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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


First Post
"Your story is a dark one of betrayal and grief. Truly, you been ill-used by your aunt - and it's no wonder you don't wish to return there."

"We will certainly help you seek out your sister - and her child, if that is her wish. For assuredly this villain Belak means no good by the ravishing of a maiden and the stealing of a baby."

[sblock=OOC]Sense Motive (+0) to discern the trustworthiness of his story.[/sblock]"As for this ..."

Elyan digs the ring out of his pouch and rolls it between thumb and forefinger, as if the very touch of it could whisper secrets.

"Tell me, please, what enchantment it bears. You understand - I must be cautious."

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Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 2

As he tells his story, Kaeleen tries to tell his truthfulness.

OOC: Sense Motive +3

[sblock=Elyan]Elyan doesn't get a sense of the youth's veracity or disingenuousness either way. The boy's story seems to be spoken from the heart, but then again his tale is fairly far-fetched.[/sblock]
[sblock=Kaeleen]Talgren's story rings a bell with Kaeleen. He certainly does not seem to be lying, however far-fetched his tale might seem. From my discourse with you when we incorporated Kaeleen into the story last October, I hope you will remember this tidbit of character background:

"Kaeleen was captured north of Oakhurst by a band of goblins lead by a very strange male human in hide who seemed to be a believer of some primitive divine shaman spirit. Regardless, the human was in command of the goblins and they did his bidding. Before being knocked unconscious and carted off to her current whereabouts in an underground dungeon, Kaeleen saw the man and can well enough remember his appearance and nature. The man carried a silver sickle and used a smooth green stick approximately six inches in length to command the reeds and rushes alongside the byway to entangle and ensnare Kaeleen's party. Perhaps fairly distinctively, the man had a giant tree frog as his companion."[/sblock]
Talgren barely has time to mumble his thanks before Elyan produces the signet ring. The youth's one good eye lights up in recognition. "You found it! That's Sharwyn's ring!" The lad looks up from the ring at Elyan, seeming to notice for the first time that the man before him is blind. Kaeleen and Karl detect a hint of uncertainty on the youth's face, as if the boy is suddenly unsure what use a blind minstrel might be in recovering his sister in a dungeon filled to the gills with evil. In more muted disheartened tones, Talgren continues, "The rings are a mated pair given us by Her Ladyship. As far as I know, both rings serve as wards against harm and will keep evil at bay. Though..." Talgren pauses, pensive. "since they were a gift of Her Ladyship, there may be other magic woven into the gold, or the original magic may be warped. You keep it, I don't want it. I shouldn't want anything of hers just now."

Talgren picks his way past Kaeleen and Elyan and, stepping from his fetid cell, blinks into the dimly lit chamber. "How far below ground are we? And do you have a sword or a knife you can spare?"


Here, take my axe.
The Half Orc unties the hand axe he found in this dungeon and hands it to the human.
Now, if the ring we found belong to your sister, who took yours, the goblins or the druid?

The youth takes the axe offered him by Grotzkoshter. While the instrument is heavy and the lad is obviously still weak from captivity and repeated beatings at the hands of his captors, Talgren wields the axe well enough and nods in satisfaction. "My thanks." Looking uncertainly up at the half-orc, Talgren nods resignedly. "I'm not sure. I remember the hide-skinned man eyeing my ring. I wore my aunt's signet even as we began our forced march south through the hills outside Oakhurst, but when I woke, down here in this pit, I had little on my person other than the plainclothes you see on me now. I'm afraid I haven't eaten anything proper in quite some time. Have you food, or water? I thirst, and will be of better use to you if a bite or two could find its way to my stomach."


Karl silently passes the boy his waterskin and considers the story that has been shared with them. The seemingly harmless old lady, caught up in some horrific scheme. Who knows what these people are capable of doing. . . and hiding. Fair faces can hide dark motives.

Refreshed, Talgren points west. "Whenever they'd come for their daily sport, I'd try to linger awake as long as the pain would permit so as to hear which way the hobgoblins left. They never failed to leave by that door there. I've some skill in tracking beasts. Are the four of you prepared to go on the hunt?" The youth crouches down and hunts along the floor for tracks, shaking his head in woe. "Too many other prints, now. And the stone too bare."


Water?! Let's cheer on some ale
It is a good opportunity to drink, the half orc lowers the basket and the keg, and hands a cup to each of the members, even his kobold slave.
Let's raise a toast to a good wealth in the future.

After the short feast, the big brute follows the ranger, using his big hand on Meepo's shoulder to keep his lizard slave close by.


Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 2

Kaeleen pulls one of the rations she found recently and hands it to the lad. "Aye! This remainds me of the man I saw when I was captured. The one I told you of in our first meeting. Remember? He lead the goblins in the attack on us. He wore hide, carried a silver sickle and used a green stick to command the reeds and rushes to entangle and ensnare us. The man also had a giant tree frog as his companion." She pauses for a moment. "The rest of this lad's story rings true as well. This Kerowyn that you speak of must be vile indeed. She must be dealt with in time."

Voidrunner's Codex

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