(SRF) Aspiration's Beginning

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria and Green Jay will move to the party’s right and closer to the incoming enemy. Each will target a different Shimadow near them and release their stones.
OOC: 65, 77

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Seeing that he is running beside Brenda, directly toward the enemies, Brock says to her, “Luck! I will take the one to our left of their center.”

Garin chooses a target and plans to run him through, with his simple stick.
OOC: 73, 85

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Brock: 600(spear) - 112 = 488
Garindell: 600(spear) - 126 = 476
Belaria: 600(sling) - 106 = 494
Gaio: 600(sling) - 121 = 479
Brenda: 500(club) - 119 = 381
Shimadows: 600(javelin) - 112 = 488
Brock: 17(aggression) + 9(accuracy) + 20(fury) + 73(d100) = 119
Garindell: 11 + 20 + 15 + 85 = 131
Brenda: 23 + 13 + 11 + 75 = 111

Shimadows: 30(dodge) + 75(d100) = 105
111 - 105 = 6% * 6 = ~1
131 - 105 = 26% * 6 = 2
119 - 105 = 14% * 6 = ~1
Belaria: 13(launch) + 22(accuracy) + 9(clarity) + 65(d100) = 109
Gaio: 9 + 15 + 23 + 65 = 112 + 50(range) = 162
Shimadows: 30 + 75 = 105

Brock: 9(avoidance) + 19(analysis) + 73(d100) = 101
155 - 101 = 54% * 7 = 4 x 2
Garindell: 20 + 13 + 85 = 118
Belaria: 22 + 9 + 65 = 97
155 - 97 = 58% * 7 = 4 x 2
Gaio: 15 + 22 + 65 = 102
155 - 102 = 53% * 7 = 4
Brenda: 13 + 8 + 75 = 96
105 - 96 = 9% * 7 = ~1 X 2
Shimadows: 20 + 75 = 95
162 - 95 = 67% * 6 = 4
159 - 95 = 64% * 6 = 4
Belaria: 26(bending) + 9(thump) + 77(d100) = 112
Gaio: 18 + 24 + 77 = 119

Shimadows: 10 + 75 = 85
119 - 85 = 34% * 3 = 1
S1: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated. (brenda)
S2: Mind: 8 - 4 = 4 - 1 = 3, confused. (gaio)
S3: Body: 8 - 2 = 6, hurt. (garin)
S4: Body: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated. (brock)
S5: Mind: 8 - 4 - 1 = 3, confused. (belaria)
Since Brock said which Shimadow Ganger he would target, Brenda swings at the launching arm of the one straight in front. She reaches her opponent before he can draw back and throw. He turns his body as she swings, causing the club to strike his left shoulder. The blow is merely an irritation. The advantage of throwing from point blank is negated by the fact that the Shimadow is engaged in physical combat. When he launches his first javelin, it barely scratches Brenda’s leg. A second Shimadow throws his spear from a short distance away, despite the risk of hitting his friend. His javelin scratches Brenda’s arm.

Gaio Verde launches his stone only a few tics slower. The stone strikes a Ganger in the chest, making a very loud sound as if it had struck a metal gong. Most of the breath is knocked from that Shimadow and he falters, somewhat, slowing his first launch. A second Ganger launches his javelin from a short distance, cutting a line of blood from across his ribs. At the same instant, Garindell runs into his first opponent, sticking him in the front of the left shoulder as he tries to dodge. Due to the physical engagement, both Gangers facing Garin fail to hit him with a javelin.

The remaining Shimadows all launch their first javelins before anyone else of the party can act. These simple projectiles are all launched from a distance of about 4 strides. Brock is struck twice and significantly hurt. Belaria is also struck twice with the same damaging results as Brock. Despite his injury, Brock still manages to reach and stab one of the enemies but does very little harm. Lastly, Belaria launches her stone at one of the Ganger’s who struck her with the same results as Gaio. The two loud gonging sounds get everyone’s attention, but the Shimadows do not know the cause, so they seem undeterred. It is still two to one odd against the five and the damaged members are two each.
Brock: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 = 2, injured.
Garindell: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 4 = 6, hurt.
Brenda: Body: 10 - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8, irritated.

