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NeMoren's Vault - D&D (Full)


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Gurter Friendlyhart


Gurter grew up as a poor orphan in Saint Michiel's orphanage in the big harbor of Southport. As a kid he had to survive among his piers solely by his charismatic nature alone, for the world of street kids is owned by those with the hardest fist. He became quite popular when he befriended the leader of one of the street gangs, Oat Romers. Oat was one of the more clever kids, and probably the only reason Gurter had any goodness in him, for life on the streets is harsh and Oat showed him the finer things in life: he sneaked Gurter in the back of The Freeport Inn, where a local bard Teneson sang tales of heroic adventures and romantic encounters. Gurter fell in love with music and poetry there and then. As the local bard was quite famous, many of the young women came to adore him. The sight of those beautiful women, unleashed feelings in the boy he had never had before. Gurter wanted all that attention the local bard got as well... By Oat also used Gurter: he put Gurter on the corner of busy streets, posing as a sick kid, begging for small change. The charismatic figure played his part well, and many of the rich merchant stopped to give the poor street boy some change. During this distraction, others pick pocketed the innocent bystanders. It was a small price to pay in the eyes of Gurter, who now had hard coins in his pockets, and respect throughout the Southport underworld.

But Gurter longed for more. The sounds of the beautiful ballads haunted him in his dreams. When he was about 12, Teneson once again visited Southport and Gurter seized the opportunity to become his student. And so Gurter became a travelling companion of Teneson, after an emotional fare well from his trusted friend Oat. The good natured Teneson learned the young Gurter the tricks of the trade: how to seduce women, how to play instruments, how to use the melody to capture the attention of bystanders and for the first time Gurter was truly happy. As a duo the two travelled for a couple of years, living on the wealth the noble women provided and life was treating them good. Many of the ladies provided the duo with beautiful cloths, jewelry and coins. Of course all in return for some favors...

Then one day, Teneson was gone. Only a silver key with a little note attached was left behind reading:

"Our separate ways we must go,
I taught you all there is to know,
Take this key and hold it near:
One day it all will be clear."

Teneson also had taken the liberty of confiscating all jewelry and valuables, leaving Gurter only with his flute, his cloths, 10 gold pieces and a silver key. Teneson had feared this day but was surprisingly not emotional, yet another trade Teneson had taught him: never get emotionally involved. He was taught well and within 3 months he was once again living 'the high life'. Having been with several wives of rather wealthy men, Gurter found it time to move on, slightly persuaded by the 20 tugs who were hired to kill him and were chasing him. Escaping through a window, and jumping from one roof to another was all part of a days work. Finally he lost them and went on his way. After having travelled around and making somewhat of a name for himself, he was invited at the Goldbloom Manor. Goldbloom was a wealthy merchant, trading in exquisite foreign spices, and was planning on running for Senator the next election. He was very fond of young Gurter as well as his music, having no son of his own he treated Gurther like one. Gurter was there a month, living like a prince, and he and Goldbloom became friends... Until Goldbloom's daughter, Mary Goldbloom, came to visit the Manor. Mary who had never left the rural estates, as her dad was saving her to marry a royal, was a beautiful young woman. As soon as Gurter saw her, he fell in love. The first couple of days he could shake off the feelings, not wanting to ruin the good deal he got here, but alas, after a week trying to fight his emotions, he tasted the forbidden fruit. Goldbloom, outraged, hired hardened mercenaries to kill him, and once again Gurter had to make a quick exit. Angered that he could not marry the love of his life, he swore he would gain such great fame and wealth, that he could come back and ask for the hand of Goldbloom's daughter. In the meantime he tries to keep a low profile as Goldblooms influence stretches far.

