TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor cannot believe what he is seeing; his reaction is probably not what the Mhytres are expecting. He laughs heartily, as he unslings his shield and draws his sword. "So, little red-skinned pups, it's to be treachery, is it? Come, let's dance awhile, and find out what you're made of."

Merin says nothing, but wears a look of disgust on his face. He is preparing to manipulate Way.

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Vadin watches the Mhtyres take the burro and feels a little anger, then hearing Tor cools down. However, he can't let these thieves take what is not their's, especially this burro so recently caught. He draws his sword and says, "my little friends, you can't go and take what does not belong to you. No bother, you all will be dealt with soon enough."
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Sylvar B.

Saemund pulls his axe from its loop and turns toward the Mhytre nearest to him and attempts to induce fear in him using way. Saemund attempts similar methods he used to calm the animals. Only in this case he projects deep fear and anxiety. Saemund also tries to sense the individuals heart beat.

If the Mhytre runs Saemund will leave him be and turn to the next closest and attempt the same. If the Mhytre fights Saemund will engage.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit shrugs and says, "And this is where the training pays off." He intends to thrust his spear at the mhytre to his left between him and Bolo.

Bolo smiles, letting the mhytres see the scarred side of her face. She will not use her bow, but intends to attack the one to her back with her kukri's. As she strikes she will use Way to Rend her target, hopefully dropping his body even further.

Turtle growls and intends to strike the one in front of him to his right, sweeping with his paws to knock the mhytre off his feet.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin intends to manipulate sonic energy at their heads, in an attempt to deafen them; this should produce a type of stun effect.

Tor intends to shield bash the closest Mhytre, using way to augment the bash, and knock the Mhytre down; when that happens, he'll stick the Mhytre in the gut with his sword.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 122: Provoked Reactions, Part 2

Vadin ... draws his sword...
OOC: Rection = Sequence - Hindrance = 191 - 120 = 71

The Mhytre immediately in front of Vadin draws his hammer.
OOC: 186 - 80 = 106

GM: The Mhytre's smaller weapon is quicker on the draw. He steps forward punching the hammer at Vadin's chest rather than swinging it, laughing to himself the whole while. Clearly he is thinking that despite Vadin's superior height, he is to be no match for the mass of the Mhytre.

OOC: Non-Lethal Attack:
  • Fury (Collegiate Task) + Lethality (Commercial Task) + d100 +
  • Body + Strength + Might +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom +
  • Combat + Melee + Short
This task considers attacking an opponent with a blunt weapon or bodily with head, foot, fist, etc. Non-lethal attacks are intended to incapacitate an opponent (loss of Mind); but if significant, enough and cause bodily harm and ultimately death. The Collegiate skill of Lethality is still applicable since knowing where to strike is still important.
Mhytre: 53 + 49 + 52 + 83 = 237

OOC: Defend vs Attack:

  • Konokoro (Collegiate Task) + Defensiveness (Commercial Task) +
  • Body + Motility + Flexibility + Agility
  • Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom +
  • Combat + Melee
This task is considered reflexive or subconscious in nature, as it applies even if the defender is slower than the attacker. The defender must, however, be aware of the attacker, as being surprised allows for no defense.
Vadin: 40 + 29 + 47 = 116
Effectiveness: 237 - 116 = 121
Damage: 121% * 20 = 24 - 16(soak) = 8
Mind: 10 - 8 = 2 dazed

The power in the Mhytre's arm is formidable. He hits Vadin squarely in the chest knocking him backward into the burro behind him. Vadin is not injured, but having the wind knocked from him has him slightly dazed. The burro saves Vadin from falling onto his back. He bounces forward off of it going to his knees as he thrusts forward with his sword.

OOC: Lethal Attack:

  • Fury (Collegiate Task) + Lethality (Commercial Task) + d100
  • Body + Strength + Might +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom +
  • Combat + Melee +
This tasks requires the use of a weapon, though any sharp object held in the hand and used to strike an opponent is considered a weapon for the purpose of determining the outcome of this task. Lethal attacks are intended to damage the body of an opponent. They may also cause a loss of mental faculty (loss of Mind) and ultimately death (loss of Essence).
Vadin: 39 + 57 + 48 + 83 = 227
Mhytre: 48 + 28 + 50 + 72 = 198
Effectiveness: 227 - 198 = 29
Damage: 29% * 30 = 9 - 30(soak): ineffective

Vadin's thrust catches one of the pieces of metal on the Mhytre's chest deflecting his sword harmlessly aside. The Mhytre is still laughing.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 122: Provoked Reactions, Part 3

Saemund pulls his axe from its loop and turns toward the Mhytre nearest to him and attempts to induce fear in him using way...
OOC: Reaction = Sequence - Hindrance = 186 - 100 = 66

As Saemund begins drawing his axe and stepping between Tor and Sannit, the corresponding Mhytre draws his hammer and steps toward him.