15 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 2: {Muddle x2}

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria and Gaio will load another stone as they continue to weave through the trees, eyeing the enemies. The plan is to target the same two as with the first stones. They will again augment them as before.
OOC: 68, 80


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Realizing the Belaria and Gaio were more effective with their slings, Brock and Garin both switch weapons, even though the use of a sling is slightly slower. Each young man will also cause his stone to harbor mechanical waylines to release a loud thump when making contact.
OOC: 76, 88

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Brock: 488 + 800(injured) = 1288
Garindell: 476 + 600(sling) = 1076
Belaria: 494 + 800(injured) = 1294
Gaio: 479 + 600(sling) = 1079
Brenda: 381 + 500(club) = 881
Shimadows: 488 + 600(javelin) = 1088
Brenda: 23 + 13 + 11 + 75 = 111

Shimadows: 30(dodge) + 68(d100) = 98
111 - 98 = 13% * 6 = ~1
Brock: 17(launch) + 9(accuracy) + 18(clarity) + 76(d100) = 122
Garindell: 11 + 20 + 15 + 88 = 133 + 50(range) = 183
Belaria: 13 + 22 + 9 + 65(d100) = 109
Gaio: 9 + 15 + 23 + 68 = 115 + 50(range) = 165
Shimadows: 30 + 68 = 98 + 50(range) = 148

Brock: 9(avoidance) + 19(analysis) + 76(d100) = 104
148 - 104 = 44% * 7 = 3
248 - 104 = 144% * 7 = 10
Garindell: 20 + 13 + 85 = 118
148 - 118 = 30% * 7 = 2
Belaria: 22 + 9 + 68 = 99
148 - 99 = 49% * 7 = 3
248 - 99 = 149% * 7 = 10
Gaio: 15 + 22 + 68 = 105
158 - 105 = 53% * 7 = 4
Brenda: 13 + 8 + 75 = 96
108 - 96 = 12% * 7 = ~1 X 2
Shimadows: 20 + 68 = 88
183 - 88 = 95% * 6 = 6
165 - 88 = 77% * 6 = 5
Brock: 10(bending) + 20(thump) + 78(d100) = 108
Garindell: 22 + 15 + 88 = 125
Belaria: 26 + 9 + 77 = 112
Gaio: 18 + 24 + 81 = 122

Shimadows: 10 + 68 = 78
125 - 78 = 47% * 3 = 2
122 - 88 = 34% * 3 = 1
S1: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated. (brenda)
S2: Mind: 8 - 4 = 4 - 1 = 3 - 5 - 1 = -3, unconscious. (gaio)
S3: Body: 8 - 2 = 6, hurt. Mind: 8 - 6 - 2 = 0, unconscious. (garin)
S4: Body: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated. (brock)
S5: Mind: 8 - 4 - 1 + 1 = 4, confused. (belaria)
Brenda presses her attack against her first target, still intending to damage his throwing arm, but she is not being very effective. Her second swing is no better than her first, as again, she barely clips the Ganger. Fortunately, the Shimadows targeting her are faring no better. She takes two minor scratches from the second javelin. Each is now forced to retrieve one, as they no longer have a javelin in reserve.

Garindell and Gaio Verde each release a stone just after Brenda attacks. Garin strikes one of his opponents in the chest which causes the same loud droning. The combination is just enough force that the Ganger loses consciousness. Gaio manages to strike his first target with his second stone, ringing it off of his skull like it is some chunk of metal. That Shimadow also loses consciousness and falls to the ground. Launching their remaining javelins, one comes back at Garin and one at Gaio. The first javelin strikes Garin cuts his leg. Gaio takes another significant cut from a javelin. He is hurt but still functional.

