[Rokugan] Blood and Cherry Blossoms

Isida Kep'Tukari

Dark Nemesis said:

As Cho looked about the room, he is able to see a number of interesting people. In a nearby corner, three Scorpions were speaking quietly to a young man who bore the Mantis mon. A moment later, the conversation ended and the Mantis wandered away, accompanied by one of the Scorpions. The two that remained were a tall, slender woman, and a burly yojimbo. The woman, who also bore the Yogo mon, glanced about the room, before finally looking to Cho. She smiled and moved closer to him.

“How pleasant! I do not get the opportunity to speak with many members of the Dragon clan. Good evening to you!”
*Cho is a bit surprised that anyone of this exalted company would wish to speak to a mere monk, for he certainly had not distinguished himsef yet in any contest before thier eyes. He was slightly tall, solidly built, with not a single hair upon his body. He wore only simple monk's clothing with a fine haori over it made of green silk and tied with a simple light green obi. A fine dragon was stiched on the back. Still somewhat visible under the haori was the large sun tattoo that covered Cho's chest. Cho bows to the Scorpian woman politely.*

"I greet you, great lady. I am Togashi Cho, ise zumi of the Dragons," he says with a nod of his head. "I have not yet had the pleasure of speaking with any of your clan."

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Dark Nemesis said:

“You will find, Renshi-san, that this is only the beginning,” Boten-sama replied with a faint chuckle. “The festival has not truly begun, but when it has, the flurry of activity will truly be a sight to see. I expect you to keep your eyes open, for only then will you be able to appreciate this experience.”

"I will keep them open, Sensei," Renshi manages a somewhat nervous nod after a long look over everything again. Suddenly, a thought comes to mind and he finds himself speaking before thinking about the question, "How many of those here will be involved in the competition tommorrow...?"


First Post
Shosuro Reiko

Reiko watched closely as the pair continued on with their conversation. From where we stood, he couldn’t really make what the two were talking about. Other than the clans to which they belonged, he couldn’t figure anything else.

Deciding that the best course was that of the direct approach, Reiko moved towards the two with the intent of conversation while keeping an eye on the two bodyguards.

Dark Nemesis

First Post

“Yes…. yes, perhaps you are right,” Kaitsu replied. He then paused a moment, before offering Ai a small smile. “Yes, Ai-chan, I think that a walk would be nice. You always seem so calm about everything, maybe its from all the time you spend in peaceful gardens.” He took a deep breath, trying to relax.


“Soon, Kitsune-san, very soon. Bayushi-sama should be arriving shortly, and when he does, the feast will begin. Tell me, will you be competing in any of the upcoming competitions?” Shiori asked, curiosity in her dark eyes.


“Eh, he enjoys word games more than the test of blades,” Mitsumi replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Once he arrives, I will introduce you. I also look forward to the opportunity to practice together.”


As he watched, the Mantis soon left in the company of one of the Yogo samurai, while the woman and the remaining samurai left the corner to speak with a tattooed man wearing a haori with a dragon stitched onto the back. As he drew nearer, he could hear their conversation.

(OOC: See Cho’s post)


“Togashi-san, it is an honor to meet you. I am Yogo Aiko, a shugenja in the service of Bayushi-sama. It is rare to see Dragons away from their mountain. Are you here for our humble festival or… some other business?” the Yogo asked with a small smile.


“It is difficult to say,” Boten-sensei replied. “Though, if they were planning to compete, I sure they would say so if asked.” He chuckled softly as he watched a nearby Crane woman speak quietly to a young man who also wore the Crane mon.


Guest 11456

Hyota : Male Human Shugenja 8

Dark Nemesis said:

“Soon, Kitsune-san, very soon. Bayushi-sama should be arriving shortly, and when he does, the feast will begin. Tell me, will you be competing in any of the upcoming competitions?” Shiori asked, curiosity in her dark eyes.

The young shugenja seems suddenly surprised.

"Competitions? I was not aware of any competitions. Please enlighten me of these competitions you speak of. I am not sure that I could. I mean for someone so young as me..."

