TUW: Boga City


Gamer Extraordinaire
You are here representing Southroad Fair. We are hearing good things about that developing community.

Sannit says with a smile, "We are always open to fair trade. The 2% fee is accepted. We understand the costs of maintaining a commercial hub such as this one. Yes, we were planning on entering the city. Can you recommend a place to stay that allows pets?"

Bolo turns with pride to Turtle and says, "He is perfectly well behaved." She motions and Turtle attempts to stand on his hind legs and shake hands with the man.

Turtle understands that it is important to Bolo to show that he is not dangerous to people in the city. It's a funny trick.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund stays back with the burros, happy to let Sannit do the negotiating. He never was much for diplomatic small talk.

He sends Feroz the proper impressions to let him know that it might be better for him to stay outside the city. Saemund thanks Feroz for his help in scouting ahead of the party.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sheldon said:
"...As far as guards go, gate duty is the worst. It is where the incompetent and lazy are stationed. I don't foresee any real difficulty in fooling one."

Merin scoffs, "Ironic, isn't it? The front line of security, the first contact point with a potential enemy, is the place where the least effective soldiers are assigned. I had no idea that anyone in a command / leadership role would assign personnel in such an irresponsible manner. It goes against all logic, at least to my mind; but if what you say is true, then I am glad of it. So much the better for us."

Sheldon said:
"...That may be a little overly hopeful. This talent we have for compulsion take another mental faculties away from them. The victim may no longer be able to provide anything since they are effectively a simpleton."

Sheldon said:
"...Instead of taking full control of another person's mind, we could use this same task to push a suggestion upon them." (Such as...)"...I am a Regular Soldier."

Merin ponders this for a moment, "I don't get it. What's the difference between suggesting, 'I am a regular soldier,' and suggesting 'I am a lifelong and trusted friend'? I'm talking about pushing the suggestion, not complete mental control."

OOC: I know this is a rules question, but I thought that if it were explained in-character, it might help everyone understand it better.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 197: Doldrums 47: Outside the Southern Gate

Sannit says with a smile,
"... The 2% fee is accepted.... Yes, we were planning on entering the city. Can you recommend a place to stay that allows pets?"
Bolo turns with pride to Turtle and says,
Kwargrow said:
"He is perfectly well behaved."
She motions and Turtle attempts to stand on his hind legs and shake hands with the man.
GM: The clerk cocks his head in surprise at the unnatural behavior, but he smiles, laughs, and offers his hand to the bears paw, which Turtle shakes gently before returning to all fours.

"I am sure it will be acceptable as canines are welcome within the city, but I do need to check to make sure. Obviously a bear, especially this bear, is not something to be left in a stable."

Saemund stays back with the burros, happy to let Sannit do the negotiating. He never was much for diplomatic small talk.

He sends Feroz the proper impressions to let him know that it might be better for him to stay outside the city. Saemund thanks Feroz for his help in scouting ahead of the party.
GM: Feroz glides effortlessly through the clear sky. Though there is a multitude of activity in and around the city, he observes it all. Nothing, however, gives him any call for alarm.

The large hawk encounters other birds as he flies his circuits. Apparently with this much activity, the city is a good place to hunt for small varmints and other birds of prey circle the skies. The unavoidable loss of grain from the harvesters provides a buffet of food for pigeons and doves, a favorite of hawks and kites. At one point Feroz is irritated by wayward crow, but the powerful bird barely pays it any mind and the crow goes on about its way.

As he swoops low to sense contact with Saemund, Feroz takes rest upon an archer spire atop the ramparts of the inner wall. As he lands there, Saemund notices a falcon sitting upon the very next spire. He is confident that not only will Feroz be able to fly the skies high over the city to keep watch, he will be able to do discretely, blending with other birds, and finding ample food.

All the while, only a simple gesture from Saemund would be needed to call the birds to his side.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor says, "Yes, the 2% fee is perfectly understandable. We also have iron bricks, and extra mining tools, among other things, that we'd also be willing to trade. Are there any smiths here that would be interested?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Discussing Way

Merin ponders this for a moment,
"I don't get it. What's the difference between suggesting, 'I am a regular soldier,' and suggesting 'I am a lifelong and trusted friend'? I'm talking about pushing the suggestion, not complete mental control."
Sheldon responds quickly, without any real internal deliberation.
"This one I understand. It has to do with memory. 'I am a soldier. I am a teamster.' Either of these is more than plausible and common. I would guess that a soldier would have more privilege than a dock worker or caravaner, so I would pick that, instead.