The remaining Shimadows all release their second javelins at Brock and Belaria. Each is struck twice and in serious trouble, for both are dying from the wounds. It is now eight versus three and despite their mystical talents, the party appears to be in trouble, except that none of the Shimadows is now holding a weapon. They must take the time to retrieve one to throw again.
Brock: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 = -11, dying.
Garindell: Body: 10 - 2 = 8, hurt.
Belaria: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 = -11, dying.
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 4 = 6 - 4 = 2, injured.
Brenda: Body: 10 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 6, hurt.

15 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 2: {Muddle x2}

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Though he is effective with his sling, Gaio realizes that he can no longer afford an even exchange with these enemies. Instead of launching another, he wants to tackle a Shimadow before he can retrieve a javelin, hoping to overcome his senses with another burst of sound. He must prevail. He saw Belaria go down.
OOC: 71, 83


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Separately coming to the same conclusion as Gaio, Garin realizes that he must forsake his normal reservations to direct conflict and grab ahold of a Shimadow. His friends are dying and the situation is desperate.
OOC: 79, 91 + 50 = 141

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Brock: dying
Garindell: 1076 + 500(bending) = 1576, 2076
Belaria: dying
Gaio: 1079 + 800(injured) = 1879
Brenda: 881 + 500(kick) = 1381, 1881
Shimadows: 1088 + 1200(javelin) = 2288
Garindell: 13(choke) + 21(accuracy) + 15(fury) + 79(d100) = 118
Brenda: 23(kick) + 13 + 11 + 75 = 111
Gaio: 13(tackle) + 15 + 24 + 71 = 123

Shimadows: 30(dodge) + 61(d100) = 91
118 - 91 = 27% * 3 = 1 x 2
111 - 91 = 20% * 3 = 1 x 2
123 - 91 = 32% * 3 = 1
Brock: 17(launch) + 9(accuracy) + 18(clarity) +
Garindell: 11 + 20 + 15 +
Belaria: 13 + 22 + 9 +
Gaio: 9 + 15 + 23 +
Shimadows: 30 + 61 = 91 + 50(range) = 141

Brock: 9(avoidance) + 19(analysis) +
Garindell: 20 + 13 + 79 = 112
191 - 112 = 79% * 7 = 6
Belaria: 22 + 9 +
Gaio: 15 + 22 + 68 = 105
158 - 105 = 53% * 7 = 4
Brenda: 13 + 8 + 75 = 96
Shimadows: 20 +
Brock: 10(bending) + 20(thump) +
Garindell: 22 + 15 + 141(d100) = 178
Belaria: 26 + 9 +
Gaio: 18 + 24 + 83 = 124
Brenda: 15 + 13(push) + 75 = 103

Shimadows: 10 + 61 = 71
178 - 71 = 106% * 3 = 3 x 2
124 - 71 = 53% * 3 = 2
103 - 71 = 32% * 10 = 3 x 2
S1: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7 - 8 = -1, unconscious. (brenda)
S2: Mind: 8 - 4 - 1 - 5 - 1 + 1 = -2, unconscious. (gaio)
S3: Body: 8 - 2 = 6, hurt. Mind: 8 - 6 - 2 = 0, unconscious. (garin)
S4: Body: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated. (brock)
S5: Mind: 8 - 4 - 1 + 1 + 1 = 5, dazed. (belaria)
S6: (brenda)
S7: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7 - 2 = 5, dazed, prone. (gaio)
S8: Mind: 8 - 2 = 6 - 6 = 0, unconscious. (garin)
S9: (brock)
S10: (belaria)
Brenda, who is already physically engaged with a Shimadow, tries to kick his legs out from under him, realizing that her club was preventing her from using a mystical assault. She is able to kick him twice as he tries to reach a weapon. The blows are hardly effective but they are each accompanied by a pulse of air that knocks the Ganger down and then slams him into the base of a tree, knocking him unconscious. Her other opponent retrieves a javelin and throws it, disadvantaged because of her proximity to his friend, and he misses his mark.

