(SRF) Aspiration's Beginning

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria nods her head in agreement and touches Jay to make her point as she talks. "Yes, yes, Brock, you and Garin should get close with your spears, ready. Jay and I will back away, some, so that we can use our slings. Brenda should be the one to shake the bush and see if she can drive the varmints out."
OOC: 69

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
]Brock says... Garin nods...
Belaria nods...
Children, at their best, being far less than patient, the five set their plan into action. Brock and Garin take up, equally distance, positions on opposite sides of the dense shrub, both at about 3 strides. Gaio and Belaria stand together on the opposite side of the bush from where Brenda plans to shake it, both about 6 strides.

Brenda can plainly hear the grunts of protest from the varmints, as she nears their nesting location. She stomped on the ground and banged on the shrub with her club. It took more effort than was expected but the two fish thieves finally bolted from their cover, running away from Brenda. They could not run nearly as fast as a rodent, but they seemed agile enough as they separated, each heading back toward the river. The party would have to act quickly. Being small enough, they would need to be hit before they could passed the party or they would likely escape.
Brock: 11(readiness) + 8(speed) + 16(clarity) + 158(d100) = 193
Garindell: 9 + 17 + 11 + 40 = 77
Belaria: 10 + 20 + 9 + 69 = 108
Gaio Verde: 9 + 12 + 20 + 69 = 110
Brenda: 20 + 10 + 9 + 75 = 114
Otters: 30 + 82 = 112
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide two random rolls.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Brock and Garin each launch a spear at a different otter.
Garin whispers, "May the wind guide my spear!"
1st Roll: 92(+13) = 105
2nd Roll: 35
Brock whispers, "May the earth mother guide my aim!"
1st Roll: 76
2nd Roll: 56

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Being separated as was their strategy, Belaria and Jay each whirl a stone at a separate otter. Though their skill is yet meager, each generates a node for mechanical waylines in each stone, in hopes of adding sonic damage. Belaria has no particular faith or practice and simply relies on her own skill. Jay has faith enough for both. With the need for urgency he simple says, "Favorable Wind."
OOC: 64, 66


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Brock and Garin...
... Belaria and Jay...
GM: NOTE: For the Mhytre species, Earth is a masculine god.

After the War of Heaven, also called the Sundering, while all tribes of the Central Region were still nomadic, the Wind was the symbol for the one god who bequeathed and controlled life for both the Spiofthests and the Centrins, the predominant tribes. Life being less harsh than in the South and only violent by choice, this god was more respected than feared and was offered sacrifice of animals as a means of currying favor. Instead of the Wind, various Mhytre clans believed in a god who resided within the planet, who bequeathed life. The Orngaddrin and Maldrog called this god, Earth. The Deviard called him The Anvil.

Brock: 200 - 193 = 7
Garindell: 200 - 77 = 123
Belaria: 300 - 108 = 192
Gaio Verde: 300 - 110 = 190
Brenda: 0
Otters: 200 - 112 = 88
Brock: 13(aggression) + 8(accuracy) + 19(fury) + 105(d100) = 145
Garindell: 9 + 20 + 11 + 76 = 116

Otters: 30 + 54 = 84
145 - 84 = 61% * 6 = 4 - 10(deflect), ineffective
Belaria: 10(launch) + 20(accuracy) + 9(clarity) + 64(d100) = 103
Gaio: 9 + 12 + 21 + 64 = 106

Otters: 20 + 54 = 74
103 - 74 = 29% * 6 = 2 - 5(soak), ineffective
106 - 74 = 32% * 6 = 2, ineffective
Belaria: fail
Gaio: 14(bending) + 21(thump) + 66(d100) = 101

Otters: 10 + 36 = 46
101 - 46 = 55% * 3 = 2: Mind: 2 - 2 = 0, unconscious.
Though everyone, other than Garindell, reacts rather quickly, the otters move very fast for such small creatures and are trying to flee. Having placed themselves about two strides from where they suspected that the otters would leave their hiding place gives Brock and Garindell an extra second before the varmints can get by them. Reacting far more quickly than anyone else, Brock is able to thrust his crude spear at his otter, almost as soon as it clears its cover, but he could never have imagined the resilience of the creature's hide. Even though he manages to poke the thing, twice, before it gets out of reach, he can cause it no harm.

