Ohio Gameday (January 18th) Game Sign Up

gunter uxbridge

First Post
My current plan it to show up and run some freelance games. I MIGHT have a new job with a schedule to be determined later, so I don't want to put anything in concrete. Besides, having some unannounced games gives some flexibility to the day. I intend to run at least a four hour D&D 3E game and maybe a Star Wars or Star Trek RPG game. No need to sign up, since who knows how this will play out.

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First Post
dshai527 said:
Read the story hour if you wanna good look at how we interact, and how insane we really are.

I'm not insane. Really I'm not. You believe me right? I mean it's not like I would rip your heart out for writing a check in the cash only lane.

Wait...I did do that.

OK, so I didn't rip her heart out, but I would have if dshai and Enk hadn't been holding me back!


First Post
gunter uxbridge said:
My current plan it to show up and run some freelance games. I MIGHT have a new job with a schedule to be determined later, so I don't want to put anything in concrete. Besides, having some unannounced games gives some flexibility to the day. I intend to run at least a four hour D&D 3E game and maybe a Star Wars or Star Trek RPG game. No need to sign up, since who knows how this will play out.

That's great and I encourage people to have something extra to run just in case. I'm going to try to have something a little extra myself. Hope to see you there and thanks.


Hey, I just realized I've been too dumb to sign up for a game. Get me into that Halls of the Fire Giant King game, please? I'll be running in the morning, and I'll probably be around in the evening to hang out or play pick-up or organize a steady 3e game :) Gotta network, gotta network.

Teaser for the d20 modern game (at 10 am, good lord who thought that up, the only thing scary that early is the sunlight):

A peaceful evening on the town. Your team is on rest and recovery from the last mission (zombie toddlers, your skin still crawls). Dinner and a concert, and you're walking back to your car when...

Voidrunner's Codex

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