Hyota trails off and smiles at the woman.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Dark Nemesis said:

“Togashi-san, it is an honor to meet you. I am Yogo Aiko, a shugenja in the service of Bayushi-sama. It is rare to see Dragons away from their mountain. Are you here for our humble festival or… some other business?” the Yogo asked with a small smile.
"Both, I am hopeful, Yogo-san. I am in service as a guard, but if circumstances permit, I would be honored to participate in the festival. Though I am still bewildered as to the full extent of all the various competitions. You seem to know the festival, could you enlighten a cloistered monk as to the challenges the festival will boast?" Cho says, his face becoming more animated as he speaks of being able to challenge others and win glory...


Itarabi Human Rogue/Courtier

Dark Nemesis said:

“Eh, he enjoys word games more than the test of blades,” Mitsumi replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Once he arrives, I will introduce you. I also look forward to the opportunity to practice together.”

"Ah dear lady would that the world were so simple a place that all could be settled with blades, but in these times a word in the wrong ear can be as deadly as a dozen katanas." He manages a half smile. "I'm sure our practice will be most satisfactory. I look forward to the intertwining of our blades." Inside Itarabi's stomach is churning. He can picture the report that his servant will have to send to his father. 'Noble sir, your son performed admirably in his duties and was able to get close to the subject and earn introduction to her other family members as well. Then she cut him in half with her sword at practice.' Not good, he would have to be careful. Something about this woman both frightened and intrigued him. Her blunt ways were so different from those he normally associated with in his role as a courtier.

Dark Nemesis said:

“It is difficult to say,” Boten-sensei replied. “Though, if they were planning to compete, I sure they would say so if asked.” He chuckled softly as he watched a nearby Crane woman speak quietly to a young man who also wore the Crane mon.

"Is that ah...um...subtle hint, Sensei?" Renshi asks with a smile creeping onto his face. He has another look over the gathering, taking in all of the colours and almost nervously scratching the back of his neck for a moment. He knew he should be better with such situations, but actually being confronted with one was much different than simply talking about it.

Dark Nemesis

First Post

Shiori paused, appearing to be a little surprised by Hyota’s lack of awareness regarding the competitions. However, she recovers quickly, before replying, “The competitions are part of the festival entertainment. There is one for the shugenja to test their skill against their peers. There will also be a dueling competition.” She then leaned closer, and said quietly, “There is also talk of one other test that Bayushi-sama is planning, a race within the labyrinth!”


“I am certain that the events that Bayushi-sama has planned will not be a challenge for one as enlightened as yourself,” Yogo-sama replied smoothly. “There is to be a dueling competition tomorrow, and a shugenja competition the day after that. I am certain that there will be a few other surprises in store, with much glory and honor to be had by those who triumph in those challenges.” She reached into one of the sleeves of her scarlet kimono, and withdrew a fan. She opened it with a flick of her wrist, before beginning to delicately fan herself. “Will you be taking part, Togashi-san?”


“As do I, Ikoma-san,” Mitsumi replied with a coy smile. She paused then, her eyes falling upon someone just behind him. “Ah, there his is. Come, Ikoma-san, my brother has arrived.” Grabbing Itarabi by the arm, she literally drags him through the crowd, making their way toward the main entrance. There, a slender man dressed in a pale blue kimono decorated with a dark green mantis awaited. He smiled as they approached, and bowed deeply to them both. “Seiyo! I was beginning to think you were not going to get here! I want you to meet someone.” Once they are nearer, she releases Itarabi’s hand. “This is that Lion I wrote to you about, Ikoma Itarabi. Itarabi-san, this is my brother, Tsuruchi Seiyo.”

Seiyo smiled at Itarabi, and bowed deeply to him. “It is an honor to meet you. My sister has told me much about you.”


“Bah,” Boten-sensei replied gruffly. “When you get to be my age, Renshi-san, you need not bother with subtlety. “After dinner, I expect you to go and mingle with the crowd. Perhaps even find a pretty girl,” he added with a mischievous smile.



Itarabi bows as well and smiles warmly. "I am honored to meet you. I am quite fond of your sister. She is a breath of fresh air. She tells me you are also a player of Sedane?"

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