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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


Karl glares backwards to Talgren, wishing the human had the sense to keep quiet. Still, it probably made no matter. The goblin knew they were here, and his friends soon would as well. He tightens his grip on his blade and watches the door warily as he waits for the others to join him, or something to come through from the other side.

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Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen draws her bow and an arrow and attempts to use the nearby column as cover as she prepares for what might come out of the double doors.

As Karl tightens his grip on his short sword and Grotzkoshter moves in, Elyan waits in place and Kaeleen skirts behind a pillar, drawing her bow and an arrow. Karl and Grotz, nearest the double doors, hear the gutteral burble of at least twenty goblin voices overlaid by occasional cursing in a harsh foreign tongue.

Half a beat later, both doors forcefully crash open, revealing a decently well-lit and large chamber. What may once have been a cathedral is now a goblin lair, thick with the filth of years of goblin life. Scores of wall and floor-mounted sconces filled with glowing violet-hued fungi provide illumination. In the sickening lavender light, dozens of goblins fearfully skulk at the far end of the chamber, near the southern wall. As is evidenced by the heaping pile of assorted junk, including wagon wheels, broken bits of armor, rusted arms, unhinged chests, small statuettes, badly mistreated antique furniture, and empty wooden picture frames, the goblins have been busy at work for many a long year conducting raids on surface settlements.

Most of the goblins in the room are unarmed and unarmored, and cower by this stashed tower of odds and ends, but four goblin bandits bearing shortbows flanked on either side by two large brutes stand behind an overturned table near the center of the large chamber. The brutes, while obviously of goblin blood of one variety or another, are quite unlike their smaller common brethren. Fully 6 and 1/2 feet tall, with hoary hair-covered skin, squinty feral eyes, flat noses, and tufted ears, both of the large brutes sport well-oiled studded leather, and a light shield and longsword each. From the shadows to the left of the doors steps a third brute, a creature like the other two save for his extra 12 inches of height, scale male, and gleaming bastard sword. From farther back in the long pillared hall, Talgren pales and cries out, "Hobgoblin bastards, where's my sister, you filthy mudblood!" The 7-foot-plus brute standing solo in the open doorway squints down the hall and, after sniffing the air, throatily roars a wicked, malice-filled laugh in reply. Jeers and taunts from the goblin bandits and the two other hobgoblin brutes resound down the long pillared hall, an echo of their leader.

Kaeleen 21
Karl 12
Hobgoblins 8
Grotz 8
Elyan 6
Talgren 5
Goblins 4


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First Post
When he hears the doors open, Elyan says, "Who's there. Tell me, now!"

When his allies reply, he quickly formulates a plan. "If you can, leave the leader to me. But if you have to attack him, let me know."

He then begins to sing. Depending on whether the leader is unscathed or not, he'll either move forward within range and cast Charm Person (DC 15) on him or else stay where he is and Inspire Courage in his own allies.


Grotz is stands behind the pillar as he knows the danger of being in the open when archers are on the enemy side. One hand holds tightly his great axe, ready to chop those who come any closer, the other hand hold on Meepo's shoulder, although his lizard slave don't understand him, the big brute says firmly. "Stay"

Ooc: You forgot to put little Meepo on the map, I think I didn't state this but my slave is coming with me, but because I didn't actually said it, I'll let you rule about this one. Sorry.


Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen peeks out from behind her column and quickly fires two arrows at the big hobgoblin in the doorway.


Karl remains behind his pillar, hoping to maintain cover from the archers, while drawing their enemies out into the corridor. He watches carefully, waiting for any for to come into his reach.

[sblock=ooc]Ready an action to attack any foe that closes in.

Attack +7 1d6+4 19-20
Sneak attack +2d6 as applicable[/sblock]

Kaeleen peeks out from behind her column and quickly fires two arrows at the big hobgoblin in the doorway. Both shots stick with rapid succession into the hobgoblin's shoulder, the first for 6 points of damage, the second for 4 points of damage. Some of the confident smirk falls away from the large brute's ugly mug as he grimaces in pain while snapping one of the arrows off at the haft in anger.

Maintaining cover from the goblin archers, Karl remains behind his pillar and readies his blade should any of the room's foes close.

From inside the room, the pair of studded-leather clad hobgoblins grip their longswords and rush forward to the open doorway to shield their leader from further harm.

Like Karl, Grotz stands behind his own pillar as he knows the danger of being in the open when archers are on the enemy's side. One hand tightly holds his great axe, ready to chop those who come near, and the other hand maintains a firm grasp on Meepo's shoulder. Though the lizard slave doesn't understand the common tongue, Grotz growls, "Stay" at the kobold. Judging by Meepo's quivering, the petite kobold has no intention of going anywhere, save for possibly a dead faint to the floor.

When he hears the doors open, Elyan says, "Who's there? Tell me, now!" Hearing his allies reply, Elyan quickly formulates a plan. "If you can, leave the leader to me. But if you have to attack him, let me know." Cut off by the sound of a bow string thrumming and the ensuing growl of pain from a hobgoblin further into the room, Elyan finds himself with answer enough. Staying put, Elyan lifts his voice in song, that the souls of his companions be bolstered with courage.

Talgren springs forward. Darting to Karl's left, the youth swings his weapon and swings at Hobgoblin2 (HG2) but misses rather badly. The pair of leather-clad brutes fill the long pillared hall with their gutteral jeers at the human's miss.

The three goblin archers standing behind the wooden table inside the chamber beyond the open doorway fire black-fletched arrows at Karl, Talgren, and Grotzkoshter. The cover provided by the stone pillars proves invaluable. Karl and Grotz are kept from harm, but Talgren is not so lucky. The arrow fired by Goblin2 (G2) sinks into the unarmored boy's mid-section, spilling Talgren's hot blood and dealing 2 points of damage.

Kaeleen 21
Karl 12
Hobgoblins 8
Grotz 8
Elyan 6
Talgren 5
Goblins 4


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