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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


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Orienting himself to the sound of the woman's voice, Elyan smiles and nods. "Good morning. A beautiful morning, is it not? Thank you, we don't wish the services of the shop. Rather, we would like to meet with Mistress Hucrele. Could you announce us, please?"

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The boy inside the stable quickly darts out of sight as Grotz scowls in his direction.

The woman looks hesitantly at Grotz and Karl before shifting her attention to Korgrave. Her eyes wide at Korgrave's wild and fearsome appearance, the woman balks a moment and backs up a step but replies with a stutter. "I--I--I'll do just that, Master Bard. A few minutes if you will...best you use the gate at the rear, it's just there, beyond the backside of the stables. If you please, wait outside by the kitchen door nearest the garden." The woman gestures to the only door on the rear of the manor then courtesies and whirls to trot away off to the house, looking back over her shoulder twice and hurrying on a bit faster each time.

I'll provide a natural pause here to let anyone who wishes to react or do anything in particular do so before we continue. I'll be continuing this in the morning so if there's something you'd like to have your character do, please try to get it in before then.


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Hearing the dismay in the woman's voice, Elyan takes a guess that it is his companions' appearance which has upset her. "Well, Grotz," he says, "I think you're right about not startling the household. If you and Kiaphas and I go in, the other two can wait at the back for us. It will probably make things go more smoothly."

The bard hands his gear to Karl, saying, "Would you hold this for me, please? It's better if I don't look too martial - it may be a reassurance to Mistress Hucrele. Thank you."

"Now, where's that door? Rogue, guide."


Grotzkoshter nods in agreement and follow the blind musician.
hopfully the mistress will not be intimidated by his spiked armor, greataxe and appearence.


Karl nods along with the others' suggestion and holds onto Elyan's gear while he lingers away from the property a ways with the druid.

The woman with the basket from the garden scurries away and enters through the only door on the rear side of the house. Karl and Korgrave stand to wait by the back fence behind the stables, Karl with Elyan's gear in hand. As Elyan, Kiaphas, and Grotz enter through the rear gate and walk across the manor houses's grounds, a middle-aged human woman still in her dressing gown, her long hair plaited in a single thick and slightly graying braid, opens the back door and steps somewhat uncertainly to the door frame. Shielding her eyes from the strong morning sun with a hand, the woman scans her back acreage. As Elyan, Kiaphas, and Grotz come near, the woman drops her hand and calls a welcome, her voice still thick with sleep. "Good sun to you, travelers. Goodwife Marcene tells me you would have word with me--I am Kerowyn Hucrele, mistress of this manse." The woman's voice adopts a puzzled quality. "But were there not five of you? Where are the other two? You may all have a seat in the kitchen. Gretchen will fetch rolls and tea so that we may break our fast." Mistress Hucrele's voice is thick with the accent of one from Urnst.

Guiding the trio into her kitchen to a small work table that also seems to serve as an eating station, Mistress Hucrele issues commands to the two women from the garden. "Two more chairs to the table, rolls, jam, butter, hot tea, honey, clotted cream, and..." quickly appraising Grotz's large girth, Mistress Hucrele nods and continues, "half the ham from yestereve's supper, please." Even at this early hour, the Hucrele kitchen is warm from a bank of double stone hearths along the east wall by the door. Though not a large kitchen, the ceiling is high and beams of thick strong wood cross the walls and ceiling, the grain of their wood showing through a layer of white plaster. The kitchen is richly fragrant of yeast and baking bread. A pot of something simmering inside one of the hearths gives off the smell of cinnamon and beef.

Gretchen, the woman who greeted the party by the fence, bobs in reply to Mistress Hucrele's commands. With the help of the other (and younger) lass, the table is quickly laid and two extra chairs pulled up, providing seating for six. Mistress Hucrele seats herself at the head of the table and gestures for Kiaphas, Grotz, and Elyan to join her. "Octavius is sending round for the other two of your companions. Please, sit." Smiling in particular at Kiaphas, Mistress Hucrele affects a genteel voice. "Good priest, it is long since anyone faithful to the God of Elves has graced my table. Welcome. Indeed, welcome to you all." Mistress Hucrele motions to a basket of piping hot rolls, jam, butter, honey, and clotted cream already laid upon the table. "Please, help yourselves. Gretchen will pour." And, indeed, Gretchen begins to make her way 'round the table, pouring hot tea into cups. The younger lass sets down a platter with thinly sliced ham at Grotz's elbow then lays out plates for everyone save her own mistress, who waves away the meat trencher.

When the serving girls have quit the kitchen, Mistress Hucrele lays a hand upon the breakfast table, the sun glinting off a heavy silver signet ring on the ring finger of her right hand. A castle flanked on the right by a crescent moon is imprinted into her signet ring. "When your comrades have joined us, I will hear your business. 'Til then, let us enjoy our food." Mistress Hucrele sips politely from her tea but makes no move to eat anything.


First Post
Korgrave looks at Karl and shrugs as the others walk off. The maid's reaction is one he's gotten used to. Occasionally, he even enjoys scaring people when he first meets them simply to show that first impressions can be wrong. Of course, he rarely gets a chance to make that point as very few humans, elves, even dwarves give him the opportunity to reveal his kinder side.

After a few minutes to themselves by the back gate, an old man hobbling on a cane begins to cross the field by the house's garden. The man must surely be ancient, for it takes him nearly five long minutes to get from the house to the gate and when he draws near, Korgrave and Karl see that a sketchy thin beard of white whiskers--bare in patches--covers the old man's chops, chin, and neck. In a croaking voice, the old man calls out, "Oi! You two! Mistress Hucrele bids you come fer breakin' yer fast. You lot look a hungry sort, so com'n. Me name's Oswald." The old man waves his wooden cane at Karl and Korgrave, bidding them enter the garden via the back gate. Already half turned back toward the house, the old man seems ready to lead them to the rear door.


At the old man's sudden appearance, Karl turns to Korgrave and returns the shrug.

Wordlessly he turns to follow the man into the house.


First Post
Elyan nods to the woman and says, "Mistress, thank you for your hospitality." Taking his cue from her, he finds a seat and sits down.

Inhaling the steam from his cup of tea, he thanks the serving woman, sips gingerly, and enjoys the fine brew. He then feels the space in front of him, identifying plate and knife, and says, "Would you pass me the rolls, please?" After a moment's embarassment - the rolls are right in front of him - someone does so and he thanks them and takes one. "And you mentioned honey and clotted cream? Ah, thank you very much."

He then settles to enjoy his breakfast, thoroughly at his ease. He chats with Mistress Hucrele, asking after the business, sharing stories of the road and some (discrete) observations of the people he has met here in town. When the others arrive, he nods in greeting. At one point he asks Grotz for a little of the ham and feeds it to Rogue, who has been sitting patiently all this time.

Eventually, he broaches the subject of Mistress Hucrele's missing relatives, explaining that the party is willing to undertake the task of finding them, extolling the merits of the party members and assuring their prospective employer of their commitment to her relatives' well-being.

Voidrunner's Codex

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