Ohio Gameday (January 18th) Game Sign Up


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Hello out there to Everyone. As of now these are the games we and the timeslots we have. If you have a game you'd like to run, please post it or e-mail me. If you'd like to play in one of these announced games, please post or e-mail me. The other Ohio Gameday thread is: http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29073

Ohio Gameday. It's going to be January 18th at the Ohio Union (that's on the Ohio State Campus). Now we are going to have people say if they want to Run a Game or just play. Also, if you have a descrtiption for your game, well you know the drill.

Okay we have 4 games right now. (all times and games are suspect to change)10-2, 3-7, and 8-12

10am-2pm (or there abouts)

Enkhidu - Paranoia game
Players(6): Crothian, Fett527, Menexenus, Clear Dragon

DanMcS: d20 Modern, 6 people, pregenerated characters
Players: LiVeWiRe, BButler, Quatermoon, LrdApoc, Quickbeam, Alex

3pm -7pm (or there abouts)

ashockney: Return to the Hall of the Fire Giant King (14th level characters)
Players: Fett527, Bubbalicious, BBUtler, DanMcS. Nightsend

Crothian – Whispering Woodwind (D&D, 6 people, 1st level, pregenerated characters. Characters can be seen: http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36492 )
Players: Aurora, dshai527, Clear dragon, Quickbeam, Alex, LiVeWiRe

8pm-12am (or there abouts)

dshai527: swashbuckling game for 6 pregenerated characters level 8
Players: Fett527, Bubbalicious, LiVeWiRe

Floating Games Gunter and others may have some pick up games to accomidate other people.

What You Need: I suggest everyuone who comes bring their usual gaming supplies like dice, books you'll need, pens/pencils, and paper. There are many places within walking distance for food. If people wnat to get together and organize the bringing of snacks and soft drinks that would great.

Prizes: Thanks to the great people at Mystic Eye Games we have been given prizes. I'm also thinking about getting some more. Each DM will recieve a book as a token of my thanks. I haven't decided how else to give things out so if you have any idea/suggestions I'm open to them.

Address of the Union:

Ohio Union
1739 N High St
Columbus, OH 43201

(Main Ofc-Reservations-Information 614/292-7924)

Gray Suite K is the room, it is in the southeast corner of the basement.
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Paranio Game

For immediate release:

Happy briefing to you,
Happy briefing to you,
Happy briefing loyal citizen,
Happy briefing to you!

The Computer requests your presence in Briefing Room Q527 in LAX sector at [Time Unavailable At Your Security Clearance] on the 18th daycycle of the first monthcycle of next yearcycle. Please be prompt. All tardy clones should instead report to BFE sector for reactor shielding duty.

Please RSVP by selecting one option:




Thank you! Have a nice daycycle!

Bramst-O-KER's Paranoia! is a 4 hour Paranoia game for 6 players. The adventure will be run by Enkhidu, and has been graciously supplied by PirateCat. Slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis, so please pre-register.


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Whispering Woodwind

This adventure will feature characters on their very first adventure. The module is written by Mark of Creative Mountain Games and has recieved high marks from the reviews. It is not a dungeoncrawl or a hackfest. It will feature the characters and involve a few different ways to get through the encounters.


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I will also play in the Return to the Hall of the Fire Giant King. I haven't played that high of level in 3rd ed, but once.
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I and my wife Aurora would like to be players in the Whispering Woodwind Game

I can also run a swashbuckling game for 6 pregenerated characters level 8 if there is interest, you can put it into any time slot, except the one I am playing in.
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dshai527 said:
I and my wife Aurora would like to be players in the Whispering Woodwind Game

I can also run a swashbuckling game for 6 pregenerated characters level 8 if there is interest, you can put it into any time slot, except the one I am playing in.

Oh yeah! I'm all about swashing buckles. Count me in for this one.


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Enk, fett and I go way back, they both play and have had a large role in developing my world.

Enk and I are neighbors and fett lives across town. We all went to high school together.

527 just happens to be the ultimate number in the universe, despite what hitchhikers guide says. If you really wanna know Ill explain at the event.

Read the story hour if you wanna good look at how we interact, and how insane we really are.


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Please, kind sir, to be adding me to your list of players for this Grand Event! Wouldn't mind playing in D'Shai's swashbuckling game (though I'm a little tired of looking at his face...Cripes he's scary lookin'!) and the high-level Return to the Hall of the Fire Giant King, though I'm flexible (socially...not so much physically). You mentioned a Thieves' World campign (though I realize you've decided not to run one) which would be fun. I also would love playing something old school like Rolemaster (though I can't DM as I loaned out all my materials about 14 years ago and have no idea where they got to, plus, Rolemaster stuff is impossible to find anymore.) Anyway, I'd love to play.


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I may decide to run a TW game, but that will depend on how things go. Other systems are welcome if people want to run them.

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