(SRF) Aspiration's Beginning


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Brock... Garindell...
Belaria... Jay...
The logic of the quiet commentary from Gaio Verde was undeniable, and Brenda agreed. Brock and Garindell ceased before a single cut had been made. Fit, excited, and energetic, the five youths made a rather quick return to their village, first coming up to the back of the Boar’s Head, signaling one of the cooks to fetch Mayor Giodavi, not wanting to bring the dead animals into the kitchen. Giodavi was greatly pleased by the success of the youths, and waved them on at the mention of taking the hides to the two famous tanners, but bid them return when that business was complete.

The elder Rheini and elder Spiofthest congratulated the five on their success. It was not a condescension, as such would be completely against either man’s nature, but the words were phrased as elders speaking to youths. This particular dialect was not something the youths would even yet recognize, feeling proud of the mention of success. Raven and Leaf offered the youths 15 ocrin for the hides. It was a good offer.

Upon returning to the Boar’s Head, Giodavi sat the youths down and began to tell one of his stories. The man had a gift for speaking, even if he always used too many words. The story of an ancient stone structure in the Thelanarest Forest left undisturbed for a great many cycles piqued the curiosity of the five. This seemed like the type of adventure to give them a name of recognition, not just ridding the community of some fish thieves. The tale of the ancient structure offered mystery and wonder with the possibility of intrigue.

Giodavi was not certain of the exact location, but he assured the youths that it was real. He confessed that he had wanted to search for it many times, himself, but with age came responsibility and the trip was never undertaken. Besides, how could some aged man with a growing belly be expected to traipse off through the forest for a season or two? He might die of fatigue, or at least that is how youngsters would see it.

Depending on how much the forest had grown up or thickened over the centuries, the ruins were supposed to be about 6 to 9 days due southwest of South Road Fair, a direction that no one ever really traveled. Giodavi suggested that the best means of approach would likely be to take the trade road south for 3 days, then divert due west into the trees. Even the topography of the land in that area was not known.
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds

Energized and undaunted, the five youths stopped at the back entrance to the Boar’s Head the following morning to receive some rations. It would not be nearly enough for the trip and they would have to hunt on their own. As a gift, Giodavi gave them a single carving knife in order that they could process their own game, for which they were grateful. They made an odd group, three boys and two girls, or three Mhytres, one Aedaman, and one Faethrin. In much of the world some prejudice existed between Mhytres and Faethrins because of their marked difference in appearance. That would be considered to be a stupid way of thinking for these friends.

The road well-traveled left little in the way of adventure, but being away from home for the first time was adventure enough to keep them moving. Walking ten hours a day for three days, which is the normal mode of travel, brought nothing exciting or even curious into view, but that path had been on the Southern Trade Route. They made camp that third night within sight of the path, as the two before, but with the anticipation of leaving it to trek through the forest in the morning. The sights and sounds accompanying them were not really so different from the village, except for the complete absence of anything caused by other people.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria looks around the rest of the party, that evening, while everyone is in repose around the tiny campfire. "Well, looks like in the morning we will be headed into Jay's type of environment. Perhaps he and I should take the lead."

Gaio reaches over and touched her knee but speaks quietly to the whole group. "I am good with that."
OOC: 53, 65


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Garin is lost in thought, staring into the forest to the west of the path. He is listening to all the sounds, taking in new smells, and looking for patterns. Brock nods in agreement. “Sounds good to me. Stick and I will cover our tail. That puts Brenda in between us.”
OOC: 53, 65

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day: 6.
Brock: 8(observe) + 19(senses) + 53(d100) = 80
Garin: 20 + 11(smell) + 65 = 96
Belaria: 22 + 9 + 53 = 84
Gaio: 12 + 23 + 65 = 100
Brenda: 10 + 10(hearing) + 75 = 95
Veering ever so slightly south as the party travels west brings the party away from the drier environment near the road into a true deciduous forest of nut and acorn trees. Some of the trees still have a few brown leaves that have not yet fallen but, being in the Chilling Season, the larger trees are mostly bare of foliage. Some of the understory shrubbery and smaller trees remain green, as they do throughout the Cycle. There are plenty of nuts and acorns upon the ground. While these are the primary forage of many denizens of the area, they are no longer very suited to be consumed by people.

During the day of walking, Brock discovers movement within a rotting pile of detritus. Poking into it with his stick, he sees that the cause is a pod of fist-sized beetles. He manages to step on five of them, breaking off their valuable, chitinous wing coverings, commenting about selling them to Maeli when the party returns to town.

Once snares are set, Garin, Gaio, and Brenda find that they have each captured a small tree rat and bring them back to camp to prepare for food. Holding the carcasses, each senses that the animal’s feet and skull harbor mystical proclivity. After some meditation upon them, they conclude that all four feet or the cleaned skull can augment the overall wellness (Health +1) of anyone in the party who wishes to carry them. Not really caring for the skull Gaio offers his up while keeping the feet for himself, tying them together to hand from his belt. Garin likes the idea of a skull fetish and offers up his set of feet. Like Garin, Brenda keeps her skull and offers up the feet.

Belaria manages to eventually run down and capture a lizard about the size of her arm, from nose to the tip of the tail. Like the rat that Garin captured, the lizard makes for a good meal. She also realizes that its feet and skull can augment the physical strength (Strength +1) of anyone in the party who wishes to carry them. As strength is not her path to combat she offers these items to Brenda and Brock, in particular.

