CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


Grotzkoshter rushes into the room, his focus on the threat of the archer, but he keeps an eye on the cowering goblins as well, any threatening move and he'll chop down females and elders as well.
When reaching to the goblin, he arcs his greataxe in the air, an arch that her only purpose is to slice the goblin's body to two.

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Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen peeks out ready to fire and upon seeing that turn of events, rushes forward to where Talgren is and checks on the youth.

OOC: Heal check (+9) on Talgren for First-Aid.


Knowing his own foe has dropped, and hearing the falling thud of Grotz's victim over his own shallow breathing, Karl is able to relax slightly. As Elyan's spell courses through him, his breathing calms somewhat and he looks to the bard.


He steps out from behind the pillar, and moves forward into the room, limiting his forward movement to the doorway, not wishing to run ahead of the others.

Kaeleen peeks out ready to fire and upon seeing the trio of hobgoblins are ruined, instead rushes forward to where Talgren is and checks on the youth. Kaeleen turns the boy over and, checking for signs of life, finds the youth to be well and truly dead.

Knowing his own foe has dropped, and hearing the falling thud of Grotz's victim over his own shallow breathing, Karl is able to relax slightly. As Elyan's spell courses through him, his breathing calms somewhat and he looks to the bard. "Thanks." Stepping out from behind the pillar, Karl moves forward into the room but, not wishing to run ahead of the others, limits his forward movement to the doorway.

Grotzkoshter rushes past Karl into the room, his focus on the threat of the archer. The half-orc also keeps an eye on the cowering goblins on the trash heap as well, watchful for any threatening moves even from the females and elders. Grotz advances on the goblin bowman, arcs his greataxe in the air, and promptly cleaves the creature in twain. 19 points of damage.

Elyan turns to his left and hears the soft but ready sound of kobold claws scritch scratching away down a hallway. The bard hisses for Karl and Kaeleen's attention. "It would appear that our good friend Meepo thinks to make his escape down yonder hallway." Elyan points to the left, to a spot where only moment ago the kobold had been standing but that is now empty.

The remaining goblin, having dropped its shortbow, flees with all haste through the open door, then slams the wooden door closed. The tribe of unarmed goblin wretches, women, children, and the very old and sick, shrink from Grotzkoshter's imposing form inside the room. The tribe huddles, trembling with fear, as far away from Grotz and Karl as they can get.

Kaeleen 21
Karl 12
Grotz 8
Elyan 6
Goblins 4

[sblock=Die rolls]Kaeleen, Heal 19 (roll = 10)
Grotzkoshter, greataxe AC 23, 1d12+7 TH dmg (rolls = 14, 12)
Elyan, Listen 14 (roll = 5)
Karl, Listen 13 (roll = 8)
Kaeleen, Listen 12 (roll = 7)[/sblock]


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Not aware to the fact that is lizard slave fled, Grotz boo the elders and females with intimidating gestures, he then quickly rolls the wooden table to block the door te goblin fled through. (Door I10)


Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen turns and heads south through the door and once in the south room looks around for the kobold, Meepo. She also listens for any sign of the kobold.

Kaeleen turns and heads south through the door and, once in the south room, looks around for the kobold, Meepo. Not seeing any sign of the creature, Kaeleen puts out a sharp elf ear and listens. Sure enough, padding away down the hall containing the pit from which the group rescued her comes the soft clacking of Meepo's scaly clawed feet. The kobold is expending no small amount of energy attempting to quietly flee.

Intending to find out where the lone goblin fled to, Karl quickly crosses the chamber with the goblins and, passing by the table in the center of the room, carefully manuevers over to the closed wooden door.

Karl can open the door, if he so chooses. I haven't had him do so quite yet.

Not aware that his lizard slave has fled, Grotz boos the elders and females with intimidating gestures, then quickly rolls the wooden table to block the door through which the goblin fled. Karl puts up a hand to stop Grotz. "Maybe we want to have a look first."

Elyan nudges Rogue on the side. "Rogue, guard!" The dog pads across the long pillared hall to take up watch near the open door on the south wall. Moving forward, Elyan finds his way to Talgren and the fallen hobgoblins. Talgren has little other than his signet ring and the weapon on loan to him. The hobgoblin leader has a bastard sword, scale mail, and a small flask of firebrand--a potion, perhaps. The other two hobgoblin brutes each have well-oiled studded leather, a light shield, and one longsword. None of the three has a coin purse or other accoutrement.

At Grotzkoshter's intimidating gestures and growls, the pack of goblinkin shrink tightly against the wall and fall entirely silent. Save for the irritating squeaking cry of an ugly infant whose mother frantically shushes it, the tribe quakes in quiet fear at their approaching fate.

End of initiative, please post at will.


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[sblock=Orcish] Karl, Gobbos behind the door, let's block it and try the others. [/sblock]
After booing the children more, Grotzkoshter goes and picks the Hobgoblin's bastard sword and checks her balance, if the sword proves to be useful, Grotz will un strap the
Sheath and tie the sheath and the sword to his waist.

That Ranger is a Fool human.
Grotz exclaims as he sees Talgren's body.
Take his ring
He adds toward Elyan


Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen chases after Meepo trying to get past him to stop him from moving further away.

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