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First Post
Gurter Friendlyhart Stat Block

Medium sized humanoid (human) Bard 1
Hit Dice: 1d6+1 (7hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 14 (+2 dex , +2 armour )
Attacks: Rapier -1 / Light Crossbow +2
Damage: Rapier 1d8 -1 / Light Crossbow 1d8
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: none
Special Qualities: Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff 6(3), Concentration 4(2),Disguise 5(2), Escape Artist 6(4), Gather Information 4(1), Hide 6(4), Knowledge (History) 4(1), Perform 9(4)*, Pick Pocket 3(1), Sense Motive 1(1), Tumble 4(2), Listen 1(1), Move Silently 6(4), Spellcraft 4(1)
Languages: Common, Elven, Upercommon, Lowcommon, Streettalk
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perform)
Spells Known: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Predigitation, Flare
Worn: Traveler’s Outfit, Leather Armour, Rapier (hanging from my belt), Light Crossbow (slung on back), Bedroll (tied on top of backpack), tiny dagger (secretly worn in boots)
Belt pouches Containing: Unit of Caltrops(1), Ink, Pen, Empty bits of Paper, Flute
Backpack Containing: Winter Blanket, Oil Flask, Soap, Flint/Steel, Torches (2), Candles (2), Units of caltrops (2), Waterskin, Scrollcase filled with bits of poetry/writings/history (backpack), Disguise Kit, 10 days' rations, Empty Sack (2), Ink(2), Empty Scrolls
Wealth: No idea

*Poetry, Singing, Musical Instrument: Lute, Storytelling

Gurter is a handsome young man near his twenties. He has an charming smile and youthful look about him. His brown hair are cut in the latest fashion, and his behavior can only be described as well mannered. His blue eyes look into the world with interest, although sometimes they can betray him: you can see by his eyes that this is an intelligent man, considering every movement and motion, making sure all he does looks natural. Although he is skinny and not muscular, his body seems athletic, and his motions are swift and decisive. A curly lock of hair hangs over his forehead, which makes his distinguished appearance a little playful. His face is like the sun, forever shining and Gurther as always in a good mood. He smiles a lot and plays the clown, while always remaining polite and kind. Gurther absolutely hates fighting, although he likes to see others fighting. He usually tries to strengthen their spirits with his songs, while making bets with the audience.
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Cordo said:
Hmmm... My choice is kind of depending on you Jarval.

My first choice is a Halfling Cleric of Brandobaris who is a pathological liar, but if you were going to build a paladin I was going to forgo that option for obvious reasons. ;) In that case I would make a Neutral Good Human Cleric of Fharlahngn.

Maybe I can post placeholder stats for both of them.
I'm planning on my character being a human paladin of Ehlonna, but I wouldn't let that stop you from playing the pathological liar. It could make for some interesting RP :)

I should, at the very least, have some outline stats up by this evening.


Just bare bone stats at the moment, but some personality and background will follow.

Anna Avellana
Human Paladin 1, Lawful Good

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Melee: +3 [+1 BAB, +2 STR]
Ranged: +3 [+1 BAB, +2 DEX]
Hit Points: 11 [10 (1st level) + 1 (CON)]
Armor Class: 17 (18 with Dodge) [10 + 3 (Studded leather) + 2 (large wooden shield) + 2 (DEX) (+ 1 (Dodge))]
Initiative: +6 (+2 DEX, +4 Improved Initiative)
Movement Rate: 30 feet

Attacks per round:
Longsword (+3 to hit, 1d8+2 dmg)
or Longbow (+3 to hit, 1d8 dmg)
or Dagger (+3 to hit, 1d4+2 dmg)

Weapons and Armor:
Armor: Studded leather (+3 AC, -1 armor penalty)
Shield: Large wooden shield (+2 AC, -2 armor penalty)
Weapons: Longsword (1d8 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2)
Longbow (1d8 dmg, Crit 20/x3, Rng 100 ft)
Dagger (1d4+1 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 10 ft)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +6 [+2 base, +1 CON, +3 Divine Grace]
Ref: +5 [+0 base, +2 DEX, +3 Divine Grace]
Will: +4 [+0 base, +1 WIS, +3 Divine Grace]

Armor Proficiency (Light) (Free for Paladin)
Armor Proficiency (Medium) (Free for Paladin)
Martial Weapon Proficiency (All) (Free for Paladin)
Shield Proficiency (Free for Paladin)
Simple Weapon Proficiency (Free for Ranger)
Improved Initiative (1st level feat)
Dodge (bonus human feat)

Diplomacy +5 (2 ranks, +3 CHA)
Handle Animal +7 (4 ranks, +3 CHA)
Knowledge (religion) +4 (4 ranks)
Listen +1 (+1 WIS)
Ride +4 (2 ranks, +2 DEX)
Spot +1 (+1 WIS)


Special Abilities:
Detect Evil at will.
Divine Grace +3.
Divine Health.
Lay on Hands 3 hp/day.

