Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
). So yeah, I think Falldur's too intimidated by him to ask him for anything (other than "go kill some giants and find out what they're up to" (which is EVERYONE's primary mission.)

In Doc’s professional opinion, once they’re all dead, what they’re up to doesn’t need any figurin’.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'd like it if in the Story Thread you use OOC boxes when you're discussing the fiddly bits, too. But do whatever you find the most fun/easy for your own narration. If you like to write like I do, go ahead, but if you prefer first-person ("I check under the rug!") like "normal" D&D... go ahead. That's fine.
Sorry for the stupid question, how do I do the OOC boxes?


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
@FitzTheRuke Just thinking about sneaking in and it leads me to a mechanical question. Whatever you say is fine, I'm just asking so I know what you use. When a whole party is sneaking, do you use group checks (phb 175) where half or more needs to succeed, or individual checks where any one failure can alert the guards? (Or something else.)

Again, absolutely fine with whatever you do, just trying to plan ahead.


@FitzTheRuke Just thinking about sneaking in and it leads me to a mechanical question. Whatever you say is fine, I'm just asking so I know what you use. When a whole party is sneaking, do you use group checks (phb 175) where half or more needs to succeed, or individual checks where any one failure can alert the guards? (Or something else.)

Again, absolutely fine with whatever you do, just trying to plan ahead.
Group. Sneaking in is a definite possibility. All options are on the table and if I think an option would be foolish, I will give in-story hints that will give you warning. Still, dice will fall where they may. (Failures in a group check might cause complications, but not sudden-and-full failures).

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
[ ooc] at the beginning (without that extra space) and [ /ooc] at the end (ditto).

To make it collapse, [ spoiler] or [ spoiler=Name] and [ /spoiler] at the end.

OOC: This.



Alright, Group 1 is off to the steading. Group 2 will hopefully be caught up soon.

Notes for Group 1: I assume that some of you can make a two mile trip (by air), three by ground, in much less time than an hour. It's up to you if you want to leave the others behind or walk with them to get to know them better. We can insert some scouting ahead if you like, or we can take it from here (I assume you will scout around). Feel free to discuss it in character, or here out of character. Or both!

At this point, though, if we're going to speak about any story specifics here, we might want to use spoiler tags for the other group. Kobold has kindly pointed out how to do it in the post above.

General discussion can continue without, of course.

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