Garindell manages to grab ahold of one of the Gangers and squeeze on his neck. He is unable to choke him out, but the hold has some effect, and the impending ringing in his ears finishes the task. The Shimadow goes limp, and Garin lets him fall to the ground. The two Gangers who were facing Brock retrieve javelins and throw them at Garin, who currently has a body shield of one of the enemies. The first javelin fails to hit anything, but the second one cuts a gash along Garin’s left side, causing some pain.

It may lack grace, but Gaio Verde tackles one of the Gangers, but it does little physical harm. The additional manipulation of sound causes him to become dazed. The remaining Shimadow, who had been targeting Belaria, retrieves a javelin and throws it at Gaio despite that he is entangled on the ground with an enemy. The throw misses badly. The six Gangers who remain functional seem intent on continuing the fight, even though they again must retrieve a javelin to throw one.
Brock: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 - 1 = -12, dying.
Garindell: Body: 10 - 2 = 8 - 6 = 2, injured.
Belaria: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 - 1 = -12, dying.
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 4 = 6 - 4 = 2, injured.
Brenda: Body: 10 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 6, hurt.

15 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 2: {Muddle x2}

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Now that he has a hold on one of the Shimadows, Gaio tries to wrap his leg around the other’s and punch him in the head. He will continue to bombard him with sound.
OOC: 74, 86


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Having had success with his first weaponless assault, Garin, again, tries to run down one of the other enemies before reaches a javelin. Witnessing the results of what Brenda had done, he push a pulse of air as he tries to strike.
OOC: 82, 94 + 53 = 147

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Brock: dying
Garindell: 2076 + 800(injured) = 2876, 3376
Belaria: dying
Gaio: 1879 + 800(injured) = 2679, 3179
Brenda: 1881 + 500(kick) = 2381, 2881, 3381
Shimadows: 2288 + 1200(javelin) = 3488
Garindell: 13(punch) + 21(accuracy) + 15(fury) + 82(d100) = 121
Brenda: 23(kick) + 13 + 11 + 75 = 111
Gaio: 13(lock) + 15 + 24 + 74 = 126

Shimadows: 30(dodge) + 54(d100) = 84
121 - 84 = 37% * 3 = 1 x 2
111 - 84 = 27% * 3 = 1 x 3
126 - 84 = 39% * 3 = 1 x 2
Brock: 17(launch) + 9(accuracy) + 18(clarity) +
Garindell: 11 + 20 + 15 +
Belaria: 13 + 22 + 9 +
Gaio: 9 + 15 + 23 +
Shimadows: 30 + 54 = 84 + 50(range) = 134

Brock: 9(avoidance) + 19(analysis) +
Garindell: 20 + 13 + 79 = 112
191 - 112 = 79% * 7 = 6
Belaria: 22 + 9 +
Gaio: 15 + 22 + 68 = 105
158 - 105 = 53% * 7 = 4
Brenda: 13 + 8 + 75 = 96
Shimadows: 20 +
Brock: 10(bending) + 20(thump) +
Garindell: 22 + 15 + 147(d100) = 184
Belaria: 26 + 9 +
Gaio: 18 + 24 + 86 = 127
Brenda: 15 + 13(push) + 75 = 103