OOC: Reaction = 186 - 80 = 106

GM: Saemund's axe is too slow, but his ability to manipulate way is faster. The Mhytre is beginning his attack as Saemund's attempt at fear hits him.
OOC: Compel:
Range / Affect:

  • Cohesion + Evocation +
  • Persona + Psyche

  • Essence + Cohesion + Evocation +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Persona + Wisdom + Psyche +
  • Collegiate + Theologic + d100
This causes the loss of Will and Mind in the intended target. If a target's Will is reduced below 1, it may be commanded to perform any possible non-combat task, though commands may be severely limited in the case of a language barrier or if the target is an animal.
Saemund: 66 + 98 + 81(luck) = 245

OOC: Resist Compel:

  • Skepticism (Commercial Task) + Tranquility (Collegiate Task) + d100
Mhytre: 30 + 55 + 51 = 136
Effectiveness: 245 - 136 = 109
Damage: 109% * 15 = 16
Will: 10 - 16 = -6: afraid
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4: dazed
Duration: Damage * Hours / (Cohesion + Persona) = 16 / (11 + 10) = 46 minutes

The Mhytre stops in mid attack. A look of startlement then fear crosses his face. He quickly back away a few steps, then turns and runs around to the ledge on the far side of the cave opening, then out of sight.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 122: Provoked Reactions, Part 4

Sannit shrugs and says, "And this is where the training pays off." He intends to thrust his spear at the mhytre to his left between him and Bolo.
OOC: Reaction = Sequence - Hindrance = 173 - 50 = 123

Both the Mhytre to Sannit's left and the one in front draw hammers.
OOC: Reaction = 186 - 80 = 106

GM: Sannit moves his Alu-steel Lanzita in a fluid motion from rest to thrust toward the left Mhytre, keeping his eyes relaxed and his head position centered to maintain his awareness of both assailants.
OOC: Lethal Attack:

  • Fury (Collegiate Task) + Lethality (Commercial Task) + d100
  • Body + Strength + Might +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom +
  • Combat + Melee + Pole
This tasks requires the use of a weapon, though any sharp object held in the hand and used to strike an opponent is considered a weapon for the purpose of determining the outcome of this task. Lethal attacks are intended to damage the body of an opponent. They may also cause a loss of mental faculty (loss of Mind) and ultimately death (loss of Essence).
Sannit: 51 + 58 + 69 + 84 = 262

OOC: Defend vs Attack:

  • Konokoro (Collegiate Task) + Defensiveness (Commercial Task) +
  • Body + Motility +
  • Mind + Knowledge +
  • Combat + Melee
Mhytre: 48 + 28 + 50 = 126
Effectiveness: 262 - 126 = 136
Damage: 136% * 22 = 30 - 8 = 22
Body: 10 - 22 = -12: incapacitated
Mind: 10 - 12 = -2: unconscious
Essence: 10 - 2 = 8: still alive

Sannit's spear tip just misses one of the metal plates, piercing through the leather hide just under the left side of the rib cage. The Mhytre had barely time to draw his hammer as he falls to the ground unconscious.

GM: The second Mhytre is already committed to his action. He swings the hammer laterally, hoping to connect with Sannit's chest over his out-thrust spear.
OOC: Non-Lethal Attack: Fury + Lethality + Rank + d100 = 53 + 49 + 52 + 83 = 237
Defend: Konokoro + Defensiveness + Rank + d100 = 47 + 33 + 71 + 65 = 216
Effectiveness: 237 - 216 = 21
Damage: 21% * 20 = 4 - 8(soak) = -4: ineffective

The Mhytre's hammer just does make its mark, but the corded silk hauberk under Sannit's armored hauberk absorbs the force of the blow.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 122: Provoked Reactions, Part 5

Bolo smiles, letting the Mhytres see the scarred side of her face. She will not use her bow, but intends to attack the one to her back with her kukri. As she strikes she will use Way to Rend her target, hopefully dropping his body even further.
OOC: Reaction: Sequence - Hindrance = 180 - 80 = 100, 180 - 100 = 80

The Mhytre who is the focus of Bolo's attention laughs and jumps at her, intending to body slam her in hopes of knocking her to the ground.
OOC: Reaction: 186 - 20 = 166

GM: Bolo knows that the Mhytre's overt attack is intended as in insult.
OOC: Non-Lethal Attack:

  • Fury (Collegiate Task) + Lethality (Commercial Task) + d100
  • Body + Strength + Might +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom +
  • Combat + Weaponless
Mhytre: 53 + 49 + 48 + 81 = 231

OOC: Defend vs Attack:

  • Konokoro (Collegiate Task) + Defensiveness (Commercial Task) +
  • Body + Motility + Flexibility +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom + Acuity
  • Combat + Melee
Bolo: 52 + 33 + 53 = 138
Effectiveness: 231 - 138 = 93
Damage: 93% * 10 = 9 - 12(soak) = -3: ineffective

The Mhytre does indeed knock Bolo to the ground, their difference in masses being significant. Bolo's armor, however, absorbs the force of the impact, and she suffers no ill effects, swinging her kukri from her prone position just before she completes manipulating Way.
OOC: Lethal Attack: Fury + Lethality + Rank + d100 = 57 + 52 + 51 + 93 = 253
Defend: Konokoro + Defensiveness + Rank + d100 = 48 + 28 + 50 + 73 = 199
Effectiveness: 253 - 199 = 54
Damage: 54% * 22 = 12 - 8(soak) = 4
Body: 10 - 4 = 6: hurt

Bolo avoids hitting the metal plate on the Mhytre's leg and cuts through the leather padding causing some minor damage, but 1/5 of a second later, her real affront assaults.
OOC: Rend:
Range / Affect: Adhesion + Will

  • Essence + Adhesion +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + d100
This causes an inexplicable loss of Body in an intended target. If the target's Body is reduced below 1, it becomes incapacitated.
Bolo: 58 + 73 = 131

OOC: Resist Rend:
  • Conditioning (Commercial Task)+ Bolster (Collegiate Task) + d100
Mhytre: 33 + 0 + 77 = 110
Effectiveness: 131 - 110 = 21
Damage: 21% * 18 = 4
Body: 6 - 4 = 2: hurt

The Mhytre cannot understand why such a little scratch hurts so much.
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