TUW: Boga City

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin accompanies San-Bolo (unless they indicate the desire to explore as a couple, to talk privately) and Tor accompanies Saemund. In the event that San-Bolo desire privacy, Merin will go to the Academy District alone, staying on the opposite side of the street.

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Gamer Extraordinaire
San-Bolo welcome any of the Seekers to explore Boga with them. The couple smiles often, doesn't discuss Southroad Fair or the troubles, and seem content to set their worries aside and just be some tourists enjoying a grand city. They even go to a couple of brothels. They do not purchase any services from prostitutes, but they do chat up the ladies knowing they must hear a lot in their line of work.

At night in the tavern San-Bolo will take up a similar position that they did in town. Sannit will tell tales of the creatures the Seekers have faced, and describes Southroad Fair as an idyllic town to live or trade in.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 197-200: Doldrums 47-50: The Academy District

GM: Over the next few days of visiting the Academy District and paying for some lessons, the following information is discerned:

The Academy District:
This area of the city has been constructed to be visually pleasing. There are flowering trees and shrubs in addition to the specific fruit trees in the south end of the park. The main fruit trees are pears. The walking area is completely paved with cobble stones. The people encountered are mostly children of residents who attend lessons. The children also actively play games in the park, including tag, hide-and-seek, du'baton (lacrosse), and chasers (soccer).

The first building to the right of the entrance is the Library. As the characters are only rudimentarily literate and only in Ansylin, there is little that can, yet, be gleaned from this facility. The one thing of importnce, for which Saemund notices first, is that the Library is well lit. The lighting appears to be oil lamps, but the lamps echo with the indication of Way. When unobserved, a close examination reveals that there is no burning oil. The light has been generated by the manipulation of electromagnetic Way to resemble a flame. The librarian, Eldridge Hendelson, a Centrin Aedaman who appears to be in his late 40s, does not, however, appear to have any ability to manipulate Way, leaving the manufacturer of the light a mystery.

Collegiate Studies:
Several building exist that are dedicated to specifics of scholarly pursuits associated with subjects that relate to paranormal skills, without a single mention or reference to manipulating Way. The schools include Literacy, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, and History. None of the instructors in these fields demonstrates any proclivity for manipulation, and none react to such proclivity with the Seekers.

Commercial Studies:
Two building are specified for Commercial pursuits not directly related to a particular trade. One is for fine arts in which an Hebrian Aedaman named Cassandra, in her early 30s, teaches drawing, painting, and music with several instruments. Whether she is aware of it or not is unknown, but all Seekers that pass near her detect that she has the ability to manipulate Way. She also reacts to the Seekers, sensing the same talent.

The second school is dedicated to more physical activities of athletics skill all the way through full gymnastics.

Combat Studies:
Only three structures are used but a vast gambit of styles are instructed with regard to combat including swords, axes, small weaponry, pole weaponry, weaponless fighting, and archery. Of all the people who offer lessons in combat, only two indicate an ability to manipulate Way.

One of the archery instructors, who is a Spiofthest Faethrin in his mid 30s, is named Thaessuraesi. Most call him 'Race' for simplicity. He is aware that he is manipulating Way to affect his archery skill, but there is nothing visible that another who could not manipulate Way could see.

The other is a Centrin Aedaman in his early 20s who specifically instructs staff fighting. His particular talent with Way is even a bit advanced beyond that of the Seekers, but it is apparently only geared to affect himself. No one ever uses his real name. He is simply called Stick.
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Sylvar B.

Noticing that the lamps at the library are lit with way Saemund attempts to extinguish one of them. If he is successful he'll hang around and watch for someone coming out to re-light it. He walks into the library and begins to peruse the collections near the entrance. He'll give up and continue to the Combat school in 45 mins.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo will pay for lessons with Race in Archery, seeking any way she can increase her combat skill. When she is sure they are alone she will say to Race, "Often when we are out in the wilds a primal state of mind will come over me. I find I can shoot straighter and farther and sometimes I feel like I can even move my arrows while they are in flight. Have you ever experienced anything like that?"

Sannit will pays for lessons with Stick in staff combat, also seeking to increase his skill. He figures anything the man shows him with a blunted stick will work with his spear. He does not bring up anything about Way, but he does attempt to befriend Stick. Sannit says to Stick, "I am from Southroad Fair, south of here. It's about midway between Boga City and Asylim. Where do you hail from?"

Turtle spends his free time in the park, lounging around in trees or playing with children. If there are any other pets around he will attempt to make friends, but he won't take any attitude off some dog.


Vadin will take lessons in Combat school focusing on small weaponry. While he feels pretty confident using his sword, he wants to train with knives. He approaches the instructor for small weapons and says "Greetings my friend, my name is Vadin."