'The lifelong friend' delves into the memory of the other person. It would not be a plausible or even a reasonable suggestion. Neither would something like, 'I am a Magister you fool. Stand aside.'

Sure we can develop enough skill to push a ridiculous suggestion, but it would leave residues of stupor. The more reasonable a suggestion; the easier it is to suggest and pass unrealized


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 197: Doldrums 47: Outside the Southern Gate, part 2

Tor says,
"Yes, the 2% fee is perfectly understandable. We also have iron bricks, and extra mining tools, among other things, that we'd also be willing to trade. Are there any smiths here that would be interested?"
The clerk nods as he speaks.
"Yes. So a weaver, a butcher, a metallurgist, and I need to check on the bear. Once you return from speaking with one of the farmers or sheepherders, I should be back with an answer and vendors. Happy Hunting."

GM: Speaking with one of the families of sheepherders because it seems the most reasonable to be keeping the burros, the Seekers find them overly impressed with the pack animals, especially when Indigo simply tells them to look after the sheep and stay with them. Though they do not understand Asylin, they are still surprised at the response to spoken commands.

They agree to feed and corral the animals for a mere 2 clams, each, a day. The party readily offers 24 clams up front, having no foreknowledge of nor made decision of the possible length of stay.

GM: When the party travels back to the gate, the clerk is waiting along with four other people. The clerk is a middle-aged Centrin man. He is accompanied by a middle-aged Centrin woman, a young adult Kozzog man, a middle-aged Amiradthan man, and a Spiofthest man of an indeterminable age, though he seems old, yet ageless.

The Spiofthest who is dressed in luxurious deep green silk garments addresses the party in Ansylin.
"Good day, explorers. I am Zaelostrymiran, the city's Trade Commissioner. When Thomas, the clerk here, inquired about allowing a bear into the city, I was intrigued and wanted to meet you."

GM: The man walks directly to Turtle without the least reservation and scratches him behind his ears. Turtle actually leans in toward the man, which Bolo finds uncharacteristic due to his loyalty to her and surprising.

"I would certainly welcome this fine sun bear into the city. I am currently working on re-cultivating the fine park that angles across the entire expanse, which he and you, young lady, should find comforting. The Adventurer's Inn would also allow the bear to stay in a room with you, if you are staying, but it can be expensive. There are also a few other establishments that would be accepting. I sure you will have no difficulty.

I am truly impressed with the speckled kine you were able to capture. Thomas, here, surmises that your pack animals are well trained. That is a good tactic. There hides and meat are prized and they are difficult for hunters to bring down, not to mention transport. Bringing them in live is quite novel.

If that reptilian you are all wearing is indication of your talent, I am sure you are headed for a lucrative future. There are members of the Guard you would give their weight to be able to buy some of that. I have heard that Southroad Fair is indeed offering some phenomenal leather work. If this is true, I can see of the more adept guardsmen willing to make the long trip when they are off duty.

Anyway, I think I am beginning to prattle. It is good to meet the lot of you

I am pausing here before conducting business with the party encase any characters want to engage in conversation.
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Vadin says to the trade commissioner "It is good to meet you Zaelostrymiran, thank you for the welcome, and hospitality. Perhaps we can meet some of these guardsmen while we are here."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Ironic, isn't it? The front line of security, the first contact point with a potential enemy, is the place where the least effective soldiers are assigned.

Sannit replies, "It's an important thing to know too, because what works on one guard won't necessarily work on another. More sensitive areas will be protected by better guards. We need to be careful with how we apply our suggestions."

At the gate:
I am Zaelostrymiran, the city's Trade Commissioner.

Sannit says, "I am Sannit and this is my mate, Bolo. We do have a few more questions. Can we carry our weapons inside the city? Also, are there any parts of the city that we should avoid? Sacred areas and such?"

I have heard that Southroad Fair is indeed offering some phenomenal leather work.

Sannit smiles and glances down over his attire. "Yes, that is true. The leather work in our town is second to none. If you choose to make a trip to Southroad Fair, be sure and meet with Mayor Giodavi. I am certain you will be pleased with the advancements our town is making under his leadership."

Sylvar B.

Saemund pipes up. Master Zaelostrymiran, i'm always interested in increasing my skill in martial combat, do you know of any fighters of exceptional skill in the city?

Voidrunner's Codex

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