Sharing what little fresh meat they have, the five youths feel pretty good about their trip, so far. The night is cool and the stars can be seen through the barren tree branches. Denizens that roam the night do not come near the campsite and the five sleep near the remains of the fire for its warmth.
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin

Lizard Feet: 1 set: (Strength +1)
Lizard Skull: 1: (Strength +1)
Rodent Feet: 2 sets: (Health +1)
Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria takes one of the extra sets of rodent feet, ties them together and hangs them from her belt.”I know. I know. Same concept, but I like the feet better than a skull.”

Gaio smiles at her. He is of the same opinion. As he begins to break camp and destroy the remains of the campfire. He jerks his head to indicate that the party should be moving on.
OOC: 56, 68


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for
Brock is more than ready to be moving again. He prods his unlikely best friend to get him moving, gesturing for Jay to lead the way. Garin rolls his eyes and retorts. “You always think that I am not paying attention, but I am. All you needed to do was start walking. I am perfectly capable of thinking on other things while still aware of what is in front of me.”
OOC: 66, 78

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 9.
Brock: 8(observe) + 19(senses) + 66(d100) = 93
Garindell: 20 + 11(smell) + 78 = 109
Belaria: 22 + 9 + 56 = 87
Gaio: 12 + 23 + 68 = 103
Brenda: 10 + 10(hearing) + 75 = 95
The next three days of walking through the forest brings no notable change in the topography, the weather, or the common inhabitants. While Brock, Belaria, and Brenda capture rodents and lizards for food, Garindell and Gaio Verde both manage to capture three each, relatively small birds commonly called thrushes. The particular species is not known, but the birds are better eating than either rodents or lizards. Each young man also discovers that a group of tail feathers, the feet, and the skulls harbor a proclivity to augment the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +1) in any of the party who would choose to carry them. The three birds have more than enough parts for everyone in the party to make something from them. There are now enough rodent and lizard parts for everyone, as well.
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Gaio prepares the game to be cooked. He and Belaria add to their collection of trinkets. As Belaria is cleaning one of the animals she remarks, “This is so interesting, I had no idea we could have some affinity for the parts of animals that would give us a greater sense of ourselves.” Thinking more on the mission at hand, she later suggests, “I think that we have traveled the distance and direction that we were supposed to, but there is nothing her. I think we should try going farther south. Maybe the estimated distance was off or the slower speed of walking through the forest was not considered.”
OOC: 59, 71


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for
Brock looks up from cleaning his own game but, for once, has nothing to quip. Garin responds. “Your deduction is sound to me. South it shall be.”
OOC: 69, 81

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Brock: 9(observe) + 19(senses) + 69(d100) = 97
Garindell: 20 + 15(hearing) + 81 = 116
Belaria: 22 + 9(senses) + 59 = 90
Gaio: 13 + 23(smell) + 71 = 107
Brenda: 11 + 11(hearing) + 75 = 97
Proving to be more adept at exploration than the others, at the stage of development, Garindell and Gaio separately discover small shrubs, the leaves of which might be used to muddle the thoughts of anyone ingesting them. (Muddle x2) No other vegetable or mineral matter of interest is discovered.

While checking snares, Brock, Belaria, and Brenda all manage to capture some type of rodent. While this is becoming routine, it does provide fresh meat. Similar to the common tree rat but twice its size, Gaio manages to capture a nut hog. Garindell discovers a different matter entirely. Feeling it best to return to the party, first, he directs everyone to the site of his snare where a party of Shimadows has stolen his catch. They are apparently discussing possible secondary action when one of them hears the party approach. These Shimadows do not look friendly, especially since they ready javelins to attack the party.
Brock: full wellness
Garindell: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria and Green Jay place stones in their slings. Having developed a greater understanding of Waylines, each attempts to generate a weave of sound that will release when the stone strikes. Belaria says, “Luck be with us! These Shimadows are not friendly.”

Jay whispers, to encourage himself, “May a favorable Wind guide my stone.”
OOC: 62, 74


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for @Tellerian Hawke
Brock grips his crude spear, flares out his arms in a show of bravado, moves toward the enemies, and says, “Bring it!”

Garin runs toward the right flank of the group of enemies, weaving in and out of the trees to make himself a harder target. Like his best friend, he must rely on his crude spear as a weapon.
OOC: 70, 82

Cycle: 497. Season: Chilling. Day 10.
Brock: 14(readiness) + 9(speed) + 19(clarity) + 70(d100) = 112
Garindell: 10 + 20 + 14 + 82 = 126
Belaria: 13 + 22 + 9 + 62 = 106
Gaio: 9 + 15 + 23 + 74 = 121
Brenda: 22 + 13 + 9 + 75 = 119
Shimadows: 30 + 82 = 112
Brenda smacks her club into the palm of her right hand as she runs at the Shimadows. She taunts them in Maldrog, though she doubts they can understand. “Du bist nichts als Haut und Knochen!” which is to say, “You are nothing but skin and bones!”

The party is outnumbered two to one, but these Shimadows look to be as young and inexperienced as the party. They spread out, pairing on each party member, but not in any real coordinated effort or semblance of strategy. As they quickly approach the party, weaving through the trees, they all make clicking noises like the tree rats do when talking to one another. Some Shimadows live in South Road Fair. They are known to have their own language, though it has no written form. These noises must be something unique to this group. Maybe it is their idea of a taunt. The two parties are separated by about 20 strides.
Brock: full wellness
Garindell: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness

15 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 2: {Muddle x2}

Shellacked Elytra: 5: 10 clams
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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