- Grappling hook
- Healing salve
- Silk rope (50')
- 3 Sunrods
- 2 Torches
Belt Pouch
- Flask of holy water
- 2 packets of scentbreaker
- 5 Tindertwigs
- 3 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp
Wearing / Carrying
- Explorer's Clothes
- Studded leather armor
- Large wooden shield
- Holy symbol of Ehlonna (wooden)
- Silver key on chain
- Longsword
- Longbowbow
- Arrows (20)
- Dagger

Total Weight Carried: 55.85 lb
Load: Light

Current XP:
Current: 0
Next Level: 1000
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Red Wolf, Male Human Druid

Red Wolf is a member of the Stone Dance, a druid circle located not too far from the large mountain city of Irongate; the circle is located in a high alpine mountain valley only reachable by either flying or a treacherous goat path.

Red Wolf was originally named Tiir, and was the youngest son of a prosperous Irongate merchant. The eldest son and heir fell ill with a wasting disease that threatened to kill him; the local priests refused to heal him, claiming the fever that ravaged the man was the will of the gods and it would be ill-omened to do so. In desperation, they turned to an herb-wife they knew, who gave their name to the Stone Dance.

One night, two robed and hooded members of the Stone Dance came to the family townhouse, claiming they bore medicine. The man and woman entered, as did their wolf-companions, and knelt by the eldest sons bedside. Herbs and magic drew out the poisons and soon the man’s forehead was cool and he ceased his raving.

Then the mention of payment came up. The man from the Stone Dance started to name a price, but then saw the baby of the family rolling around on the kitchen floor with the two savage still-wild wolves, laughing and ruffling their fur. The man looked to the woman, and both nodded. The man turned to the merchant. “He is our price,” he said simply.

The merchant’s wife became hysterical, but the merchant looked to his eldest son, who would bear his name and business, and then to the unwanted baby his wife had gifted them with last year. “Done,” the merchant said, and the druids disappeared into the night with their newest member.

Tiir grew up in the vast mountain chain surrounding Irongate, a son of the great woodlands and deep misty valleys. He went to Irongate itself a few times, so he’s not totally unaware of what goes on in a large city but it’s not something he likes a great deal. His childhood was one of peace and learning, growing up among the wild things. He did well in both games and studies, and grew to be a tall, strong young man.

Each member of the Dance must undergo a trial in the wilderness, where they are tested by the forces of nature to see if they are worthy of wielding nature’s power. When he was 17, Tiir took his trial; an elder of the circle shifted shape and took Tiir many miles to the north, saying that he must make his way back to the Dance within the span of a Moon or not come back at all. Vaguely, Tiir knew that he had also been taken across the Empire’s northern border, and now he was within the barbarian Free Kingdoms.

The journey back took everything the boy had. Simply surviving off the wilderness is no great trial to someone who knows the ways of the woods, but the approaching winter and the fierce mountain goblins were another thing. The defining point of the young man’s journey, though, was an encounter with elements of a mounted Imperial patrol that thought it would be fun to hunt a pack of wolves.

The patrol was protecting a northern mountain pass, watching for any suspicious persons and they were bored, bored, bored. One of the scouts had spotted wolf spoor in the area, and a few men decided to ride out and hunt the beasts. They needed the furs and trophies, and it would be a way to break up the monotony. They harried the small pack through the high vales, their powerful horses bulling through undergrowth and snow alike, not letting the pack rest or stray very far. The men made a game of it, harrying the wolves as much as they could until one would drop from exhaustion. Then a crossbow bolt would end its life and they’d hurry on to take the rest.