When he is not training at the combat school, he will look into collegiate studies in hopes to increase his skills there. He is particularly interested in the field of history.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 197-200: Doldrums 47-50: The Library

Noticing that the lamps at the library are lit with Way, Saemund attempts to extinguish one of them. If he is successful he'll hang around and watch for someone coming out to re-light it. He walks into the library and begins to peruse the collections near the entrance. He'll give up and continue to the Combat school in 45 mins.
GM: Saemund finds that while the display of the light it a bit more complicated than simple illumination, the actual manipulation of Way is trivial. It takes very little effort to extinguish one.

Waiting for his predetermined amount of time, no one else who happens by even seems to notice that the lamp no longer flickers. The next day, Saemund sees that all the lamps are again functioning, indicating to him that at some time when the library is inaccessible to the public must be when the light is being conjured.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 197-200: Doldrums 47-50: The Academy District

Bolo will pay for lessons with Race in Archery.
GM: Already pushing the limits of novice skill in archery, Thaessuraesi gladly takes her on to advance her skill.

"Often when we are out in the wilds a primal state of mind will come over me. I find I can shoot straighter and farther; and sometimes, I feel like I can even move my arrows while they are in flight. Have you ever experienced anything like that?"
The Spioftest light up with a big smile upon his face as if he has just heard the greatest news of his life.
"Yes! Yes. You have discovered the secret gift I have been trying to teach every archer who comes to me. I tell a student to measure their breathing, relax their body, feel the arrow and the bow, but these are just words. There is no way to actually convey what it is to develop such an inexplicable affinity. Having tapped into this paranormal perception, you should embrace it. You will learn that you can do amazing feats of trajectory."
GM: Even with his excited flow of words, Bolo realizes that this man's proclivity to manipulate Way has been completely dedicated to Archery. She deduces that it is very like that he is unaware that might be able to do other things.

OOC: Collectively, the Seekers come to realize that this is almost always the case with others who can, indeed, manipulate Way. Their talent is extremely focused into one skill, alone. Most do not realize that are manipulating Way. They believe they are projecting the focus of their Mind onto their desired task, which happens to be the same thing. The Seekers happen to be far more diversified.

Sannit will pays for lessons with Stick in staff combat.
Kwargrow said:
"I am from Southroad Fair, south of here. It's about midway between Boga City and Asylim. Where do you hail from?"
GM: With his adept skill in spear combat, Sannit finds that Stick with his staff provided excellent competition. While Sannit his stronger, he finds that Stick is much faster, so much faster that Sannit sees that Stick is truly providing adequate lessons with out any attempt to embarrass his student, even though they are the same age.

Though Stick says very few words while training, he smiles often and seem very friendly, otherwise. Other than is profound talent with a staff, he appears a perfectly average Centrin.

"Oh yes, I am familiar with Southroad Fair, though I have not traveled there. I was born here. My folks were explorers. They were killed on some adventure when I was yet a child. My uncle is one of the City Guard. He raised me and began training me in combat. I prefer the staff over the sword, so everyone took to calling me Stick." He laughs. "Even some of the Guard pay for lessons from me, now."
Kwargrow said:
Turtle spends his free time in the park, lounging around in trees or playing with children. If there are any other pets around he will attempt to make friends, but he won't take any attitude off some dog.
GM: It takes very little time for the children to adjust to Turtle's presence in the park and to involve him in their games. Several of the have dogs who also play along side them. Turtle finds it great fun and when Bolo comes to check on him, many of the children thank her for letting the bear play.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Having tapped into this paranormal perception, you should embrace it.

Bolo smiles at Race, feeling the familiar tug from the scarred half of her face. "I have embraced it," she admits. "Have you ever considered that what you have tapped into can help you with all manner of things, not just archery?" Taking two arrows and holding them up, she uses a small amount of Way to heat the arrowhead of one, and cool down the tip of the other. She hands them to him so he can inspect them and see that she is not deceiving him. "Just as we learned through training and practice to manipulate the flight of the arrow we can learn how to manipulate anything, large or small. If you wish to know more, come meet the rest of my companions, the Southroad Seekers. We have many discussions about these matters, and the skills we develop have helped us survive in the wild."
My folks were explorers. They were killed on some adventure when I was yet a child.

Sannit nods in sympathy and says to Stick, "I do a lot of exploring in my line of work too. That's one of the reasons I seek to improve my martial skill. There are many dangers in the wilds that this spear must fend off. If you wish to meet the rest of my companions, the Southroad Seekers, you should meet us at (fill in the blank) tavern to have a few drinks. Our business will take us from here in the next couple of days." He hesitates and then asks, "Do you know of any good blacksmiths in the city?"

Sylvar B.

Seeing the light alight again in the morning makes Saemund all the more curious. He doesn't want to appear as a criminal so hiding in the bushes is out of the question. Saemund goes on to the Combat academy and pays for lessons in Axe fighting. After the lessons in axe fighting he will go to Rollers and engage in some gambling and drinking with the hopes of gaining insight into how the general public feels about foreigners.

Voidrunner's Codex

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