it's something like
Neeloo <--> "The Fey Queen" (her heroic soul) <--> Big Green Eyes <--> The Fey

So Neeloo is ultimately pacted with 'the fey'. Big Green Eyes is just an "agent" in this case.
(Like having a bank account at a bank. You may have a sales representative at your local branch, but ultimately the account is with the bank.)

As her connection grows she can rival the greatest of fey in power (i.e. in the event that Neeloo becomes an epic level character)

3. Pacts and heroic souls
Since I didn't explain what was going on it's not surprising this is confusing. Basically I see a Pact (fey, demonic, whatever) as being with an external party. The heroic soul's relationship with it's host is much more natural; it's normally a part of you and you're a part of it.
Right now, in the game world, this balance has been disrupted. It's possible that if matters continue on as they have been (heroic souls are blocked/distrupted/prevented from appearing in the world/destroyed when they do appear) in the future, heroic souls will become something else (i.e. an external force that functions like a pact).

But, to my mind, that hasn't happened yet.
Neeloo's heroic soul was being kept from getting into it's proper alignment by external forces, an influx of powerful (external) energy allowed her to snap back into synch.
(this, for people keeping score at home, is almost exactly what happened to the Karothen PC when he tried to contact the Opener)

As one heroic soul pulls itself into synch it starts to pull other closely related heroic souls into synch as well. So proximity to a unified Neeloo + her being in grave danger is going to/has already pulled Heian back into synch as well.

Sorta long and confusing reply. Sorry. Let me know if it's not clear.
All this stuff is basically just a reason to explain why the party gets together and starts to go on adventures.


The Shifting Bulwark (could I have come up with a more awkward name if I tried?) is another heroic soul. Or it was. It's Big Green Eyes/Kheelan now.

Like all heroic souls (and transformed heroic souls) you can identify it and sense it through the 'heart-tugging' sensation.

I do apologize a bit for all the powerful-NPC-does-X stuff. It's a feature of the "pregame" only.


I realized I hadn't properly responded to the thrust of your question/point.
Atanatotatos in the IC thread said:
Heian remembers for a moment of a similar feeling that he instead could perceive, "his" pact (him being a paladin and all expressing his power in terms of a phenomenon close to a pact seems reasonable) What do you think about this Graf?
In the sense of external forces the divine classes (Paladin, Cleric) gain their powers from/are conduits for do have a lot in common with Warlocks.

The key idea that springs to my mind is that Pacting for Neeloo is a very familiar act. Her HS has been striking deals with fey for thousands of years; each deal is different but the rules/the way the fey play the game is invariant following rules laid down at the beginning of time (or at least the beginning of the fey).
(Even Kheelan's tricks aren't really new, though it's unusual that other fey would allow that sort of behavior for long or to be pulled against something of the stature of the Fey Queen.)

The key idea about the difference between a divine character and a warlock, to my mind is that the gods are gone.
(this has had the side effect of making the other divine heroic soul in the game (Jeillia) pretty crazy).

So when Heian touches divinity (or the good side of it anyway) he's reaching out to something that's almost new-born. It's a powerful force (relative to an individual), but weak and unformed (in the cosmic sense).
Depending upon the choices your characters make the gods may return (I have no idea what that would mean, it's just a possibility) or something new could fill it's place.
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