Tiir rashly attacked the lead warrior, swinging down from an overhead branch and knocking the man from his horse. The man cracked his skull open on an exposed rock and died, which set into motion a series of unfortunate events… the man was the force commander, and his brother saw the ‘murder’. Tiir fought well but he was a boy armed with a spear and they were half a dozen armored men of the Empire. Tiir managed to slash a couple more warriors before he was overwhelmed and taken captive.

Elras Dorn, the brother of the dead, claimed the right to kill the boy in whatever manner he chose and none of the troop opposed him, just like they didn’t oppose him taking over as force commander. Dorn already had a pair of wolves he’d captured and put in a pit, so the troops could take part in skinning them later. Now, he took up the boy. “Since you like wolves so much, then die by their fangs!” he growled, and tossed Tiir into the pit. As the boy fell, he lashed out with his teeth, caught hold of a thong around Dorn’s neck, hoping to drag the man down with him. The worn leather parted, though, and Tiir had only a length of leather and a silver key to show for his troubles.

The wolves were almost mad with hunger and began to stalk Tiir. Tiir, whose hands were still bound, pressed himself against the pit wall and pleaded with them with his eyes, a chuff and a growl coming from deep in his throat. The wolves moved forward and Tiir chuffed again, straightening his shoulders and crouching – a dominance position. I am alpha here, he postured to them. The troops watched as the wolves and boy circled each other, screaming bets to each other. Two of the troopers jabbed spears down into the pit, gouging at both wolves and boy to make each attack.

Suddenly the wolves lunged at Tiir and bore him to the ground as the troops screamed. Tiir cried out, but he was smiling; the wolves tore at his bonds instead of his flesh, though his wrists were bloody when they were done. His muscled arms surged and the ropes parted, then he jerked one of the spears down into the pit, along with the wielder. Tiir picked up the key talisman and stuffed it into his loincloth. As the wolves tore apart the guardsman, Tiir used the spear to spring from the pit. Elras drew his sword, but Tiir managed a lucky strike, slashing the man across the face with the spearpoint. Tiir stole a horse and fled, the other horses of the troop scattering from the scent of wolf on him.

A few days later, Tiir managed to finally elude pursuit and he realized that the spirits of the forest had accepted him; the wolves had obeyed him, and aided him. Just before the moon turned, he rejoined the druids of the Dance as their newest member. He took the name Red Wolf both from the wolves that aided him, and the red blood they spilled in doing so. The rest of the winter, he spent in sacred rituals that tied him to the land, and the beasts. His personal totem is the wolf, since he dreams of them so often. When it came time to call his first companion.,

Now, Red Wolf has come down from his mountain valley to walk among other men. The elder of the Dance told him that he must do this thing, to grow even as a vine grows. The key, he wears around his neck, and sees as a sacred talisman that will lead him where the Elder says.

Red Wolf, Male Human Dr1,CR 1; Medium Humanoid; HD (1d8)+1; hp 9; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd Walk 30'; AC 13 (Leather +2, Dex +1, flatfooted 12, touch 11), *Shortspear +2 0'/P (1d8+2 20/x3) or Sling +1 50'/B (1d4 20/x2 Neither S ) or ; SA: Animal Companion, Nature Sense; Vision: Normal AL: NG; Sv: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14

Skills and Feats: Animal Empathy +6, Climb +4, Diplomacy +4, Handle Animal +4, Heal +4, Perform +3, Spellcraft +3, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +8; Skill Focus (Wilderness Lore), Track

Spells: (3/2); 0- Know Direction, Cure Minor Wound, Resistance; 1- Cure Light Wounds, Magic Fang

Possessions: 2 Shortspears (one carried, one across his back), Sling with 50 Bullets (in belt pouch) a backpack with a Bedroll, Map Case, 3 Fishhooks and twine, 2 set of flint and steel, 7 days of trail rations, and 4 torches. One belt pouch with the sling, etc, plus a whetstone, his holly and mistletoe, and a ‘Pan flute’ made from river reeds. Another pouch with 53 gold. A silver key on a thong around his neck. Leather armor.