Shimadows: 10 + 54 = 64
184 - 64 = 120% * 10 = 12
127 - 64 = 63% * 3 = 2 x 2
103 - 64 = 39% * 10 = 4 x 3
S1: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7 - 8 = -1, unconscious. (brenda)
S2: Mind: 8 - 4 - 1 - 5 - 1 + 1 = -2, unconscious. (gaio)
S3: Body: 8 - 2 = 6, hurt. Mind: 8 - 6 - 2 = 0, unconscious. (garin)
S6: Mind: 8 - 3 - 12 = -7, unconscious.(brenda)
S7: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7 - 2 = 5 - 2 - 4 = -1, unconscious. (gaio)
S8: Mind: 8 - 2 = 6 - 6 = 0, unconscious. (garin)
S9: Mind: 8 - 1 - 12 = -5, unconscious. (brock)
Being the least hurt in the party, Brenda is the fastest, She is able to reach another Shimadow long before he can reach a weapon. She punches the Faethrin in the ribs with her left fist, and the pulse of air throws him 4 strides to the side. Continuing her assault, she then kicks him, picking his body off the ground with a pulse of air and slamming it into a tree. She then hits him a third time with another pulse of air sending him another 4 strides away. He collapses on the ground in a heap, unconscious.

Gaio does manage to wrap his legs around his enemy and punch him. The Shimadow flinches and the punch only hits the shoulder instead of his head, but the double bombardment of sound takes his consciousness, anyway.

Garindell steps in front of one of the Shimadows and punches him square in the chest with his left hand. His follow up attack never happens. The pulse of air accompanying the first punch knocks the faethrin through the air more than 10 strides away. When he hits the ground, he no longer moves. The three remaining enemies grab one of their javelins and keep running. They see the futility of continuing, recognizing that they are facing those who can bend Waylines.
Brock: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 - 1 - 1 = -13, dying.
Garindell: Body: 10 - 2 = 8 - 6 = 2, injured.
Belaria: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 - 1 - 1 = -13, dying.
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 4 = 6 - 4 = 2, injured.
Brenda: Body: 10 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 6, hurt.

15 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 2: {Muddle x2}

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Ignoring the fleeing Shimadows, Gaio runs to Belaria to see what he can do for her. If he can help her, he will then think about checking the fallen enemies. If he cannot, he will throw his life away to chase down those remaining Shimadows. No amount of words could convey what he felt for this girl.
OOC: 77, 89


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Garin immediately goes to Brock to see what can be done, calling over to Gaio, “This is terrible. We must save them.”
OOC: 85, 97 + 56 = 153

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Garindell: 23(medicine) + 15(mend) + 153(d100) = 191
Gaio: 15 + 26 + 89 = 130
Brenda: 17 + 14 + 75 = 106
Seven bodies litter the ground.
Being only a little bit hurt, Brenda takes a sharpened stick from one of the others and stabs it into the neck of each one of the enemies, in turn. She has no desire for the villains to wake and attack again. She takes all of the other javelins she can find and anything else that looks to be of value, carrying it over to her friends. Afterward, she tends to her own wounds and sees if she can add any further assistance to the others.

Brenda manages to collect 9 discarded javelins. Though they only have blades made of stone, they are better weapons than anything that the party currently has. She also finds 3 satchels of nuts and four measures of dried meat, a semi-translucent, dark, burgundy stone, an opaque brown stone with streaks of semi-translucent blue running through it, and a small pouch of dried herbs.

With the three standing members working together, they are able to save Brock and Belaria. Each will require 14 hours of sleep before they will recover. With each also tending to themselves, they find that their own wounds will recover in hours instead of days.

Even though it is the Chillings Season, it never really gets cold this far south; and by the morning, beetles and flies have found the fallen corpses, indicating that they are beginning to decay. By midday, they will likely start to smell strongly enough for the five to smell them, which could attract larger scavengers.
Brock: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 - 1 - 1 = -13, dying.
time: 230 days / (191 + 130 + 106) = 13 hours
Garindell: Body: 10 - 2 = 8 - 6 = 2, injured.
time: 80 days / 191 = 10 hours
Belaria: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 10 - 1 - 1 = -13, dying.
time: 13 hours
Gaio Verde: Body: 10 - 4 = 6 - 4 = 2, injured.
80 days / 130 = 14 hours
Brenda: Body: 10 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 6, hurt.
time: 40 days / 106 = 9 hours

15 ocrin
stone javelins: 9:

Muddle Leaf: 2: {Muddle x2}

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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