Both Belaria and Gaio manage to strike an otter with a sling stone. As the stone from Gaio makes contact, there is a loud noise like a clap of thunder. It is quite surprising to the five youths. The stone from Belaria makes no such noise. Though the stones have no more effect than the crude spear, the loud sound, evidently, stunned the one that Gaio struck. It rolls over on its side, twitching. Unable to defend itself, Garindell successfully stabs his spear into it.

The other otter continues to run toward the river to try to escape.
Brock: 11(readiness) + 8(speed) + 16(clarity) + 158(d100) = 193
Garindell: 9 + 17 + 11 + 40 = 77
Belaria: 10 + 20 + 9 + 69 = 108
Gaio Verde: 9 + 12 + 20 + 69 = 110
Brenda: 20 + 10 + 9 + 75 = 114
Otters: 30 + 82 = 112
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide two random rolls.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Garindell and Brock will each launch a sling stone at the fleeing Otter.
Both will attempt to generate a node for mechanical waylines in each stone, in hopes of adding sonic damage.

Garindell: 68, 87
Brock: 96(+81) = 177, 75

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Agitated at prospect of one of the trap destroyers escaping, Belaria and Jay quickly launch second stones. Belaria forsakes the notion of mystically augmenting the stone, but Jay realizes that his talent may be their only hope. He repeats his first actions.
OOC: 82, 81


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Garindell and Brock...
... Belaria and Jay...
Brock: 7 + 300(sling) = 307
Garindell: 300 + 123 = 423
Belaria: 192 + 300 = 492
Gaio Verde: 190 + 300 = 490
Brenda: 0
Otters: 88 + 100 = 188(2), 288(4), 388(8), 488(12)
Brock: 11(launch) + 8(accuracy) + 19(clarity) + 68(d100) = 106 + 50(range) = 156
Garindell: 9 + 20 + 11 + 177 = 217 + 0 = 217
Belaria: 10 + 20 + 9 + 82 = 121 + 0 = 121
Gaio: 9 + 12 + 21 + 82 = 124 + 0 = 124

Otters: 20 + 72 = 92
156 - 92 = 64% * 6 = 4 - 5(soak), ineffective
217 - 92 = 125% * 6 = 8 - 5(soak) = 3
Brock: 9(bending) + 19(thump) + 87(d100) = 115
Garindell: 25 + 11 + 75 = 111
Gaio: 14(bending) + 21(thump) + 81(d100) = 116

Otters: 10 + 71 = 81
115 - 71 = 44% * 3 = 1: Mind: 2 - 1 = 1, dazed.
Slinging his charged stone faster than any of the others, Brock manages to hit the otter when it has only made about 2 strides distance, giving him an advantage to accuracy. The stone sounds like it had, ineffectively, struck a sack of grain, but then a similar loud clap issued forth, like with Gaio Verde’s first stone. The otter is slightly stunned. Garindell, with a bit of luck or deitific blessing, manages to fell the varmint without the further need for a mystical assault. Although Belaria and Jay both manage to strike the otter as well, the additional stones are almost irrelevant as neither they nor the mystical thump can kill the otter. As the stone from Garindell rendered it unconscious, any one of the crude spears can be used to end it, since it is not moving. The youths have managed to kill and capture both otters.
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Brock is stunned by the unexpected success! He is almost speechless.
Brock grunts, "What th-? Wh-- YES! We did it!" as he finally manages to complete the thought.

Garindell isn't speechless, but he does seem puzzled. He says, "What now? Does anyone know how to skin it? Is the meat any good to eat?"

Brock will humanely ensure that both Otters are indeed dead. Then, with input from the rest of the group, Brock and Garindell will attempt to skin the Otters.

Brock 87, 64
Garindell 76, 71

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria, who is far more vocal than Jay, loudly proclaims her joy with a cheer, then covers her mouth at the realization of the loudness in the forest. Jay smiles and pats her shoulder. He suggests that the party carry the varmints back to South Road Fair, whole, so that they can be used as definitive proof of success. It was only a few hour's walk. He figures that if everyone were to run the return trip could be made in under an hour. "Otter is not worth eating, but I figure Masters Swift Raven and Fallen Leaf will want those hide and can do a far better job of recovering them than we could."
OOC: 69

Voidrunner's Codex

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