Red Wolf is a handsome 18-year-old man with a wild look about him; his clothes and armors are worn but very serviceable and durable; he dresses in browns, grays and black except during winter or high summer, when he changes to more grays or to various greens respectively. He usually has some bits of bone or feathers about with him, tied to his clothing or boots. He sometimes wears swirling designs on his arms, chest or face, daubed on with his fingers; temporary dyes made from herbs and boiled bark. He will also dye the faint scars on his wrists red when going into battle.

Blood: Female Wolf, Medium-Size Animal, HD: 2d8+4 (13 hp), Init: +2 (Dex), Speed: 50 ft., AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), Att: Bite +3 melee, 1d6+1, SA: Trip, SQ: Scent, Sves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15 Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6

Skills: Hide +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Wilderness Lore +1*; Weapon Finesse (bite)

Wolves receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent.

Blood is a young red wolf, slightly smaller than the more common Gray Wolf; hardy and strong, Blood goes off and hunts by herself a lot, often bringing back a bird or rabbit for Red Wolf when he’s done feeding herself. She’s a playful animal, always eager to run and jump and snap.

Elras Dorn, Male Human Ar2 Ftr2 CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD (2d8)+(2d10)+4; hp 37; Init +0; Spd Walk 30'; AC 14 (Chain Shirt +4, flatfooted 14, touch 10), Longspear +5 0'/P (1d8+2 20/x3) or Shortbow (+1 Mighty/Composite) +3; AL: LE; Sv: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14

Skills and Feats: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +3, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +3, Perform +3, Ride +9, Spot +2, Swim +-6, Wilderness Lore +4; Combat Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mounted Combat, Quick Draw, Ride-By Attack, Skill Focus (Ride)

Possession: Chain Shirt, Small Steel Shield, Longspear, Shortbow (+1 Mighty Comp), throwing axe.

A once-handsome man, now bearing a savage puckered scar across face, slashing from one cheek, up through one now milky eye, into the scalp; the hair there now grows out white. Dresses all in black. Dorn has risen fast and far since his encounter with the savage Red Wolf; he now commands a small group of Imperial soldiers that make raids into the Free Kingdoms, trying to start the war everyone knows is coming. He hates wolves and commonly wears a wolf-skin cloak. He offers 10 silvers for the corpse of every wolf brought to him. If he should ever catch sight of Red Wolf again, he’d try his best to kill him and everyone with him.

The Elder, Female Wood Elf Druid10 CR 10; Medium Humanoid; HD (10d8); hp 64; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd Walk 30'; AC 13 (flatfooted 10, touch 13), / ( /x ) or ; SA: Animal Companion, Automatic Search check if within 5' of secret/concealed door, Immunity to sleep(Ex), Nature Sense, Resist Nature's Lure, save +2 vs enchantment spells, Trackless Step, Venom Immunity, Wildshape 4/day, Wildshape Large, Woodland Stride; Vision: Low-light,Normal AL: TN; Sv: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +11; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 13

Skills and Feats: Animal Empathy +14, Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +4, Heal +8, Scry +14, Spellcraft +14, Swim +4, Wilderness Lore +17;Dodge, Leadership, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration

Spells: 6/5/5/4/4/2

The Elder is the leader of the Stone Dance, the circle of druids that trained Red Wolf. She meddles in all sorts of areas, generally local politics and such in the Irongate area. She has a special fondness for Red Wolf, and sometimes will send him omens of where he will find greater spiritual growth.




OK, I do think that meets all the criteria; Toe, let me know, OK? :)


First Post
As you may have noticed, I have closed the recruitment.

We have the following Players:
Gruthe wanderer

Alternates are:

I am going through the characters and will take a few days to finish. I am still looking for details from a few of you and will add requests to this thread. My goal is to start the game this weekend. Again, let me know if you have any questions.


First Post

Could you double check your skill points. I could be wrong because I am very tired, but I think you have too many.



