CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


Blast it
Grotz curse and turns to Kiphas
Take a look at my neck, this fiend tried to suck my soul, luckily for me he fled without it, did you ever see that kind of creature,
He looks up to the others and draw his greataxe for insurance.
Keep an eye around, I'll help them, I have a feeling this fiend will return ... and Check out the rubble, in case there are other stinking rats under it.

Grotz help the others to get down, starting with the dog and his precious keg.

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"Come, Rogue! Good boy. In you get. Now stay there. Wait. It's OK. Good lad. I'll join you at the bottom. Good boy!"

When Rogue has been lowered, Elyan pulls tight the drawstring of his sack and threads it over his shoulder. Turning around and grasping the rope firmly, he gives a couple of tugs to test the anchoring knot and then lets himself down over the edge. Firmly refusing all aid - quite curtly if the person offering help doesn't take the hint - he makes his way down the rope. He even manages to hum a jaunty tune on his way down.

Climb +1
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Finley DaDum

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"Well I don't know about your soul but it certainly liked the taste of your blood, it looked a little bloated as it flew off. The wound is nothing to speak off, but you may feel a little lightheaded for rest of the day and perhaps tommorow."

After treating Grotz, Kiaphas will see to his own wound. Then make a search of the ledge paying close attention to the rubble piles. Kiaphas will keep the Sunrod out for now.

search +4


Karl remains at the top, lowering down the dog and beer, and watching out for Elyan and Korgrave as they climb down. He will go down the rope last, climbing slowly when nobody's life is on the line.

Kiaphas's vision is stretched to the limit. Looking down the zig-zagging switchback stair that winds its narrow way down the ravine wall, Kiaphas can detect no bottom to the descent. Searching the pile of rubble, Kiaphas soon finds two sets of footprints not made by the party that head out of the side of the rubble and down the stairs. Additionally, Kiaphas finds an ancient ring of stones darkened with black soot from countless campfires old beyond tell. Inside the ring of stones in a pocket of cold ashes, Kiaphas finds rough-hewn spear tips and small gnawed-on animal bones.

With some noise and effort, soon enough everyone and everything safely reaches the bottom of the rope and lands without harm on the sandy ledge. Rogue looks distinctly unhappy after being lowered and lets his disapproval be known by way of a wailing whimper of a bark two-thirds the way down. Despite Elyan's instruction, the dog leaps from the wicker basket the last ten feet and skids to a halt on the sandy ledge with a violent shake of his fur.


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"Come on, Rogue lad, come here! Come here! Good boy!"

Soothing the distraught canine takes some time but finally Rogue calms down and Elyan is confident that he'll respond promptly to any further commands. Asking for a description of the place they are in, he listens carefully and concentrates on constructing a mental map of their surroundings. One of the benefits of not seeing what's around is that, once he's made his map, he never forgets a place. Of course, if someone moves a chair that's a problem, but that's why he's got Rogue. Besides, there probably aren't that many chairs down here.

When the party indicates that it is ready to go, Elyan stands up, brushing down his breeks, and calls Rogue to heel. He then draws his rapier, and waits for someone to lead off.

Finley DaDum

First Post

Once everyone arrives on the ledge, Kiaphas will show everyone the signs he has seen.

"It appears our course heads ever downward, at least we have stairs now. Grotz do you still wish to lead? That bloodsucker took some of the color out of your face."

We are coming to rely on Grotz's strength and endurance, I just hope he is not too drained from the encounter
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Watch my back, look up, down and to both sides
he says to the others
I have a feeling this soul sucking fiend will return to your souls too
He puts the keg in the basket, and carries it with his offhand, greataxe in his strong hand,
eyes concentrate on the stairs, piercing the darkness like it wasn't even there. Darkvision
Grotz starts to climb down the stairs to the unknown
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First Post
A sssssoul ssssucking creature, you say, asks Korgrave. Odd. Nimhe and I were attacked by a winged, acccid sssspitting creature that I'm sssssure issss not part of the natural world. Perhapssss a portal hassss been opened to the nether world?

He leaves the question to hang in the air along with the dust they have stirred up, not really expecting an answer but rather giving his companions something to think about.


Karl dusts his hands off after the long climb down and looks around at his new surroundings. He keeps quiet and sharpens his ears and eyes for any sign of the creature's return. His hand idly strays to the sword at his belt, and he draws it to be held ready in case of danger. He looks over Grotz, who seems injured, but still confident. He gives the half-orc warrior a single nod.

"Lead on."

[ooc: spot +5; listen +5]

Voidrunner's Codex

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