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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 2

Kaeleen holds up her hands. "Whoa! I know nothing of your aunt. I was a prisoner like you and these fine individuals rescued me. Now, if you will let me I'd like to offer you a bit more healing."

OOC: If he let's her, she'll cast another cure light wounds, dropping summon monster I.

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"Hold!" The boy backs up from Kaeleen as she extends a hand to cast her healing on him. Looking supremely uncertain and a trifle unsteady on his feet, the youth takes yet another step away from Elyan and Kaeleen until he is fully in the corner of the cell. The young man's fists remained balled in front of his face but his eyes belie hesitation. "Her Ladyship," the boy spits, "is my sister's bane, and mine to boot. Or, more accurately put, the goodly Lady Hucrele would have her will wrung by lesser hands, that her own remain outwardly unsullied. Who are you lot, that you heal but contrive to work my aunt's evilness in her stead? Not hobgoblins, no. Nor Belak and his trees." The youth's voice drips with poisoned sarcasm.


Karl grunts a little at the boys repeated accusations. He cocks and eyebrow and looks around at the others, pursing his lips. He steps out of the cell and checks over his equipment.

"Bad place. He wants to stay? Let him."

"NO! You musn't leave!" The boy drops his fists but leaves them to hang, balled, at his sides. "News? Ah, the signets." Somewhat recovered, the boy holds up his right hand, now unclenched. A white patch of skin where a heavy signet ring used to be contrasts against the tan of his sun-hallowed skin on the back of the youth's hand. "I was stripped of mine shortly after being drug down to this pit." The lad lifts his chin in pride, trying to bolster himself. "I won't return to my aunt, but I do want to find my sister, Sharwyn. Since Her Ladyship has already arranged for your payment, mayhap I can sweeten the deal. Tell the Lady Hucrele that we are dead, ravaged by hobgoblins. Help me to find Sharwyn, and get us out of this place and on the road to the Free City. Do these things, and I will double whatever my aunt has offered. I have funds with which to pay you in Greyhawk."


First Post
"It seems a little rude to berate us so when we've just rescued you from certain death," says the bard wryly.

"Calm down. Your argument is with your aunt, not with us. Now, as my friends said, we don't need to return you to Mistress Hucrele - just proof that we found you. But you haven't yet given me good enough reason to lie to her, so start from the beginning and tell us the tale."

Turning to the cleric, Elyan says, "Kaeleen, for the moment let's leave him be. If he decides that he trusts us, that's time enough to heal him further."

Then, returning his attention to the plucky lad, Elyan adds, "Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Elyan, and this is my friend Rogue. Kaeleen you've already met, and Karl is the one who cut your bonds. The big bruiser in the hall is Grotz and the mighty warrior beyond him," - here he smiles with affection - "the one who has slain so many shadows while we've been speaking, is Meepo. Now, tell us your story. Oh, and you mentioned Belak and his trees, Talgen. Don't forget to tell us about them."

The boy softens. "Once we moved with Mother from Greyhawk to Oakhurst, Mother was always sick. Aunt Kerowyn, as we called her then, claimed it was a wasting disease born of sadness after Father passed on. Back in those days, Aunt Kerowyn took pity on us and provided house and security. Mother was not well enough to be of use, but Sharwyn and I could run simple errands for Her Ladyship. At Auntie's request, Sharwyn would stay up late, lingering long into the twilight hours, reading to and studying with Her Ladyship.

Years passed like this, then one day Auntie took Sharwyn to the house's lower basement and kept her there for many long months. Gretchen brought food and drink, I think, but I was not permitted to visit with Sharwyn. Aunt Kerowyn had become harsh the two years prior, snapping at us for the slightest wrongdoing. I feared to query her, and when she whispered to me with a tart laugh that Sharwyn was ill and contagious and that she was kept cloistered for her own safety and for the safety of the family, I ceased inquiring. When in the spring Sharwyn came out from the basement, she was altered. She was thinner, for a start, and had dark circles under her eyes as if she had not seen sleep. Where once she had been gay-hearted, she was morose and prefered her books to our former walks in the wood.

A suspicion rose in my throat that was confirmed at summer's start when he appeared and took away a small crying bundle in his arms. Belak, Her Ladyship called him, and said that the whelp was his to claim and that the Oath was now satisfied in full. Sharwyn wept that night and when I crept to her room to soothe her, she at last told me her tale of woe in full: the brutal nature of her first encounter with Belak, the nine months of being trapped below the house, and the ripping of her womb as the child was birthed. I paled to think of Her Ladyship's part in these events, which soon gave way to rage. Confronting Her Ladyship in the grayest hours of the morning, Mistress Hucrele laughed at me, her voice full of scorn and derision. 'But whelps yourselves,' she claimed. 'Unwanted, a burden to your House!' No longer content to tarry in Hucrele Manor and fearing Her Ladyship, Sharwyn and I stole away when the moon set the next night.

We were intercepted south of Oakhurst and drug to this...pit...of hell by goblins with a hobgoblin at their head. Belak came for Sharwyn soon enough; though I have been kept as a plaything for the hobgoblins lairing here to whip at their leisure, I still have ears and have heard some of my sister's fate. She is here in this place, though below, and Belak keeps her as his pet and bride.

My aunt does not know this, but a year ago while sweeping and stocking at the feed store, a messenger came from the Free City bearing a writ from an Uncle I didn't know we had; there is a dowry for Sharwyn--not that she will now be able to ever claim it--and a stipend for me. It is from this that I propose to pay you, if you will but help to recover my sister and free us from this accursed place. I cannot imagine the whys of Her Ladyship's design to bring us back to Hucrele Manor, but now at least you know my story and can guess my reason to fear a return to Oakhurst; nay--I will not go, not back to her."

The youth dabs at his one unswollen eye, wiping away wetness. "You have healed me and spoken not ungently; better fare than I have received in my cell at the hands of the vile creatures inhabiting this dungeon. If you will not aid me in recovering my sister, then, I beg you, at least do not tell Her Ladyship that you have found us alive. If she hears that we yet live, she will hunt us down to some evil purpose, of that I am certain. I want what any man wants--freedom to live as well as he may chose with a heart free of worries, and a place in this world of his own. I am Talgren Feist. My sister is Sharwyn Feist. You are well-met folk. Please, forgive me my unkindness; these have been dark days."


I'm willing to tell your evil aunt that you died, all we need is to recover the rings and one we already have.
Reply the big orc from behind.
Once I rip the money from old hag we'll take you to Greyhawk and take the money you offer us.
In that moment Grotz becomes excited.
With all the money there is a chance I could free mom fro Molag.

The youth leans past Elyan and Kaeleen to view Grotzkoshter. "You have an Hucrele signet ring?" The lad's voice rings out with fear. "Is it my sister's or mine? May I see?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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