First Post
Ton's background

Okay, I may be taking huge liberties with your campaign setting, but here's Ton's draft background (and pic):

Ton knows little of Thelis, the Free Kingdoms, or the Island of Three Rings, for his home lies over the ocean. Most people have heard of the elves that protect the Cradle, watching the sea and the air from their coastal cities. Few people know that forces from below the earth also threaten the birthplace of all life: goblins and dragons and other foul beasts from the depths. But the Cradle has defenders within the earth as well as above: dwarven clans that face death with a grim resolve.

The Arok family belongs to one such clan, and Ton Arok grew up learning the ways of tunnel fighting, traps, and combat against subterranean foes. His brothers and sisters (Arok women learned to fight alongside the men of the tribe) were stronger warriors, but Ton thrived by using his keen senses and quick reflexes. His instincts for ambushes and his knack for improvising traps was a great support to his more militant companions. Ton thought more of his clan’s honor and survival than he did of any personal glory.

Ton’s closest companions in his youth and earlier adulthood were his elder sister, Fyste, and her husband, Woru. The two married young, and were soulmates in the truest sense of the word. They were gracious hosts of many family gatherings, but were just as comfortable fighting side-by-side in the tunnels against grimlock raiders. Fyste was an apprentic of the Rock Wardens, who turned the power of the earth itself against the enemies of the dwarves. Woru was studying to become a Defender, one of the most honored professions in the clan. Ton knew his own path would look very different from theirs, but he dreamed of the day when the three of them would venture into the Underdark together, retaking ground that was lost at one time or another in the history of his people.

Ton’s discovered another dream when he first joined a trading mission to the surface. Many of his companions felt out of place without stone walls around them and rock ceilings above, but Ton discovered there was place in his heart for the world above as well as the world below. He also met Kellia, a young female elf whose skills paralleled his own. The two shared stories and words while their elders traded goods and information. On his return to the Arok hometunnels, Ton devoted himself to studying the Elf language.

Despite the constant danger from unknown foes, the dwarves of the Arok clan were content with their fate, until the plague came. Fyste, who was several months pregnant at the time, suffered a miscarriage. Before long the clan discovered that all the dwarven women had become barren. The clan elders knew that they must find a way to restore the women, or the tribe itself would face extinction within a single generation. Some of the elders thought the sickness was the result of curse cast by a lich that the clan had recently destroyed. Others believed that drow saboteurs had poisoned the clan’s water supply. But after communing with their deities, the clerics of the tribe stated the improbable: the illness was somehow related to a silver key, which would be found in an old chest in the back room of an abandoned dwarven manor. The only way to end the curse was for a single son of the tribe to carry the key across the sea to the land of Thelis. The dwarves cast lots to determine who would carry the key, and Ton was chosen.

Despite feeling woefully unprepared for a journey of this magnitude, Ton accepted the decision of the elders with grace. He gathered his gear and departed for the surface. Upon reaching the elven city of Imoli, he learned that the elves were facing a similar crisis: their elders were aging at a greatly accelerated rate. The elves, who relied on their near immortality to maintain culture and tradition, had also received word from the divine. A single daughter of the city must carry a silver key to Thelis. Ton decided the gods must be crazy when Kellia was chosen.

The two friends crossed the sea in the swift boats of the Waveskimmers, and arrived in the coastal town of Hyrad. Neither Ton nor Kellia knew what more would be required of them in this strange human land, but they quickly found aid in the form of Daphinius Thymehill, a kind-hearted halfling merchant who found “work” for individuals with Kellia and Ton’s talents. Ton is still shocked by the difference between Thelis and his hometunnels, but he is doing his best to learn quickly.

Recently, Daphinius offered Ton a substantial sum of money to undertake a mission outside Hyrad. Although Ton hated leaving Kellia, they both agreed that it would be good to learn more about the surrounding country. They have agreed to meet again in one year’s time, at the latest.

Possessions and location of equipment coming soon.


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Nice to see another foray into NeMoran's Vault on the Boards.

The Dungeon that started off this whole In Character Forum is being delved into once again... hope you guys enjoy the adventure, and forge on to its conclusion.
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